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Dragoon Pics

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  • Dragoon Pics

    Could someone please post some pics of Dragoons?
    Jobs: WAR: 18, THF:5 MNK:7

    Bastok Rank 2

  • #2
    This is Aseuk and myself doing what dragoons do best.. sit around waiting for PT invites.


    • #3
      what town is that?!
      its so... so final fantasy style!


      • #4
        it's cool how they sit and rest, it's like they're meditating
        Kaimaru - RETIRED
        San D'oria Rank 5
        DRK 46
        PLD 49 -- Current Main Job
        WAR 30 -- Current Sub Job
        DRG 24
        BST 17
        THF 12
        SAM 12
        WHM 9


        • #5
          The town is Sando'ria and they're resting.
          Name: Zedro
          Race: Elvaan/Male
          Job: PLD/WAR
          Level: 50/25
          Server: Ramuh
          Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

          Status of import: Cancelled!!~
          Status of NA : Active


          • #6
            Ultima Weapon............ dumbass........ it is Jueno, and dun confuse the noobs unless you have ingame experiance:mad:
            The desert calls for battle, shall that be my final resting place? I shall die fighting!


            • #7
              hey struck which one r u..........
              "Fear the Earth that trembles beneath you!!" - Poidem Touzoku, The Earth Demon.


              • #8
                Well look who it is again, Seargent Bash flaming for no apparent reason? Wheres your other account? Too lazy to back up your opinion with another of your opinions?

                I find it sad you just choose a topic and post a random flame. I can help you though. Whenever you feel like posting again, just call me and I'll talk you out of it. I'll even sign you up with Idiots Anonymous if you'd like.

                Whenever you feel the urge, just bring up your browser, and hit the X button! Together we can do it! Your not alone with your problem, plus I need my SSL hours.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lun4tic
                  Well look who it is again, Seargent Bash flaming for no apparent reason? Wheres your other account? Too lazy to back up your opinion with another of your opinions?

                  I find it sad you just choose a topic and post a random flame. I can help you though. Whenever you feel like posting again, just call me and I'll talk you out of it. I'll even sign you up with Idiots Anonymous if you'd like.

                  Whenever you feel the urge, just bring up your browser, and hit the X button! Together we can do it! Your not alone with your problem, plus I need my SSL hours.


                  • #10
                    Geeez that Seargant Bash must be one lonely guy. Whats stuck your ass? ........just calm down man!
                    Keshin is back!


                    • #11
                      im not lonely!!!! not seargeant cool pic
                      Deleted Character: Tucker-Hume Male Warrior/Monk, Lvl. 18/9, Thief 5, Red Mage 6, White Mage 2<--the greatest ^_^

                      Current Character: Xecil-Hume Male War-40 Monk-15 Drk-15 Nin-11 Rdm-8
                      Bst-5 Thf-22 Drg-7

