What is the best race for DRK?
- the guide says to pick mithra, I asked my linkshell and they said no way.
Pick Elvann or Galka for most damage and health, pick hume and mithra for ok
damage and decent black magic, and tarus for Great black magic, accuracy and
pure shock factor.I am personally a hume because it is more accurate than
Elvann and Galka. I really suggest you don't pick Taru LOL
^ I thought taru DRK's could be really skilled at dark knight? Just an ignorant person?
And btw, im a new dark night ^^ hurray!
What is the best race for DRK?
- the guide says to pick mithra, I asked my linkshell and they said no way.
Pick Elvann or Galka for most damage and health, pick hume and mithra for ok
damage and decent black magic, and tarus for Great black magic, accuracy and
pure shock factor.I am personally a hume because it is more accurate than
Elvann and Galka. I really suggest you don't pick Taru LOL
^ I thought taru DRK's could be really skilled at dark knight? Just an ignorant person?
And btw, im a new dark night ^^ hurray!