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Dragoon/Dark Knight

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  • #16
    Yeah exactly Viz, I forgot to mention the main point to subbing drk somehow lol. I mean the all-purpose wyrven is awesome, and it is at the very LEAST comperable to a war.
    Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!


    • #17
      I think this whole thing is just so sweet in terms of the fun factor.. look at it this way:

      Red Mage - to lvl 18 (fun, easy to use at start).
      Thief - to lvl 15 (subbing red mage, easy combo, quick money!)
      Red Mage - to lvl 30 (with thief sub, subbosed to be a great combo)
      And then you:

      Unlock Dragoon class and
      Unlock Dark Knight class.

      Your play time can now be divided between your:

      Dragoon levelling up to 30 with a red mage subclass


      Dark Knight levelling up to 30 with a thief subclass

      (both not only fun but actually good choices if you can believe it).

      Then at 30/30, you push the dragoon onwards and you have the choice between the dark knight or red mage subclass whenever you wish. And even with this easy plan, you'll get lots of oos and aahs as being a dark knight with a big spear on his back and still actually being able to perform in a group. Bring it on I say


      • #18
        I'd really like to know it what way this doesn't stack up to warrior. Let's just exclude the spells just pretend you get none, you have the multi-purpose wyrven, same str as war. Most likely more atk up. In what way is this inferior to war?
        Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!


        • #19
          none that i can see, and also it seems the main reason people sub war is for provoke, and as a drg you shouldn't need that at all

          i'm still going to go drg/thf, but at some point i might switch over to drk and lvl that to sub it with drg. you're brought up some interesting points here as to why that'd be a pretty good combo


          • #20
            The multi purpose Wyvern thing isn't all that great. You need someone to be 1/4 HP after your spell goes off to get the Heal Breath out, it usually doesn't work out. Not to mention the times it will be dead from area attacks.


            • #21
              but with the dragoon helm the wyrven heal breath is usable at 40% which is just 10% less than 50% which is the pure heal wyrven, it's like you get tons of attack power, nearly best heal wyrven, and str/hp that nearly matches a warrior
              Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!


              • #22
                Basically you have to determine whether... with /sub DRK vs. /sub war if 1 atk up == double attack and if last resort/darkness is more worthwhile than Berserk?

                Also i would say that basing your choice of /sub off your 2-hour ability is prob. not something that would be recommended...
                NIN Current Main
                BST Side Project


                • #23
                  Well you have to understand the dragoon's entire AF armor is based around their 2 hour. about half of our power comes fromt hat 2 hour, and generally when my wyrven dies, and I'm not grouped I log until it comes back.

                  Oh, and you get 2 passive atk ups, Last Resort, Weapon Bash, and Darkness as your advantage as drk.
                  Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • #24
                    Oh, and you get 2 passive atk ups, Last Resort, Weapon Bash, and Darkness as your advantage as drk.
                    Weapon Bash does 20 damage at level 70 It's only for disrupting spells, and it barely ever works.

                    Berserk alone beats all of the other attack ups.

                    Then dual swing buries it in the ground.
                    DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11



                    • #25
                      Some high level dragoons on Valefor have told me that they don't bother or at least do not concern themselves with their wyverns in high levels due to the area of effect damage you will often see. The dragon simply can not live long enough to be of much use. I am hoping they are at wrong to some degree but I think it is only fair to mention this in this string since the main selling point of subbing DRK would be the multipurpose wyvern.

                      I am hoping at some point they allow you to heal/buff the wyvern.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Awntawn

                        Weapon Bash does 20 damage at level 70 It's only for disrupting spells, and it barely ever works.

                        Berserk alone beats all of the other attack ups.

                        Then dual swing buries it in the ground.
                        Awntan do you have hard data indicating this? What you are saying is berserk alone beats Darkness AND Last Resort. Seems a bit off to me, but please post your hard numbers on these 3.
                        Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • #27
                          last resort stronger than berserk, lasts only 30 seconds. darkness lasts only 1 minute. berserk lasts 3 minutes.


                          • #28
                            Recent memory leveling...

                            Kuftal and Terrigan. Robber Crabs have an area attack that will kill the Wyvern eventually. The Draken Mail regen isn't enough to keep up.

                            Bohyada. Those flies, forget it, 2 fights, if not 1, Wyvern dead.

                            Sorrow Valley. Peryton area wind attack will kill the Wyvern.

                            That's just since the high 50s. Planning all your strategy around the Wyvern, especially for something as unreliable as Heal Breath, is foolish. The "Wyvern Does Half your Normal Attack" thing is false, too. Yesterday in my party, I was doing consistent 83-95 with normal attacks, Wyvern did 18-28, breath for 80.

                            I'll let Awn discuss the merits or lack thereof of the DRK abilities, since he knows them better than me.

                            Samurai is far and away the best sub after 60. 3 or 4 Pentas > anything you can do with last resort or the like.
                            Just messing around in my leveling party netted me this the other night (in Sorrow Valley on a Raptor):

                            Do Meditate, 60 TP charging. Do Penta before the TP charging starts for 5 hits and 489 damage. Jump for 120, High Jump for 81, TP hits 100% within 3-4 seconds, do Skewer for 268, Renkei effect damage for 198, 2 Wyvern Breath for 158 each. TP charge was still going, so I ended up with 65 TP back from it, and got off another penta later. That isn't really recommended regular strategy, since you need everything to hit, but it's just an example. At 65, you can start and finish a level 3 renkei.

                            DRK and PLD just aren't made to be sub jobs.


                            • #29
                              Thanks Ayako, that was exactly what I was looking for =). I'm not sure what direction I'm taking my drg, but yes sam is probably the best sub for a drg.
                              Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!


                              • #30
                                I'm really enjoying my drg/drk right now, but i was aware that i would probably be changing my sub to sam once i hit 60. It was my plan from the beginning, but i gotta tell you, drk as sub for lvling so far has been awesome, and i'm not even at the first drk Attack Bonus yet.
                                Drk 70/ Rdm 30 / Sam 30 / Thf 34 / War 32 / Ninja 20 / Summoner 20
                                Bastok 7-2
                                Sky Access
                                Lufaise Meadows Access

