Re: Pulling as a drk...?
a) I hate pulling. I like to sit around and chat (read: bug my party members), not be on the move 24/7.
b) I've done more pulling w/out shadows than with. It's not that bad. The only time I ever pulled in a party against fast mobs, I was war/nin but the party was killing so fast that I was often out there w/out shadows grabbing them. Granted, I have a defense swap macro that makes things a bit more painless, but in general, getting hit twice won't hurt mp too much. That's a Regen and the pld cures me for a little extra hate (that party, I was also the only melee, SCing with SMN so every bit of time I wasted not swinging axes was time wasted for the SC/MB). But at any rate, most of the game isn't spent on "fast mobs" and so, Drks do fine.
c) Mnks and Drgs suck at pulling. aside from job ability claims, all they have is pebbles and Tiphia Stings. They're not throwing their Sting any sooner than Aeni's throwing that Bomb Core, and you'd be surprised how hard pebbles actually are to come by.
d) Drk Marksmanship is a very sad E rank. But hey, you're not using mp, and if there's a chance you'll stick defense down, may as well go for it (though I wouldn't attempt wasting acid bolts w/out SEVERE equip swap macros). You can always just use bronze bolts.
e)Whytf would anyone want a Corsair puller? I don't understand that, still. In my eyes, a cor/nin is the same as a sam with a bow. And for that matter, I don't see why RNGs are #1. You're sitting still if you're wide scanning, or you're auto-running into a Torama. if you're in a party with Thf AND rng, I think the thf should pull and the rng should stay in camp and convey wide scan results. But I like parties that - you know - talk and work together and stuff. No one else shares this love.
a) I hate pulling. I like to sit around and chat (read: bug my party members), not be on the move 24/7.
b) I've done more pulling w/out shadows than with. It's not that bad. The only time I ever pulled in a party against fast mobs, I was war/nin but the party was killing so fast that I was often out there w/out shadows grabbing them. Granted, I have a defense swap macro that makes things a bit more painless, but in general, getting hit twice won't hurt mp too much. That's a Regen and the pld cures me for a little extra hate (that party, I was also the only melee, SCing with SMN so every bit of time I wasted not swinging axes was time wasted for the SC/MB). But at any rate, most of the game isn't spent on "fast mobs" and so, Drks do fine.
c) Mnks and Drgs suck at pulling. aside from job ability claims, all they have is pebbles and Tiphia Stings. They're not throwing their Sting any sooner than Aeni's throwing that Bomb Core, and you'd be surprised how hard pebbles actually are to come by.
d) Drk Marksmanship is a very sad E rank. But hey, you're not using mp, and if there's a chance you'll stick defense down, may as well go for it (though I wouldn't attempt wasting acid bolts w/out SEVERE equip swap macros). You can always just use bronze bolts.
e)Whytf would anyone want a Corsair puller? I don't understand that, still. In my eyes, a cor/nin is the same as a sam with a bow. And for that matter, I don't see why RNGs are #1. You're sitting still if you're wide scanning, or you're auto-running into a Torama. if you're in a party with Thf AND rng, I think the thf should pull and the rng should stay in camp and convey wide scan results. But I like parties that - you know - talk and work together and stuff. No one else shares this love.