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concerned Dragoon

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  • concerned Dragoon

    Since i heard the Dragoon was a job, i wanted to be it. However, everyone seems critical of them, including the FFXI strat guide. It tries hard to make it seem like a good job, but it kinda fails. If you read the book, unbiased, and had to pick the worst job based on what you read, dragoon would be it. I guess i just want someone to tell me my fears are wrong. Do dragoons have a hard time finding parties? If they don't hit as hard as RNG, BLK, or DRK and don't tank as well as PLD or WARs, then what exactly are the benefit? i read the sticky and all that, but am i gonna sit around for 3 hours waiting for a PT, and if anyone has read the Guide and is a dragoon can you tell me if it true?
    Ashmaker Gotblut - 0/34
    Orcish Barricader - 1/14
    Orcish Wallbreacher - 0/12
    Hundredscar Hajwaj - 0/3
    Thousandarm Deshglesh - 1/4
    Valkrum Emperor - 1/8
    Leaping Lizzy - 1/7
    Spook: 5/15
    Crypt Ghost: 2/10

  • #2
    Dragoons have as hard of a time finding parties as Dark Knights Monks Samurais(maybe) and Rangers. They all fill the same roll in PT's so there simply aren't enough mages to go around for everyone to get a party. Somedays you'll get invites others you wont. If you want to play Dragoon play it. Don't let a guide writen by a person who probably hasn't spent more than a month with the game turn you off on what is really a darn cool job.

