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Why People say Dragoon suck???

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  • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

    Originally posted by dranix
    drg is a damage dealing class and, much like a whm, is realativly party dependant now there is no way that drg/ blm could be a better combo than the all-powerfull drg/sam using this combo via the sam's lvl 30 ability you and your wyvern can preform you very own skill chains and not to mention all polearm-class weapons are available to you.
    stop being sarcastic......taht cant be done anymore, and besides out of all the jobs I would sub with my DRG...WHM RDM WAR THF DRK and the upcoming BlueMage, I would never sub BLM, no point in it
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

      Some people like to sub Blm, but I'm not sure why. I know there's a reason somewhere in there, but /Whm has so many more uses than /Blm. In terms of Melee /Sam doesn't really cut it anymore.

      Drg/Whm can kill up a storm with relative ease.


      • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

        i always been playing drg, 44 now, its a great job i love it the only problem i have is jump pull lol so i always bring my pebbles along cuase i now i cant withstand the blows jumping head up on the mob and oh btw lol new to this website but i love the info u guys give oout here check me out sometime lol

        <cyborg(hume male) 58rdm,44drg,40thf,36pld,34drk,32blm>
        <world: Caitsith>
        call me up for a party as drg ^^

        wanna party? sure
        wanna do a bcnm? great
        leveling bst in your free time cuase you cant not get party as drg??? priceless


        • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

          the other players are jelous becuz dragoons can jump higher than them

          -DEATH?? What is this word you speak of? I can not die I AM IMMORTAL

          -yeah yeah i at least heard 1000 of u say the same thing and they all felt tip of my blade


          • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

            Originally posted by DarkSephiroth714
            the other players are jelous becuz dragoons can jump higher than them
            OK USA!
            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


            • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

              Goooooooo Dragooooooooons You Shall Fear Them

              -DEATH?? What is this word you speak of? I can not die I AM IMMORTAL

              -yeah yeah i at least heard 1000 of u say the same thing and they all felt tip of my blade


              • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

                I honestly have no clue as to why they say that. Someone at Valkurm Dunes said they suck as one ran by with his dragon, and I asked him why? He said, "No reason, they just do." I think dragoon is a good job. Sounds fun from what I have have heard from friends.
                I mean honestly... Can you be anymore of a fanboy then that? He was a WHM btw.


                • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

                  well, if you read thru this thread and probably just about 75% of the threads in this forum, you'll see why dragoons are a broken job.
                  Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                  ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                  • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

                    as broken as drg may be, in a normal party ive never seen a parser where a drg was out dot'd by any other melee job while same level and everyone well equipped.


                    • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

                      Drgs do great if not acceptable damage throughout their entire career. I don't think anyone is disputing that. The real problem comes with HNMLS. That's were they say Drg is pretty much broken. I cannot agree or disagree as I am not in an HNMLS shell nor do I plan to mess around with one any time soon ;;;
                      My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                      Which FF Character Are You?
                      Originally posted by Balfree
                      Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                      • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

                        yeah... unless you want to fight an hnm spending hours on end in 1 fight drg is great

                        ps. Traka i love your sig!!!


                        • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

                          please dragoon is just too friggin sweat for most people to comprehend, either they dont understand how it works or they "dont like the prospect of killing one thing every two hours" please im on diabolos and as of monday there are only 73 members of this proud order of dragon knights ive tried to spread my wisdom of the job but people are just too stubborn to change.


                          • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

                            Trying to fight any HNM with only DD will take hours. Blm are over powered in this field, and their nerf is coming next.


                            • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

                              Originally posted by Impaction
                              Trying to fight any HNM with only DD will take hours. Blm are over powered in this field, and their nerf is coming next.
                              But with meele, BLM can do even more. *cough* skillchain *cough*
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                              Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


                              • Re: Why People say Dragoon suck???

                                Drg doesn't suck, it just doesn't have the tactical capabilities that other classes/DD have, and it runs on a kind of unnoticable activity level.

                                Drgs make a job about being in the background, that is why the class does damage with low agro, it doesn't flash and shine like the other DD so it isn't as impressive.

                                Drg is just as good as any Melee DD, the reason the Drg sucks trend started is because the original Drgs revolved around Weapon Skill Spam and the old TP gain, after it was removed the job was totaly redefined, and the majority of powerful Drgs lost interest. Even though this happen early in the American release, the Drgs lacking reputation stuck, and the best they have done to improve it is make his wyvern more survivable so a Drg can actually continue to compete with his Wyverns addition.

                                Thing is, SE never did anything to make Drg cool again, they just bumped up his wyverns survivability to keep Drg in the competition. They never addressed the lack of tactical opportunities, they never added a flashy new move cool benifit, the only thing they have done is make several meager changes to wyvern to keep it putting away. The biggest problem with Drg is that he has the highest liability, a Drg has the most to lose from a death, if his wyvern dies then his damage is nerfed, if he dies the wyvern dies and his damage is nerfed, after he loses his backup wyvern his damage is nerfed for a wile. Drg is the least tactical and highest liability in the game, and they don't have that "impressive power" to draw in fans like other classes.

                                A normal Drg isn't good for much more then Damaging, the 1 or 2 tactical services they provide can be provided elsewhere just as well or better. The only exceptional characteristic about Drg is the Cure breath, and the general party simply doesn't operate around those capabilities.

                                Drg is also much better vs VT and tough enemies, thier damage goes up exponentially with the wyvern vs slightly weaker targets, changing from providing slightly more DoT then other DD to providing almost 150% more, but Parties are hard to come by, and getting close lvl parties who are willing to chain tough and VT monsters is hard. I think if ppl learned to take battles at a slightly more reasonable pace, then Drgs would be much better, but many parties have at least 2 lvl gap and never want to fight anything that doesn't have a chance of kicking thier ass.
                                Learning > Intelligence > Experience. Weak minds are subject to experience before realization. Inteligent minds understand quickly with minimal experience. Learned minds excersise knowledge gained from study, and do not require experience to reach realization. Which is your claim?

