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Could use some advice

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  • Could use some advice

    Eagerly awaiting retail release like most of the free world, I was hoping some veteran dragoons could offer some advice. Ever since I played FFIV, I've wanted to be a dragoon in a MMORPG. Kain is, naturally, the coolest FF character of all-time.

    My plan once the game gets out is to get to 30 and once I do the quest to become a dragoon, staying one. What I am wondering is, what race and starting job(s) would best reflect that desire? I do not want to switch jobs at some later date, I simply want to Jump as much as possible.

    I've read the FAQ and it seems my original plan of starting a warrior, getting him to 30 then switching to dragoon would not be a good for the long term since the taunt skill from the WAR sub would be useless on a dmg dealing tank and not a defensive one.

    This led me to think that a thief sub then switching to Dragoon would be the best but I do not see many that have done or attempted this. Would a hume make a good thief? I know Mithra would but I would prefer not to play a female character for roleplaying reasons.

    Any advice on what to start with would be helpful. Is a hume warrior sub/dragoon main truly be that bad of a decision? Or a hume thief sub/dragoon main?

  • #2
    Please read the previous posts before making a new one. They have all the information you need :sweat:

    For example, regarding sub jobs:

    Any race can make a perfectly good dragoon. Look at the high level dragoons on this board. Cobbi is a Taru, Struck is an Elvaan, Razz is a Mithra, and I'm a Hume. None of us suck (except maybe me :spin: )

    Warrior, samurai, and thief are the only melee dragoon subs you need to worry about. They are all useful in their own way according to different situations.

    Taunt is not the defining characteristic for a drg/war. Taunt is only useful at the lower levels when you are still a viable tank. Later on, you won't use taunt at all unless in an emergency. The war abilities that are most useful from that point on are berserk, defender, double attack, and the passive defense and attack boosts.

    Read my report on the FFXI Square Enix 2005 gaming event in Hawaii


    • #3
      Now that the site gods have smiled upon me to read your post and reply, thank you for the links and the advice.

      It appears my initial impression to go THF/DRG is not as mad as I had once thought. I realize the optimum race for that career path is a Mithra but I will try my hand at a Hume THF/DRG and see where it takes me.


      • #4
        THF/DRG? DRG is a lousy sub for THF after level 25 or so.

        Oh, wait a minute. Actually, I think you have the terminology wrong. When you write your job and sub job, it goes like this: Main job/Sub job

        A main dragoon with a sub job of samurai would then look like this: DRG/SAM

        Read my report on the FFXI Square Enix 2005 gaming event in Hawaii


        • #5
          Yes, the main job would be DRG and the sub would be THF. I'm used to listing minor/major but if that is not the case here, I will cease to do so.

          Theif until 18 or 30, then take dragoon for probably the rest of the character's life. Possible exception would be subbing SAM at lvl 60 or so upon reading some views expressed here on the board.

          My only real concern is how viable the Hume race is at that career path. It is my understanding that Humes have the best DEX after Mithra so I am hopeful the race will be fine for the career path I have in mind for the character.


          • #6
            I think I'll expound on this a little bit. As Rent has said, Dragoons come in all shapes and sizes. They each excel in certain areas which make them unique. Humes, Elvaans, Tarus, and Galkas are all perfectly capable of being a fine dragoon. The limitations on race and job aren't as glaring in this game as in others. Elvaans have really low dex. I miss, sure, but not so much that I ever go "Man I wish I was a Mithra."

            Pick something you're going to be happy with right from the start because you'll be stuck with it for a long long time. If it helps you at all try and see in game shots of the face and hair you want to be in the various job armors this will really help you to choose. I stress the cosmetics the most because it's really all that matters the other stats they're only numbers you can fix them. You having fun with your character and enjoying the game counts the most.

            PS. The most knowledgeable Dragoon on the boards happens to be a Hume. I think that says a lot.

