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Need info on DRK+sub

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  • #16
    Re: Need info on DRK+sub

    Originally posted by Icemage
    For DRK, about the only race that can reasonably use DRK/WHM for XP parties is Tarutaru due to having large base MP pools, and even that is questionable when you could instead be subbing /WAR or /THF in an XP party for more damage (your primary role as a Dark Knight in most XP parties).
    The only time I saw WHM being subbed on DRK was when the party was in the mid-30s fighting stuff in GC. No WHM on seek nor any other mages. One BLM and myself a RDM. I subbed WHM and tried to main heal, but when it took away the BLM from DD duty, then our overall kill rate suffered.

    2x DRK/WHM in our party. TP machines (xbow) and was doing uber dmg, so having to cure themselves when they took hate didn't make it seem so bad.

    This totally helped me in terms of having to have MP to chain. We chained to 4 and 5s. Of course, this isn't an everyday thing, but if you think about it, being flexible shouldn't only be something JPs can do. I think everyone should have different jobs to sub in their early levels (But I agree that post 50s, no one should be thinking of going to exp if you don't have the right people LFP)

