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AF quest : courtesy of Cobbi chan

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  • AF quest : courtesy of Cobbi chan

    I found this while looking thru the quest forums and am pretty sure Cobbi Chan may have forgotten about it .
    So I wanted to post his info about the Dragoon AF quests .
    He has them listed up to Part 2

    Heres the link for said quest.
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    BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage

  • #2
    AF Info Part1

    the quest part

    Here's the scoop on Dragoon AF1. I just finished, and here's what you do.

    1. Head to North San D'oria and speak to Miaux. You should get a cutscene.

    2. Go to East Altepa to around the middle of the map and click on the ??? near a ruins. (I marked it on my map, but forgot to write down the exact coordinates. I'll post them later.) You'll then fight an NM. It was moderately hard, so be sure to have a full PT of 50+ or so.

    3. Click on the ??? again once you finish the battle.

    4. Return to Miaux to complete the quest and get your AF1 weapon!

    Now as for AF2... my party is still trying to figure it out. I'll report back later!

    From his very next post

    Ah, okay <^^> The DRG AF1 is called Peregurin (Peregrin?) and basically looks like the first lance you get. Unimpressive looks, like most AF1 weapons.


    Level 42 - D61 - Delay492 - Dex+1 - Vit+1
    It's Official Promathia Hates me....
    それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
    A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

    BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


    • #3
      AF2AF2 info~

      1. Speak to Ceraulian in Port San D'oria. You should get a cutscene and he'll tell you he wants a Gold Hairpin for his leader.

      2. Get a Gold Hairpin either thru buying from the AH (currently 50k) or making it with Goldsmith skillz. Then trade it to Ceraulian for another cutscene.

      3. Now wait until the next day in real-time. This is based on japanese standard time, so 8am PST or 11am EST is when the new day would begin.

      4. Talk to Ceraulian again to continue the story.

      5. Run over to North San D'oria and speak to Miaux, the quest-giver for AF1 for more story. You should get the key item piasu..

      6. Travel to Bastok and speak to the NPC standing outside the Goldworkers' guild, Ardea.

      7. Now head back to San D'oria again, but this time go to West Ronfaure and speak to Esca at the tower-like structure directly west of San.

      8. Now party up with high-levels, or alliance, because the NM fight is a tough one. Head to Batallia, then go through Eldieme until you reach the island in Batallia. There should be a ??? to touch near the cliff. A tiger NM should then spawn. Kill him and touch the ??? again to get another key item.

      9. Finally, return to Ceraulian and talk to him to complete the quest and recieve your AF2 pants!
      It's Official Promathia Hates me....
      それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
      A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

      BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


      • #4
        Guess I'll cover the rest.

        Dragoon AF3, Draken Ahmet Helm.Def 16, HP+12, MND+5, Thunder Resist +10, Wyvern Breath Effect Up

        Finish AF 1+2. Speak to Rahal in the Chateau in San D'oria. After speaking to him, go and speak to Ceraulian until he has nothing new to say (or atl east mentions Kuftal)

        Get a Kuftal Coffer key. Dropped by Robber Crabs and Lizards. By 60 you should have leveled in there enough to have gotten one. Open the coffer, get key item.

        Return to Rahal. Speak to Balasiel in South SanDoria...(NPC from PLD quest).

        From here you will have to go to Uggalepih and fight 2 NM Dark Stalkers. It's in a hidden room near the hate reset NPC. Bring about 12-15 60+ to win safely. Have your Wyvern called. Touch the ??? again to get the helm.

        AF4, Draken Finger, Def 15, HP+11 , Dex+3, Weapon Parry Skill +10
        Wyvern ACC Up.

        Talk to Guslam in the armour shop in Upper Jueno.

        Need the Bohyada coffer key and coffer. Key dropped by Rabbits, Turnips, Saplings, Crabs, Goobues.

        Go back and talk to Guslam, then the Mithra in the Tensyoudou HQ. Go to port jeuno and examine the ??? near the duty free shop for an event.

        Go to Zvahl Castle, Examine the Torch to fight Dark Spark, NM Bomb. Not too hard, bring a party of high 50s. Return to Guslam for the Glove.

        5 & 6 are the Draken Mail and Draken Greaves, respectively. Can do once you have accepted the Glove quest.

        Greaves are from the Quicksands Coffer. Beetles, Lizards, and Worms drop the key. Item is in the coffer. Sneak only needed. Anticans are stupid, it's an easy coffer get.

        Mail is in Ifrits' Cauldron. Hellish. Most things drop keys, but stick to Opo Opos, Bees, and Bombs near entrances. Bring a good amount of people. Bring Silent Oil and Prism Powder to sneak and invis for the coffer, since bombs will detect your magic and kill you a lot.

        Draken Mail, Def 38, HP+15, Vit+4, Water Resist +10, Wyvern Regen

        Draken Greaves, Def 10, HP+12, Agi+3, Dodge Skill +5, Jump Effect Up


        • #5
          now THIS thread really helps. Should get a sticky.

          I'll work on AF2 next week, should be 50 by then, thanks alot!
          63 dragoon , 31 white mage, 30 warrior, 13 monk, 10 samurai, 5 thief.

          Proud to be Timeless / Lunarian / Ancient!
          Shadowlords Behind sufficently Kicked!
          Wyvern: Jessie the Cute


          • #6
            stuck ^^
            It's Official Promathia Hates me....
            それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
            A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

            BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


            • #7
              dunno if ayako forgot to mention, but in boyhada bark spiders at enterance drop keys too, i was able to get one for my drg friend with only him (lv55 at the time) lv64 pld and myself (lv66 at the time) and it wasn't too hard.


              • #8
                Just curious, what are the requirements for the quests? I'm only level 30 right now, was just screwing around before bed to see if I could get the qyest. For AF1 All Miaux says is something along the lines of "Why must all the crafters be uptight?" Any info would be great, and the sooner I can get the lance the better, my Bronze Spear +1 isn't cutting it anymore ^_^


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Aldo
                  dunno if ayako forgot to mention, but in boyhada bark spiders at enterance drop keys too, i was able to get one for my drg friend with only him (lv55 at the time) lv64 pld and myself (lv66 at the time) and it wasn't too hard.

                  Those Spiders are easy, yeah (and yes I did forget to mention them, thanks). I find Bohyada also is an easy key, since you will level off the Crabs for at least one level.


                  • #10

                    Just an add on for AF1. Miaux is located in North Sandoria outside the Blacksmith.

                    Finished my AF1 yesterday and searched for a good half hour for where he was :D

                    As for the actual fight of AF1, the location in East Altepa is (H-6). The fight was pretty easy with a 70 DRK and a 55 WHM + 43 DRG (me). However, its physical defense was extremely high since both me and the DRK were doing minimal damage to it (a lot of 0s) and the only thing that was hurting it was Gullotine. It has around 2500hp I estimate.

                    Hope this helps :D
                    BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
                    DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
                    WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)



                    • #11
                      AF2 complete. going for greaves next I suppose...
                      63 dragoon , 31 white mage, 30 warrior, 13 monk, 10 samurai, 5 thief.

                      Proud to be Timeless / Lunarian / Ancient!
                      Shadowlords Behind sufficently Kicked!
                      Wyvern: Jessie the Cute


                      • #12
                        AF2 complete, AF3 started.

                        Can someone post the levels you have to be to wear 3, 4, 5, and 6?
                        San d'Oria Rank 9
                        Zilart Mission 13 complete
                        Maat: 0/7


                        • #13
                          Also, I feel like an idiot for asking this, but what's the best way to camp the coffer chest in Quicksands? Just stay at one till it pops, or run around to all of them?
                          San d'Oria Rank 9
                          Zilart Mission 13 complete
                          Maat: 0/7


                          • #14
                            what kind of fame is needed to start? And it is overall fame or just sandoria fame?


                            • #15
                              Completed AF2 tonight. Here's some more information on the actual fight.

                              You can sneak and invis your way completely through Eldieme Necropolis. As a 53 DRG, the NM Tiger was hitting me for 140. It was hitting the 71 PLD I had along for around 60-80. It frequently roars (AE Paralyze). I also had a 58 WHM and a 70 RDM along.

                              For a party of 71 PLD, 70 RDM, 58 WHM, 53 DRG, the fight was extremely easy. However a group of around 55 fighting the NM tiger would be epic but doable :D

                              I estimate the NM Tiger to have around 8000hp.
                              BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
                              DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
                              WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)


