Would a DRG/DRK but a good combe what would be the pros or cons? Would a DRG/SAM be better? Or maybe hehe a DRK/SAM or SAM/DRK? I really want to be an Dragoon but if it doesnt sub well if any of the other jobs I want can anyone recommend a good combo with either Drg, Sam or DRK?
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Dragoon/Dark Knight
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I'm currently leveling DRK to see how well it subs with DRG, so I'll get back to you on that one.
About a samurai sub with anything, it won't be useful until you are level 60/30, because the TP charge ability isn't learned until 30 with SAM.
Dragoon isn't really a great sub unless you like jumping a whole lot.
DRK in general is more of a main job as well, like DRG, but I'm willing to give it a spin just for the hell of it.
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I don't understand so many of these criticisms for certain combinations that have not been tested in any depth. The multi purpose wyvern is the best wyvern a dragoon can get, combining the abilities of both the curative and attack wyverns, with only a delay in its curative breath and the inability to cure afflictions. AND it is only available for those with a paladin or dark knight subclass.
The reason a dark knight subclass is much more appealing that a paladin subclass is that the dark knight abilities and spells are offence related.. and what does the dragoond o? Attack.. you could subclass with a paladin, but they would be defence orientated.. rounding off your characters abilities instead of focussing on what the dragoon does best - attack. If youlook at the dark knight ability lists, the ones that would fall under the subclass would still be 'useful' to the dragoon even if they are at half strength.. so why is this a silly option?
Any subclass is going to have half strength abilities - the samurai may allow more tangible strength but that is at the cost of the wyvern which does half the damage of the dragoon everytime he hits. If the multi purpose wyvern does that plus cures and you get all the benefits a dark knight sub class gives as well (no matter how small you 'believe' they are), does that not make the Dragoon-Dark knight combination a valid one?
Think of the number of combinations in this game - I doubt US players have really been able to test a small fraction of them and are just guessing at many of the others.. the Japanese have many odd combinations that seem to work well for them. I ams ure we will find a year or two from now that these 'oh no' combinations uddenly become realised as more valid as time passes
But anyway if you have any specific criticisms from what I have said about the Dragoon-Dark Knight combo (withsoecific reference to the multi class wyvern as well as the Dark Knight multi classed abilities), please tell me
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Here is a summary:
Dragoon 60/Dark Knight 30:
-Multi purpose wyvern, exclusive to dk and pal subclasses only - as well as the benefits of the attack wyvern (does half the damage of the dragoons attack but the elemental attack varys), it has the healing abilities of the curative wyvern (available when the subclass is any magi class). However the wyvern heals a little later in terms of health % and does to cure afflictions.
i.e Considerable attack per round and emergency healing benefit to both you and the group.
- Strength increases via stats as well as the physical damage passive abilities (you get up to the second version of three possible). You also ge the first of two resist para abalities and 'aracna killer' that helps with damage against magical enemies.
-The last active dark knight ability is lvl 30... you therefore manage to get all the abilities (so as a subclass, you are missing on no active abilities.. however paladin subclasses miss out on one). Last Resort and Darkness are especially import here - both improve attack dramatically at the cost of defence, and the dragoon's defence does not matter considering it is not the main tank.
-The spell line will be limited to version one of each of them i.e poisonga 1 and these spells are not that useful i.e mana pool is low but you can still use these spells none the less in a pinch if you want, and there are some that can be useful i.e bind i.e root, aspir and lvl 30 sleep.
Sure the spells is probably the biggest factor to why people are saying that it is not the best subclass since they are wasted at higher levels but there are still those handful of spells mentioned above that even if possible to be cast once or twice due to low mana pool, can save lives or make the difference if they stick.
The idea is of course that your subclass needs to be raised to lvl 30 - if you don't enjoy playing it, then its not worth going through an arduous time just because it happens to be the few that supposedly compliments your main class best.
I intend to do this:
Red Mage to 18 (easy to learn game, get groups at start)
Then Thief to 15 (simply for gil as well as just learning the game).
Then Red Mage to 30
Unlock Dragoon class via Quest
Unlock Dark Knight Subclass via Class and Subclass quest
Level Dark Knight to 30 with thief or red mage as a subclass
Then Level Dragoon to 30 with Dark Knight as a subclass.
If it doesn't work out as I want, I have the red mage subclass just waiting.
(123 levels)... jeez...
And then from then, its happy journey for Dragoon to 60
Such a long journey, thats literally months of play... everyone is looking at the end result but not the journey.. has to be enjoyable on the way folksWith this combo, I will alter have a choice.. I can always sub my Dragoon with Red Mage too if I want (also a very viable subclass, nice thread somewhere on this forum on that) for situations when I don't want to sub it with Dark Knight.
End result Dragoon with multipurpose wyvern (I don't think anyone really knows how good this is at highest levels since there are probably next to none Dragoon/DK), and increased attacks via DK Subclass as well as Last Resort and Darkness (kick ass?) Abilities. Looks great, why chastise due to a few spell losses due to low mana pools and lower spell circle usage? Yeah so my Dragoon/Dark Knight can't cast as well as a full Dark Knight... he can cast a handful of spells once or twice when they can really make a difference i.e sleep.
Did I mention I can wear either of the coolest armours too then?
Thanks 0
I think that it would be better to start as a Warrior so that you can level up your spear. Here's what I plan to do:
*Start with warr, level it to 18 and then do the subjob quest
*Switch to either thief (for money) or Monk (So the warr will have more HP and stuff) level it to somewhere between 15 and 20
*Go warr/monk (or thief) till about 30 (most likely a lil bit higher) and do the quests for all of the classes that I'm interested in.
*Switch to one of the new classes and level it to 10 (Repeat with the other classes)
*Then decide which classes I liked best and choose wich should be the sub and the main class
*Start playing like there's no tomarrow!
i plan to be a Drg/Sam or Rdm or Drk
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I'm really curious about a couple of things with this combo.
For instance would weapon bash work? Could the physical attack ups surpass the warrior's strength? I could imagine darkness+pentathrust would be insanely damaging.
I was planning on raising my dragoon as drg/sam, but this really has piqued my interest. Perhaps it's time to change my sub...Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks 0
Comparison of sub stats
I am honestly having a hard time seeing why dark knight wouldn't be an excellent sub for dragoon. Let's look at some stat comparisons between drg/war and drg/drk.
We all know the main strength of war as a subjob is added str, and thus higher attack.
70/drk 1226 76 73 62 66 61 54 54 62
70/war1244 0 73 62 65 62 51 55 64
Interesting isn't it? same STR for both warrior sub, and dark knight sub. the other main stats match up pretty well too. Vitality is slightly higher for dark knight. Slightly lower agility, but that is just 1 point off on each.
So stat-wise we are looking at an almost identical subclass. So we are left purely with who has the best skills. Something I'm not really experienced with enough to give comparisons on the two.
However if anyone has any real data on this (hard numbers) please post them.Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks 0
It looks nice to me.. these are definitely my plans.. I mean at the end of the day, the char would be far from gimped even if for some reason it doesnt pan out just as you wish. I still think its a lot more of a reasonable choince that a dragoon/samurai when the 'silence concentration' skill that you wish for lies at the very end of the game 60/30 - thats one heck of a wait for your combo to be realised!
Thanks for the warrior tip though in gaining spear skill up before I choose dragoon class... I hadn't thought about that since it means that as soon as I start dragoon'ing', I won't actually have much spear skill at the start. Mmph.. its just that I don't have much interest in the warrior class you see, so I don't actually want to just play it just to get spear skills up. Surely it isn't that bad just to learn spears when I actually became a dragoon?
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