#1)At first, i was gonna be Thf/Nin. But after reading these forums i think im gonna be a dragoon. Esp since i liked kain in ffII so much. But i was wondering. I also plan on doing crafting to help my clan. And i was wondering, I figure at early levels its jsut a waste to craft (if its anything like daoc) cuz u will jsut watse money that would be more useful then upping crafting. Would subbing Thf give me enuff skills to make a ton of money? as opposed to maxing out Thf?
2)Also in fights, people say they use the jump a bunch of times. But on the FAQ it says the cooldown for the strong jump is 3 mins? does a single fight actually last that long?
3)Does race REALLY make taht much of a difference? I want to make either a humn or taru but peopel make it out that they get raped easy? I am hoping that thats not the case and its jsut peopel are not playing well. cuz in daoc my bro made a human caster and her was one of the best in his job even with the less int etc..i could always make 2 chars but payin an extra buck jsut for that aint worth it to me
4)I am planning to start off as thf and level to 30 till i can get the Drg job. then level up Drg from there. then later lvl sam cuz i get teh ability which gives me more weapon skill attacks? does that sound right? sorry i dont know the system and jsut read the forums :p
5)And one last thing, What is the main diff between Drk and Drg? They say they are both all out dmg dealers but y choose Drg if from what i read he does less dmg? just a question cuz i will still pick drg cuz i like them
thanks for your help guys
lol too bad u cant name ur wyvern i was gonna be juujuuz and my wyvern would be boobooz
#1)At first, i was gonna be Thf/Nin. But after reading these forums i think im gonna be a dragoon. Esp since i liked kain in ffII so much. But i was wondering. I also plan on doing crafting to help my clan. And i was wondering, I figure at early levels its jsut a waste to craft (if its anything like daoc) cuz u will jsut watse money that would be more useful then upping crafting. Would subbing Thf give me enuff skills to make a ton of money? as opposed to maxing out Thf?
2)Also in fights, people say they use the jump a bunch of times. But on the FAQ it says the cooldown for the strong jump is 3 mins? does a single fight actually last that long?
3)Does race REALLY make taht much of a difference? I want to make either a humn or taru but peopel make it out that they get raped easy? I am hoping that thats not the case and its jsut peopel are not playing well. cuz in daoc my bro made a human caster and her was one of the best in his job even with the less int etc..i could always make 2 chars but payin an extra buck jsut for that aint worth it to me
4)I am planning to start off as thf and level to 30 till i can get the Drg job. then level up Drg from there. then later lvl sam cuz i get teh ability which gives me more weapon skill attacks? does that sound right? sorry i dont know the system and jsut read the forums :p
5)And one last thing, What is the main diff between Drk and Drg? They say they are both all out dmg dealers but y choose Drg if from what i read he does less dmg? just a question cuz i will still pick drg cuz i like them
thanks for your help guys
lol too bad u cant name ur wyvern i was gonna be juujuuz and my wyvern would be boobooz