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A beautiful MND.

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  • A beautiful MND.

    I'm probably gonna be flamed right out of here but here I go and please take this cup of nyquil to calm down before hand. You all cool? kk here goes. drk magic acc question.

    Drks relic has alot of mnd in it for its slots. abyss body has +4. pants +5 and the artifact feet with another 5. aside from the feet and the HQ of that it seems like this gear has nothing to do with guillotine. more magic if anything which i find weird because drk doesn't have any natural white magic. and alot of other gear uses mnd and int at the same time idk to be convenient for storage or what but.... idk it just seems weird to me and i got this theory that i have no way in hell to test. (armando please don't kill me!) Could black magic based spells get magic acc and damage from int. magic acc from mnd, and slightly less magic acc from charisma? and switch it respectively for white magic and whatever the hell bard songs/job abilities fall into?

    I ask this because I've recently gotten around to trying to outfitmydrkfornukingomgigottagtfoillbbl!


    Reason why i ask here is because my link-shell was not very forgiving with this and i doubt the forums on ffxiah are any better.

  • #2
    Re: A beautiful MND.

    Perhaps they gave the gear some Mnd to improve Drk's resistance to magic..? Not that a miniscule amount like that is going to help in the long run. I suggest you take a look at the Lol'able stats of some of the other job specific gear in the game for other jobs. A lot of the stats make no sense at all.
    "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


    • #3
      Re: A beautiful MND.

      Some stats are just on gear like the AF in the event you could use it for something on the job. For example, WHM's Healer's Mitts have +5 STR. Melee damage is not a priority for most WHMs. But it is not as if they can't do it. So an option is made available in the event you want to. WHM hurts for melee stats on a lot of their other gear, so it's available on their AF makes up for the lack of other options.

      I would think similarly that a DRK can sub /RDM if they so wish. They do have innate Enfeebling skill. So MND is made available on some of their gear to help with the potency of spells like Slow or Paralyze. But outside of their AF, there isn't a whole lot of MND available, so AF is there to make up for that shortcoming.


      • #4
        Re: A beautiful MND.

        I just got done with a few hours of campaign battle and aside from absorb int, absorb mnd and chr so far has done nothing for my nuking. my magic acc might be too high for them but meh. Too bad i cant a MMM maze for this exact type of thing to do. And @ ketaru, it just seems weird that SE would make JSE with subjobs only moves in mind. idk this could be another gooses chase like with my guillotine thing.


        • #5
          Re: A beautiful MND.

          Originally posted by Solymir View Post
          A lot of the stats make no sense at all.
          that it probably the best answer to you question right. RDM body has unless its to boost my possible sj (/bst or /brd), like Ketaru was saying, its just another "Twilight Zones" that SE likes to put in.

          *after though* But on the other hand SE has mentioned that they did intend for DRK to use their magic more than what the players have and also in the post 75 updates they intend to put more into increasing DRK magic use than more melee use.

          This is a question more than an answer to Leons question but does MND effect absob spells? Never leveled DRK so I have no clue and can't get on wiki at work other wise I would've checked for myself instead of sounding like a complete noob.


          • #6
            Re: A beautiful MND.

            Why is it weird? You literally can't talk about the jobs in this game if you don't talk about them in relation to their subjobs. Otherwhys, you're talking about a game completely different from Final Fantasy XI.

            RDM body has unless its to boost my possible sj (/bst or /brd), like Ketaru was saying, its just another "Twilight Zones" that SE likes to put in
            RDM's AF body has CHR. I would say it was designed in the event you need to have CHR on RDM. SE refuses to say anything about whether /BST subjob is a glitch or not, so I'm going to assume they have greenlighted it. Furthermore, I'm going to use the Ogre Jerkin+1 set to suggest SE did, in fact, intend for RDM sometimes sub /BST.

            Take a trip to Cape Teriggan sometimes. You see quite a few of them sometimes. After the level cap increase, I'm willing to bet you'll see them more often once there is a surplus of people trying to find EXP camps.

            There is also a whole line of earrings designed to increase stats based on your subjob.


            • #7
              Re: A beautiful MND.

              no no that wasnt what i was trying to get at. sry now that i reread what i put i didnt really explain what i was completely thinking lol sry. and yes you need to consider your sj as your left hand i completely agree with that!

              what i was trying to get at was that SE tends to put stats that tend to give boosts to sj that you dont typically see the CHR with /brd and /bst. Yes its used, and more frequently, but the example can be applied to any job/sj combo.


              • #8
                Re: A beautiful MND.

                Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
                RDM's AF body has CHR. I would say it was designed in the event you need to have CHR on RDM. SE refuses to say anything about whether /BST subjob is a glitch or not, so I'm going to assume they have greenlighted it. Furthermore, I'm going to use the Ogre Jerkin+1 set to suggest SE did, in fact, intend for RDM sometimes sub /BST.
                Step 1: Log in to FFXI
                Step 2: Type "/? /seacom"
                Step 3: ???
                Step 4: Profit/lulz
                Last edited by Yellow Mage; 06-03-2010, 02:20 PM. Reason: Or maybe it was "/? /seacomup" . . . whichever one mentions the 23 RDM/11 BST.
                Originally posted by Armando
                No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                Originally posted by Armando
                Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                Originally posted by Taskmage
                However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                Matthew 16:15


                • #9
                  Re: A beautiful MND.

                  FWIW, I use DRK/WHM all the time, and if MND was actually potent for most white magic being able to stack some on from AF and such would be great. Remember how once upon a time Elvaan were supposed to be the best healers, until everyone realized that only MP really mattered so Tarutaru were better?

                  I rarely count on being able to land subbed enfeebles, but I suppose it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to see if stacking on MND from gear and eating a goblin mushpot makes trying to Silence/Paralyze/Slow feasible. DRK does have native enfeebling skill, even if Bind and Poison are about the only native spells to make use of it.

                  Incidentally, I think Absorb-stat spells that land unresisted give +20, but that degrades over time.
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                  Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
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                  • #10
                    Re: A beautiful MND.

                    Originally posted by Laynton View Post
                    RDM body has unless its to boost my possible sj (/bst or /brd), like Ketaru was saying, its just another "Twilight Zones" that SE likes to put in.
                    I'm chalking this up to representing how sexy it looks. I wouldn't put it past SE to slap on some +stats on AF simply as a flavor thing. "Oh look, now your Dark Knight is older and wiser and we're going to reflect that by adding some +MND to his Artifact gear".
                    Last edited by TheGrandMom; 06-04-2010, 10:28 AM. Reason: Fixed quote
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                    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
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                    Blog: Mediocre Mage


                    • #11
                      Re: A beautiful MND.

                      @Luna, it's +18. though I think the rate of decay is also affected by how well it was un-resisted. Its hard to say on that because you cant actually "watch" the rate of decay.

