hey i was wondering for those who play in beta could tell me if dragoons dragon(i know i8t has a different name i just cant think of it at the moment) are anygood because my impoet gets here next week and i still cant decide if i should go SAM of DRG and i figure if there dragons good it would make up for the TP gaining ability of the SAM
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is the DRG dragon anygood
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also does armor make a differents between classes. like do SAMs were like a better type of armor because in one site it said DRG" also have the ability to were medium armor" so i was wondering like is there a differents in the AF armor betwwen melee clases and if so how does the DRG armor compair to the SAM?
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It sucks compared to SAM's because DRG's need to wear light stuff so they can jump. However, they can be fully used as a defensive job despite having less armor equipment. They can taunt and jump which really works as a defensive strategy, as well as offensive. I'm still waiting for super jump... that will be the real point when a DRG can use his invincibility to tank stuff like a real man.FFXI
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Well, first off the lance is a dragoon only weapon that is actually a big damage dealer but slower compared to the other types or spears, not the other way around.
The high damage lances are better for dragoons when it comes time for the ablilites like the jumps or the weapon skills like double-thrust or penta-thrust. Only problem is that you need lots of accuracy boosting items to make sure you actually hit your target :sweat:
Also, no one knows anything about the expansion jobs' AF equipment yet. As of right now, they're impossible to get. They will be unlocked in the next patch around July 15th or so.
Your armor has no effect on your jumping ability, although the heavier types of armor like plate are only war/pld/drk restricted armors anyway :p
To get to the original question of the first poster, I love my wyvern
Depending on your support job, the wyvern has different types of breaths that it does to help you out. The extra damage it does is nice tooI just wish I had more pet commands to have more control over its actions though. I need to take her to wyvern obedience school.
As fas as TP gain is concerned, I gain TP at a fairly fast rate, although the samurai is by far the TP king.
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in response to rentahamptser's post, some (very, very, very few) people are going on about a DRG/SAM to get super TP abilites. using penta trust twice in a battle will decimate the creeps. you do lose any chance of better stats though.
spoke before i knew:sweat: sam is good for sub, since the pet does his breath attack after the WS, the pet will do many more of those than before. and the sam as sub will have higher vit than war sub.
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Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.
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