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Re-questing AF

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  • Re-questing AF

    Hey, a friend of mine once tossed his Artifact Armor, but is now leveling DRK again.
    He just got his DRK AF3 done, but wants to know how to get his old AF back.

    His internet takes about 20 minutes to load a single page, so he asked me to
    look this up for him.

    How do you re-quest artifact armor?



  • #2
    Re: Re-questing AF

    For the quested AF you have to talk to a guy in the scroll shop in lower Jeuno to "forget your memories" of your AF quests. Then you can do them again same as before.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: Re-questing AF

      The guy will only let him erase the DRG, PLD and RDM sets.




      • #4
        Re: Re-questing AF

        I think you have to finish to be able to erase, perhaps?


        • #5
          Re: Re-questing AF

          Originally posted by Aelathir
          I think you have to finish to be able to erase, perhaps?
          That's what I was thinking, but AF3 is the finish of the AF Storyline. Unless he has to do the Gloves, etc. too...


          • #6
            Re: Re-questing AF

            I've never done this, myself, but here's a page on it:
            1. To activate this mini-quest, a character must have completed all four Artifact quests (AF Hands, AF1, AF2, AF3) for a specific job, as well as the mini-quests to obtain the two AF pieces from coffers for that job.
            2. After at least one of the Artifact items for the job has been discarded, talk to Vingijard, found in Waag-Deeg's Magic shop in Jeuno Lower. If you have completed Artifact quests for a job, but dropped one of those Artifact items, he will offer to clear your "memory" of the Artifact quests and mini-quests.
            3. Agree to clear the memories, and pay him the 10,000 gil that he requires. This will reset all the Artifact quests and mini-quests for that particular job. You can now go through the normal steps to complete those quests and mini-quests again, which will provide you with the Artifact items that you had discarded.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #7
              Re: Re-questing AF

              Hands are considered a quest too.

              CAREFUL now.

              When you reset memory, you will reset all the 4 quests for that AF, you need to redo them, BUT careful here, if you have an unfinished gloves quest on another job, you have to finish that first.

              Took me 4 keys to figure this out...
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #8
                Re: Re-questing AF

                I still don't understand how people can just start one AF quest for a job class, leave it unfinished and think they can get an AF quest for another job class. Just think ... how else would the game know what you want when you pick that coffer?



                • #9
                  Re: Re-questing AF

                  Originally posted by Aeni
                  how else would the game know what you want when you pick that coffer?

                  Not logical enough, system could of just as easily been setup to read what job you are and if you have quest open for that job. Then give you gloves as a result of that.

                  Now the fact you can quest for the coffer items and not be the job that needs the item, that should been a qualifier to tell people the game isn't looking at your job when it does this.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    Re: Re-questing AF

                    Originally posted by Macht
                    system could of just as easily been setup to read what job you are and if you have quest open for that job. Then give you gloves as a result of that.
                    Isn't that how it works? You can obtain the key with any job, but you have to be the correct job when you open the coffer to get the AF, right?
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • #11
                      Re: Re-questing AF

                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      Isn't that how it works? You can obtain the key with any job, but you have to be the correct job when you open the coffer to get the AF, right?
                      I think I hear you can go as THF to pick coffers to get your AF for another job, but I don't know if that's limited to just the gloves (Because you need to fight DS to get the AF Gloves)

