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Drg/Thf make lots of $$? and other q's

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  • Drg/Thf make lots of $$? and other q's

    #1)At first, i was gonna be Thf/Nin. But after reading these forums i think im gonna be a dragoon. Esp since i liked kain in ffII so much. But i was wondering. I also plan on doing crafting to help my clan. And i was wondering, I figure at early levels its jsut a waste to craft (if its anything like daoc) cuz u will jsut watse money that would be more useful then upping crafting. Would subbing Thf give me enuff skills to make a ton of money? as opposed to maxing out Thf?

    2)Also in fights, people say they use the jump a bunch of times. But on the FAQ it says the cooldown for the strong jump is 3 mins? does a single fight actually last that long?

    3)Does race REALLY make taht much of a difference? I want to make either a humn or taru but peopel make it out that they get raped easy? I am hoping that thats not the case and its jsut peopel are not playing well. cuz in daoc my bro made a human caster and her was one of the best in his job even with the less int etc..i could always make 2 chars but payin an extra buck jsut for that aint worth it to me

    4)I am planning to start off as thf and level to 30 till i can get the Drg job. then level up Drg from there. then later lvl sam cuz i get teh ability which gives me more weapon skill attacks? does that sound right? sorry i dont know the system and jsut read the forums :p

    5)And one last thing, What is the main diff between Drk and Drg? They say they are both all out dmg dealers but y choose Drg if from what i read he does less dmg? just a question cuz i will still pick drg cuz i like them

    thanks for your help guys

    lol too bad u cant name ur wyvern i was gonna be juujuuz and my wyvern would be boobooz

  • #2
    #1.a Maxing out Thief will always yield more money/item drops than subbing thief. Full fledged Thief’s can open coffers and chests without keys. A full Thief also has Treasure Hunter II where as a person with Thief sub will only be able to have Treasure Hunter I. If you want to use Thief sub for money you might be a tad disappointed as you only make a bit more money to start with Thief sub. Still it's always nice to have. I wish my Thief was on 30. Thief is still a great sub job though. Don't let the money be the only thing to sway you. Thief has plenty of useful skills to help your Dragoon be its best.

    #2.a well you hope for battles to be as short as possible. If it's a good PT you won’t have many chances to use Jump twice a battle. Most of the time we Dragoons use Jump whenever possible. It's one of our fine points.

    #3.a while race does affect your stats, you shouldn't let it dictate what you want to be. A taru dragoon will have lower HP but have much higher Dex than say an Elvaan. Humes will be the middle road. Just pick whatever race you like the best. Nobody will pass you over for a PT because they don't like your race. (However Galka BLM need not apply to this.)

    #4.a sure sounds good. Sam sub on dragoon is nice. I've seen more high level Drg/Thf than I do Drg/Sam. It's all about the hate control. But it's always good to have options. Give people a chance to pick your sub job. Also gives you a bit more diversity.

    #5.a the main difference between Drk and Drg is the dragon. While darks have their black magic and scary buffer abilities. We Dragoons get to travel with our pet dragon. The dragon is useful beyond the Dark Knight’s black magic if you can keep him/her alive. Dark Knights however have higher Attack power and higher Defense than Dragoons but Dragoons have something Dark Knights lack and that’s Super Jump. It's what really sets Dragoon apart it wipes away all hate from you. This can save your life where as a Dark Knight you would be dead.

    PS: I wanted to name my Dragon Agamemnon. I ended up going with Astre.


    • #3
      i would've told you how this combo woulda been if beta didn't end so soon . )

      i was planning on going DRG/THF . ) oh well, we'll see if i get the opportunity to do it in retail -.-


      • #4
        Drg/Thf doesnt seem like a good idea...


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Craven
          Drg/Thf doesnt seem like a good idea...
          Oh yeah? What information are you basing this on?

