I just hit 30 and I am stuck in a huge conumdrum. I have been lokoing at melee classes that are more than Autoattacking and WS (I lvled warrior to 30 and I have been bored out of my mind). I know Drk has all the black magic spells to keep you busy outside of autottacking and WS. But my friend currently has a 75 Drk, and not really sure if having 2 in our static group would be any good once we all hit 75.
So my next choice would be Drg. I love the fact of having a pet, the soloing capabilites, and the general look of the Drg job looks awesome. But it seems that Drg suffer from the same ole' Autoattack/WS symdrome that the war job suffered from except with a couple of jumps useable every coupld of minutes. That is my only downside to this job is that I think it may be liek my war in terms of the combat.
Any advice/suggestions/comments on this would be awesome! Once again thanks and I love this forum!!
So my next choice would be Drg. I love the fact of having a pet, the soloing capabilites, and the general look of the Drg job looks awesome. But it seems that Drg suffer from the same ole' Autoattack/WS symdrome that the war job suffered from except with a couple of jumps useable every coupld of minutes. That is my only downside to this job is that I think it may be liek my war in terms of the combat.
Any advice/suggestions/comments on this would be awesome! Once again thanks and I love this forum!!