I have seen this alot what in the heck is wrong with Dragoon class??????
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Why People say Dragoon suck???
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Originally posted by MAK
Redmage sub? That would be kinda odd but hell whatever makes you happy.
I personally play a drg/rdm now , and luv it .
theres nothing weird about it.
If it was square wouldnt have made the drg the rdm of melee classes. NOR would they have given us sub jobs to argue about any way.It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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Actually monks can tank fairly well because they have a naturally high defence, and what dark knights lack in defence they make up for in strength, then thieves have good skills and speed. Their's pro's and con's to all classes. The reason why dragoon's have a low defense is because the armor they can equip is limited. And i didn't say they suck, sorry if you misread my post. But that's why most people don't play them, or why they give up on them early on.
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im seeing Dragoon/Theif becoming a viable class combo for this reason....
with the theif sub, you get added evasion of im right. Since Dragoon's cant take hits, like theif's, they need to find another way to live.
edit: btw if anyone has played this combo and can give me some info that would be great. I thinkin of this for my character. Race is Elvaan btw.3 Star General of the GHLA
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Why people might think Dragoon sucks.
Well, this is just my view, but a lot of times people say a class sucks because 1. They haven't even tried it yet, and they feel they are too Uber to change. 2. They couldn't complete the quest, so they say it sucks to make them feel better. and 3. (sort of like 2) They're just too lazy to try it, so they assume it's bad. I agree that all classes have their pros and cons. Personally, when I actually get the game, I'm going to be a dragoon because they were my favorite class in Final Fantasy Tactics.Did you think something like the end of the world would kill me?
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A tought came to me. Why not sub Pld with dragoon
i've run it trough the stat calculator and the vit for a Pal/War and a Dragoon/PLD is alomost the same :D
I've tought of this while beeing torn apart by the desicion of beeing either a Draggon or a Pal
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I've seen a LOT of people diss the stat calculator, and I think I understand now.
Abalister, VIT is one thing, defense is another. Paladins get much better armor defensive-wise, plus natural increased defense due to their passive skills, plus, their active skills as well...so it's really not the same.
I DON'T have in-game experience but I HAVE been reading a LOT on the game, and I *think* what I posted above is right...
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Tactics? wha? where?! GIMME A NEW TACTICS SQUARE!!!
*remembers the endless nights of wandering around in deep dungeon*
sorry off topic hehe
Dragoons rock, they attack and then can get rid of hate in flash. Nothing finer in a good party
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