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Why People say Dragoon suck???

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Kailea-D
    You did not have to insult me, I am sorry I am not a hooker, and I am not a retard,

    (lie) You offered me 10 gil for a nut job last night.


    • #77
      People who say Drg hav'nt played it to EndGame, true its a ruff road of leveling, but actually you'll be doing more damage than a Mnk. With the right equips, I personally had to suck a lot of dick to get into Parties and did'nt get into a set until my late 60's, oh well I love Drg, heads turn when you run by.

      It's very unique and is good against Drg type HNMs, but its very inderated for EXP parties, especially since S-E took away our most useful Job Trait.

      edit; lol jo3, hooker Kailea is all you'll get.
      [Peace] [Out Post] [Home Key]


      • #78
        by: jo3
        (lie) You offered me 10 gil for a nut job last night.
        in your dreams....,,I would not do it for even 1,000,000 gil.....looser
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Kailea-D
          by: jo3

          in your dreams....,,I would not do it for even 1,000,000 gil.....looser
          Yeah you would. Last night in my Mog house.
          [Peace] [Out Post] [Home Key]


          • #80
            Originally posted by Kailea-D
            that is the does, you just cant see it

            DRG/WHM can be a back up healer, anuker with banish, and help with enhancement spells look at DRGs AF gives + to MND for gods sake.......and I dont care what anyone says haveing WHM as a sub does not lower your attack that much, but yes I know you do loose the attackup skills of other jobs....

            but this is the problem, when saying that this sub is better then this sub or what ever, you can not factor in the skills of the sub, because that is why everyone always subs WAR for beserk and the att up skills.
            Actually Kailea had some nice points, DRG/WHM would be bad for a exp Party, but on special missions you can take advantage of there extra Job Traits. The reason why they dont get invites is because they were downgraded, and they'd rather choose a DRK over them level 60+

            No reason to call Kailea a hooker. :sweat:

            Red Mage of Ragnarok


            • #81
              Stop with the hooker stuff and back on topic, will ya?


              • #82
                Originally posted by Kailea-D
                By: Buuyon

                you know alot of what you said is true when I made that list it was late and I was not thinking about siomethings straite...but what I was trying to point out was that yes DRG can sub anything and bee good in a PT, because their stats are compatable with most subs.

                You did not have to insult me, I am sorry I am not a hooker, and I am not a retard, and sorry but close minded people like you are the ones that "make the game suck" so please grow up a couple of years before you post on this thread again
                please think before you speak about stuff that isnt true...every job can sub any job...doesnt mean it works...and no...drg cant sub anything and be good in a pt...sure go ahead...i dare ya...sub whm in a pt after lvl 60...lets see your dumb ass be kicked right back to the curb...hell for shits and giggles...sub blm...

                when soloing...drg can sub alot of diffrent things...but soloing is MUCH diffrent then pts...when you solo you fight things 3 or so lvls over you(well a good drg/whm) a pt you fight things 12 lvls over you...its a big diffrence...


                • #83
                  by: Buuyon
                  lets see your dumb ass be kicked right back to the curb
                  I am not listening to a thing you say untill you stop talking rudely to me and insulting me.

                  The resason DRG can sub even mage jobs effectivly is becuase of the DRGs core stats, witch are more on the generic side, allowing the ablility to sub WHM, RDM and even BLM, and I have said nothing about getting PTs with the job combos........ I am sayung that the combos would work well enuff to be in a PT and do quite well

                  in EXP PTs (just so people would not bitch) = WAR/SAM/THF
                  in Event PTs (all other reasons to PT) = all jobs but BST and SMN
                  Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Buuyon
                    please think before you speak about stuff that isnt true...every job can sub any job...doesnt mean it works...and no...drg cant sub anything and be good in a pt...sure go ahead...i dare ya...sub whm in a pt after lvl 60...lets see your dumb ass be kicked right back to the curb...hell for shits and giggles...sub blm...

                    when soloing...drg can sub alot of diffrent things...but soloing is MUCH diffrent then pts...when you solo you fight things 3 or so lvls over you(well a good drg/whm) a pt you fight things 12 lvls over you...its a big diffrence...
                    "lets see your dumb ass be kicked right back to the curb...hell for shits and giggles...sub blm..."

                    I suggest you stop. Make anymore flames and you will be banned, your already running a very high warning point. I won't ban you incase you are not aware of it. However, anymore flames towards anyone and you will be automatically banned.



                    • #85
                      "please think before you speak about stuff that isnt true."
                      Buuyon please think before being an ignoramus, maybe thats asking for the impossible.

                      "drg/rdm useless as fuck"
                      Even though its got fast cast and you can use poison for the healing breath which costs less MP than Dia ^^ useless indeed -.- I liked using this rather than whm sub and it worked just as well and can be even better at higher lvls.

                      "sub whm in a pt after lvl 60."
                      I've heard it before and it would work in certain pt setups. It may be a shock to you but changing subjobs to suit a situation is somthing we all should be doing. Its not the best sub for pick up pts but in set pts or LS/buddy pts who know what their doing and know the other pt members playstyle from the start it can work if they want it to. Subbing whm in a pt like that you would be a support melee rather than a DD aswell as being SATAed on if threres a thf.

                      Linkshell(s) : BritishGeezers, SoulPirates, ThreadsOfFate - Roleplaying LS of Ragnarok, and Anzana HNMls.


                      • #86
                        The main problem with DRG is that people don't realize that it's a utility class. It's the only melee job that can sub mage type AND non-normal melee classes. It's versatile, but in being so suffers from mediocrity that bogs it down later in the game.


                        • #87
                          Why you people say Dragoon sucks?

                          Because in a normal 6 man EXP setting, they do.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Mephisto
                            Why you people say Dragoon sucks?

                            Because in a normal 6 man EXP setting, they do.
                            Got any reasons or are you just another sheep following what other people started to say?

                            I've seen parser damage from both mine and other people logs showing Dragoons out damage other melee by quite a margin. So what is it that makes them suck?

                            I'm still waiting to see some real reasons here not just 'they just do, so there' crap with nothing to back it up.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Mephisto
                              Why you people say Dragoon sucks?

                              Because in a normal 6 man EXP setting, they do.

                              Ekoh (DRK/THF)
                              Total Fights: 66
                              Average Damage: 1130.53
                              Average Percent: 25.38
                              Average Accuracy: 74.58

                              Kainhighwind (DRG/WAR) me
                              Total Fights: 66
                              Average Damage: 1219.97
                              Average Percent: 28.01
                              Average Accuracy: 82.43
                              We both had great gear, used sushi and were hasted. They used a GS and the SC was wheeling thrust >> spinning slash. And no, this was not your average crappy DRK. They were JP and woke up early in the morning just to level with us for a few day. Oh, and I don't even have my assault jerkin yet, plus this doesn't include wyvern dmg.
                              Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
                              BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

                              Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

                              Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by lieb39
                                "lets see your dumb ass be kicked right back to the curb...hell for shits and giggles...sub blm..."

                                I suggest you stop. Make anymore flames and you will be banned, your already running a very high warning point. I won't ban you incase you are not aware of it. However, anymore flames towards anyone and you will be automatically banned.

                                [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria

