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Wyvern CAN sit while you stand! New info.

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  • Wyvern CAN sit while you stand! New info.

    I also posted this information in the Dragoon Guide.

    There is a method you can use to stand while your wyvern sits, but it a rather strange process. I did not come up with this on my own. I learned it from the Japanese websites I link to in the first section. All credit goes to them.

    This technique is tricky, so be sure to practice it before using it in a party. You don't want to screw this up.


    1. Find a non-active monster and sit down near enough to it to be in attacking range. You can also do it with an active monster, but you have to be more careful so that it doesn't aggro you.

    2. Target the monster bring up your command menu. Hit the key to stop sitting and get up and as fast as possible enter the command to attack. Your character should get up to attack while the wyvern stays sitting.

    There are two things that can happen that can cause your wyvern to get up.
    1. You get close enough and actually hit the monster with your weapon.
    2. You enter the command to stop attacking. Yes, that means you have to stay in battle mode with your weapon out in order for this strategy to work.

    To make things easier, here is a macro you can use.

    First, manually target the monster you want to use.
    Second, use this macro:

    /heal on
    /party I'll be in attack mode so that only my wyvern sits. Don't worry. (Or something to that effect to tell your party members what you're up to)
    /wait 2
    /heal off
    /attack <t>

    Using this method, you can have your recover HP with no TP loss whatsoever. Finally, monsters with an area attack aren't that scary anymore.

    Read my report on the FFXI Square Enix 2005 gaming event in Hawaii

  • #2
    Sweet! That'll be really helpful


    • #3

      that really helped quite a bit
      thank man
      the ffmaster is here...


      • #4
        Sweet! Now I'll no longer feel as though poor Eisenzahn is a burden to the party.

        I just hope they don't "fix" this in the next patch.
        "The ancient sages said 'Do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say it will not become a dragon?' So may one just man become an army."



        • #5
          So basically you just have to stand there doing nothing while your wyvern rests.. and this is different then just sitting next to it how? The only way this could be useful is for saving TP in a pt.. but the risks of you accidently attacking an adjacent monster makes it not at all worth it.

          Cool little 'trick', doesnt change anything
          I plan to live forever.. so far so good.

          Celeras - Jack of all trades: Bold = Current main, Italics = Current Sub.
          (HumeMale)-Blm60, Whm30, Pld54, War30, Drg16, Nin15, Thf14, Bst08, Smn03, Mnk07, Others < 2 --- Status - Need a break
          Celeras - The Taru: (TaruMale)-Whm20, Blm20, Rdm15, Others 1 --- Status - Deleted
          Celeras - The Original!!: (ElvaanMale)-Thf44, Rng30, War15, Others < 5 --- Status - Deleted


          • #6
            Isn't that called exploiting a bug?


            • #7
              It doesnt help/hurt anything gamewise, so its not a big deal haplo. Its like doing the lag-fly in jueno^^
              I plan to live forever.. so far so good.

              Celeras - Jack of all trades: Bold = Current main, Italics = Current Sub.
              (HumeMale)-Blm60, Whm30, Pld54, War30, Drg16, Nin15, Thf14, Bst08, Smn03, Mnk07, Others < 2 --- Status - Need a break
              Celeras - The Taru: (TaruMale)-Whm20, Blm20, Rdm15, Others 1 --- Status - Deleted
              Celeras - The Original!!: (ElvaanMale)-Thf44, Rng30, War15, Others < 5 --- Status - Deleted


              • #8
                The lag-fly? What's that? :confused:

                Well, actually, I suppose it *could* be considered an abuse of sorts. The way in which you perform the trick makes it seem like a loophole that they meant not to have you do.

                Still, do it for now! And hope to whatever supreme being you hold dearest that S-E doesn't nerf it away! :sweat:

                Ille deus Morpheus non est Morpheus de Matrice, sed Morpheus, deus somni et mutantis!


                • #9
                  Not bad at all, I'll try this after maint, but still, wyverns get raped when it comes to area attacks, sometimes I just don't bother to sit :p

                  flies and goblins are absolutely evil to level against. I have to lose all my TP just to heal it. Not that it's hard to gain TP with dragoon (second best TP gainers in the game), but I wish there was some other way. Like Pet alpha/beta/delta items.

                  Can't wait for my wyvern Regen....
                  I really should thank you for it afterall it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life.....Purpose of life, is to end.

                  I hate my life.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Extreme
                    The only way this could be useful is for saving TP in a pt.. but the risks of you accidently attacking an adjacent monster makes it not at all worth it.

                    Cool little 'trick', doesnt change anything
                    Saving TP is the point
                    A dragoon can be a burden to the party when he or she has to sit in order to recover the wyvern's HP, losing TP in the process.

                    This way, you'll still be ready for renkei and your wyvern won't have to die. As for accidentally attacking monsters, if you're paying attention it's not hard to keep your distance. You can even unlock the monster and face the other way if you have to.

                    I used to hate having to choose between my wyvern and my TP. Now, I don't have to. Don't feel bad about "exploiting" this "bug". Making your wyvern sit by itself is something that dragoons should have been able to do all along. I still can't believe that the only pet commmand I have is the command to tell my wyvern to get lost.

                    Read my report on the FFXI Square Enix 2005 gaming event in Hawaii


                    • #11
                      I guess I'll ask this here sence no one has answered my post. Are the wyverns any good? DO they really help or do they just do a little damage and then die?
                      Destiny is calling...will I be able to answer?


                      • #12
                        I guess I'll ask this here sence no one has answered my post. Are the wyverns any good? DO they really help or do they just do a little damage and then die?
                        Destiny is calling...will I be able to answer?

