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  • #16
    Re: P.charm?

    Originally posted by TheTruth23 View Post
    I don't intend this to be rude, but some of you posting in this thread are full of crap. I gotta thank I have a good rep on my server and don't have to deal with some of you. I'll leave it at this. I see why DRK is referred to as lolDRK. So many idiots play this job.

    If being l33t = being a better player without skills, then no, you're not that great. Having a rep for having the best gear =/= being the best player there is. There's a different between someone who's a gilbuyer and someone like Avesta.


    • #17
      Re: P.charm?

      Originally posted by TheTruth23 View Post
      I don't intend this to be rude, but some of you posting in this thread are full of crap. I gotta thank I have a good rep on my server and don't have to deal with some of you. I'll leave it at this. I see why DRK is referred to as lolDRK. So many idiots play this job.
      it's not lolDRK it's loltaruDRK . go eat some proteins .


      • #18
        Re: P.charm?

        TheTruthe23, please answer my question : if you're that amazing and (as you say) have it all and done it all , how come you choose to use P.Charm over a Justice Torqe ? just out of curiosity


        • #19
          Re: P.charm?

          Originally posted by TheTruth23 View Post
          I don't intend this to be rude, but some of you posting in this thread are full of crap. I gotta thank I have a good rep on my server and don't have to deal with some of you. I'll leave it at this. I see why DRK is referred to as lolDRK. So many idiots play this job.
          Just because people don't drop all they have for one doesn't mean they are "idiots" If they can afford one then they can drop eatting sushi and increase att or the can go the other way and still eat sushi. Just because there are the drks that can't afford top notch equip doesn't mean they are "idiotic" just the drks that bash others because they have opposite opinions on their choice of fashion. But to me PCC can be of use for a few jobs of mine but hey thats what I see.


          Which FF Character Are You?
          "Don't get in the way of Radel." ^_^


          • #20
            Re: P.charm?

            Originally posted by Hell-bottom View Post
            TheTruthe23, please answer my question : if you're that amazing and (as you say) have it all and done it all , how come you choose to use P.Charm over a Justice Torqe ? just out of curiosity
            err well counts on if drk using Scy, G-sword, G-axe, or doin twin swords, axes and so on, only works if using a scythe. . . and I rather have the Ryl Gaurd collar but if works for you bro go ahead lol

            Which FF Character Are You?
            "Don't get in the way of Radel." ^_^


            • #21
              Re: P.charm?

              DRK without a Scythe {/Laugh} i wont sacrefice my scythe for the world ,even if the LS or PT told me to change to GS i will not {Mhaura}hahahah


              • #22
                Re: P.charm?

                As with all things in this game this game the answer to this question changes depending on many factors. Such as what other types of gear you use, food, sub, weapon, etc. Merit wise a sub like war you can pull more hate than most tanks can hold. So you don't really need to spend 6mil on more acc unless you just have nothing else to spend your gil on. If you have max gear in all the other slots or wanna run a weapon other than scythe or gs then by all means buy it.

