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Taru DRK hate?

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  • #46
    Re: Taru DRK hate?

    Originally posted by Hell-bottom View Post
    i'm only saying my openion on the matter , if you don't like what i'm saying, ignore it . what do you think ? that everyone should agree ? if not you will punish him ?
    tarutaru has always been in the last place in Melee jobs no buts and ifs , 2nd when i was talking about how gears looked on Tarus , i only said the truth .

    See the red text in my name on the left? That means I moderate this place, and that means it's my job to care about what gets posted here - and I don't appreciate people tossing grenades into the forum that threaten to blow up what has been thus far a very civilized and useful discussion.

    All that separates Tarutaru from other races is a single piece of decent gear except in the cases I outlined above. You place way more emphasis on racial differences than really exist.



    • #47
      Re: Taru DRK hate?

      Firstly, Gear is 80% of the fight with Melee. Imagine a scenario where every melee has the same gear. Then it all comes down to personal playing style. If you want, compare the base stats of all the jobs at 75.

      Elvaan DRK at 75 have
      1158 HP
      266 MP
      69 STR
      56 DEX
      50 AGI

      Taru DRK at 75 have
      886 HP
      495 MP
      58 STR
      59 DEX
      59 AGI

      This means that a Taru can feasable spam TP-Absorb more than a Elvaan can, and make up in DoT what they lose in raw strength.

      Now I'm just looking at numbers, not playing style. DRK can merit themselves differently, and just at looking at Group 2, it's feasable to have a Taru who relies more on accuracy (DoT) while a Elvaan focuses on STR.

      And honestly, what level are you to be so biased? What's the real difference in exp, specifically TP burn pts, between a Taru DRK/NIN that can bust out X damage and an Elvaan that might bust out X+200 or X+400? People don't care about raw numbers in TP burn, because we have WARs all over the place with 1k+ Rampages one fight and 400 Rampages the next.

      The chain goes on and the fight continues.

      Even in exp before TP-burn, at lvl 60, all DRKs sub THF for insane spike damage. And after the SC close and the MB, the mob dies either way.

      And let's look at HNM. Melee's sub SAM and they all set up for the MB.

      So what is your point? You don't have one, you're just an uneducated flamer. Having an opinion is fantastic, but not being able to logically back it up shows your noobness.

      I'm guessing that you lost a spot in a static because a Taru took your place, so you're bitter.

      It's ok, we'll still love you.
      The Tao of Ren
      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
      Originally posted by Kaeko
      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


      • #48
        Re: Taru DRK hate?

        numbers back me up , and yeah there's alot of different styles and i'm talking about one style not two with the same player .
        if you want to be a BLM-1 (Taru DRK) be my guest . but everyone will choose to be a real Dark knights . no one wants to be outdamaged by an Elvaan SAM in Single hits , specially not a DRK.

        notice: This is FFXI not WOW so keep the DPS out of this , it's not what FFXI is all about.


        • #49
          Re: Taru DRK hate?

          Originally posted by Hell-bottom View Post
          numbers back me up , and yeah there's alot of different styles and i'm talking about one style not two with the same player .
          if you want to be a BLM-1 (Taru DRK) be my guest . but everyone will choose to be a real Dark knights . no one wants to be outdamaged by an Elvaan SAM in Single hits , specially not a DRK.
          notice: This is FFXI not WOW so keep the DPS out of this , it's not what FFXI is all about.
          That's right, this IS FFXI. You know... the game where group efforts mean more than individual numbers. I belong to the best NA HNMLS on my server, and you know? We get along just fine no matter what race people play.

          Sure, a Taru hits for a few points less damage. Does it matter? Nope.



          • #50
            Re: Taru DRK hate?

            i rest my case .
            sorry if i offended anyone but that's my way of saying things .


            • #51
              Re: Taru DRK hate?

              Burn that brady guide you have in your hands. It does nothing but spew crap.
              I have to wonder why no one else has posted a game guide given how crappy the Brady guide is.

              Why is there so much taru drk hate? Two reasons.

              1) 90% of the people on gamefaqs are idiots

              2) Everyone is just jealous that taru drks look so darn CUTE in their AF!

              Dragoon is notable for races when you're using a mage subjob also, since Healing Breath also triggers on current HP%, and higher HP races like Galka therefore can operate much more safely when playing DRG/mage.
              I'd have to disagree with you there Icemage. In terms of the healing breath activation, yes, Galka will have a higher level of hp to activate it. However a galka has so little mp that they will not be able to safely fight mobs that I can fight simply because they don't have the mp for it.

              But differences in non-HP/MP stats don't make a huge impact on your effectiveness.
              Agreed, the only race/job combo that could be a problem would be a galkan whm or a galkan paladin, both of which have plenty of +mp options once they hit level 30+ to make up for their low mp.

              As for taru tanks, they can tank rather well unless it's a mob that has an especially hard hitting move, say spiders for instance. But you won't see other paladin tanks eager to take on spiders, and other paladin tanks will die just as easily to Sickle Slash, so I think it is a moot point.

              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


              • #52
                Re: Taru DRK hate?

                tarutaru has always been in the last place in Melee jobs no buts and ifs
                Well if you want to get REALLY technical about it:

                Elvaan drk hits mob for 100 damage!
                Galkan an drk hits mob for 95 damage!
                Mithra & Hume drk hits mob for 90 damage!
                Taru drk hits mob for 88 damage!

                Oh, the horror of being the race that's the last place. If all the jobs hit for 100 and a taru hit for 99 then they would STILL be in the last place.

                Being in the last place means nothing.

                See the red text in my name on the left?
                I think it should be more of a magenta shade for mods

                You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                • #53
                  Re: Taru DRK hate?

                  100~88 you wish , yeah and you forgot the HP since i was talking about melees (not DRK at that point) . lol dont tell me its 1000~999 xD .

                  thought : what will the taru ever do if his best advantage (MP)can't be used ,and his biggest disadvantages is the essence of a job , like : WAR , MNK , NIN..etc ;o
                  Last edited by Hell-bottom; 10-14-2006, 04:09 PM.


                  • #54
                    Re: Taru DRK hate?

                    100~88 you wish , yeah and you forgot the HP since i was talking about melees (not DRK at that point) . lol dont tell me its 1000~999 xD .
                    You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.
                    and people wonder why I have that as my sig, but maybe it's just a troll thing.

                    You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                    I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                    • #55
                      Re: Taru DRK hate?

                      you quoted me when i said (melees) then you did'nt mention (HP) you only mentioned how strong one hits , and that's not the only thing that matters in melee jobs. that can't be misundrstood lol , you quoted me and gave a bad post .

                      and btw i guess you put that sig to cover up you're expected failures and the future nice thinking


                      • #56
                        Re: Taru DRK hate?

                        Originally posted by Hell-bottom View Post
                        100~88 you wish , yeah and you forgot the HP since i was talking about melees (not DRK at that point) . lol dont tell me its 1000~999 xD .
                        thought : what will the taru ever do if his best advantage (MP)can't be used ,and his biggest disadvantages is the essence of a job , like : WAR , MNK , NIN..etc ;o

                        Disadvantages? What disadvantages? A few points of Strength? Who cares, when you've got gear that adds 5-10 points of Strength in a number of locations? The difference isn't material. A well dressed melee is a well dressed melee, regardless of race. They serve the same purpose, and for purposes of group tactics, those handful of stat points mean pretty much nothing.



                        • #57
                          Re: Taru DRK hate?

                          when i said disadvantages i had HP in mind (example: eqp Bomb queen and you lose a slot to eqp +5 STR , adding this to you're originally low STR) that's just an everyday problem for a taru melee ... i don't hate them i just want what's best for them


                          • #58
                            Re: Taru DRK hate?

                            Yeah, honestly, you haven't raised any good points.

                            The reason I'm bothering to raise DRK is because I remember a DRK/NIN taru who was pretty uber in his prime. And I have a friend who is quitting and giving me his Triumph +1's, Haubergeon +1, Swift Belt, Flame Ring and other things just to name a few.

                            Once you have about 100 STR (which I believe is possible) then the difference between 11 base STR at 75 is moot.

                            With 2 Flame Rings i'd have +15 STR (TY Merits)
                            Oh yeah, Merits are a good way for covering for your race's short comings.

                            But I suppose with you being a 75 job, you'd know that.
                            The Tao of Ren
                            FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                            If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                            Originally posted by Kaeko
                            As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                            • #59
                              Re: Taru DRK hate?


                              Hell-bottom sounds like a noob.

                              Taru can play any class very well. Im a tarutaru and i have a lv75 war and lv73 sam once my sam hits 75 im goin to be taking drk to 75.

                              On my war and sam i have out dmged other races with same weapon skills like rampage and tachi gekko not always but every now and then but mostly everything is kind of average on ws dmg. Its not just about dmg anyway its about skill of the player alot of things to think about one thing could the person pull with out problems.

                              Players skill > Gear > race in my opinion.

                              Also i dont know what it is but tarus acc does seem better than a elvaans acc so if a elvaan is hitting for 100 and taru hitting for 88 taru could possible hit more than the elvaan making them do better dmg in long run and build tp faster.

                              Ive played with a number of very good galka whms and smns in the time ive played in this game better than there taru counter parts.

                              Only real weakness taru have is there low hp's and thats about it.


                              • #60
                                Re: Taru DRK hate?

                                don't tell me that you just said Swift belt , coz if u did don't bother leveling DRK..

