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  • #31
    Re: Racism

    that's not racism thats just bad luck... elvaan drk imo and i think a lot of others would agree are better than mithran drk, and argueably hume drk
    [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


    • #32
      Re: Racism

      Well as a drk not many people will like you Zeid even said it lol "the path of a dark knight is a lonely one ......


      • #33
        Re: Racism

        I'm a mithran DRK. I love DRK with all my heart yet a lot of people rarely choose to invite me. My gear is not super awesome +1 good, but it's a little better than the standard things. It all boils down to tactics and making a name for yourself. As long as you prove you are skilled and smart in battle, people will remember you.

        Remembering what a taru DRK said earlier...I should skill up my marksmanship
        All spells obtained!
        Homam Gear: 2/5


        • #34
          Re: Racism

          Originally posted by Ghik'Que
          Just really dissappointed at the racism people automatically assume when forming a PT. I was LFG in Jeuno two nights back and checked to see how many others were looking as well. Dismayed I find 2 other 53 DRKs looking as well. A mithran and a hume. I am elvaan. So I check for their search comments and both had none.

          I happened across the mithran and her gear was plain awful (I mean to the point that they were not going to do much damage and become a leech.) She checks me back and comments nice gear (bone scythe +1, dual snips, valk mask, life belt, RK hands and feet, jaeger mantle.) and we chat a bit.

          I check on the list again and see the hume is missing and do a /sea all to find he was in Boyhada Tree in a PT.

          The mithran then says take care and good bye as she has gotten a PT too.


          I spent 40 more minutes LFG before getting invite.

          It's sad to see that everyone relies on what race you are instead of actually checking search comments or going against the forums' hype about elvaan sucking so much.

          I've seen this happen a great deal before so it's not just this once. Also I am a VERY nice and good player. My equipment is ALWAYS the best I can get (I know, skill>equip>race just giving all my info), using sushi (squid and sole) I always get complimented on how well my DRK performs (not missing much and connecting for high damage as well as skillchaining without messing it up.
          Wow, very sorry to hear that, makes me think back to the time where I had my DRK lpf sign up and a Taru DRK got the invite over me, I ended up waiting for over two hours more for an invite with top notch gear.

          I would just say get a set party, thats what I did with a few friends after level 50, makes the game go a lot smoother.


          • #35
            Re: Racism

            man i took drk to 34 and then tried for drg to 51 now, and i thinking drg and drk aren't really against each other but in one point, lol they both have the HARDEST time finding partys cuase most poeple dont understand that drk's and drg's deal awesome damage, i was lvling drg a couple nights ago woth a brd and i was hitting in the 90+ range lol the party keep thanking me for damage i just said its not really me, i am the muscle for this brd, and thats true also as a drk i would out DD half of the other jobs before in partys, the only bad thing for my drk beiong 34 is many partys with thf rather invite drg cuase the hit the Sc harder than slice, so drks have to fight for partys and keep both weapons skilled up in order to be a use to party while drg takes the easy ride to 50 and when they hit 50 there screwed and the roles are revesred (btw i know i have bad spelling lol but i try, and that matters) so i want to say is no matter what job you do (many poeple know me on my sever thats how i got drg to 50+ lol) make sure poeple know you or they wont invite you

            also sushi helps alot but dont brag about it

            full rdm af = complete
            drg af = needs to be done
            next job to lvl? you decide lol (thf,drk,or blm)

            wanna party? sure
            wanna do a bcnm? great
            leveling bst in your free time cuase you cant not get party as drg??? priceless


            • #36
              Re: Racism

              when it comes to melee, i dont think elvaan should have to worry about 'racism', the only people that ever face racism on a regular basis are galka and taru.

              i dont think they were looking at race. just b/c someone else gets a pt invite over you doesnt mean they were looking at your race, it could quite possibly be that they have pt with those players before and they might be friends etc. elvaan make good drks. str is the main modifier on most ws.

              my 2 gil.
              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


              • #37
                Re: Racism

                It may sound strange, but sometimes even your character name plays a factor. Now I've been out of game for nearly 2 months now due to computer problems, but I'm pretty sure the search function sorted alphabetically. As a person that has made every PT he's been in since lvl 32 or so, PT leaders will typically see the first lfp sign at the top of the list and ask them first, then continue down the list until they grab one. Not sure what the OP's character name is, but keep that in mind as well.
                Kailo(Elvaan):[75DRK], [37THF], 37WAR, 37SAM, 37RDM, 37NIN
                Current Mission
                San d'Oria [M8-2] - Lightbringer
                Zilart [ZM14] - Ark Angels
                Promathia [PM4-2] - The Savage
                "Better to be pissed off than to be pissed on!" (°~°; )


                • #38
                  Re: Racism

                  Do you keep an eye on whos not getting a party when your in a party? Do you know the relationship between all the other Drks and the ppl they get invited to play with?

                  People tend to default to who they know over whos best, if they wanted whos best they probably would have picked the elvaan over the hume. I can tell you right now as a Hume Drg that I watched nearly every Elvaan Drg surpass me in lvl, and mithras often did as well, and I talked to several of the Drgs on my server for comparisons and discussion because I had "WEEKS" go by without party invites even though I had very good gear and bought my foods.

                  Your a DD, get used to it, your in the most competative, over stocked, pool of the party selection. Best advice to you my friend is lvl another job when you can't find a party, wasting time getting mad about not having a party when you probably don't even know how bad waiting can get is very immature.
                  Learning > Intelligence > Experience. Weak minds are subject to experience before realization. Inteligent minds understand quickly with minimal experience. Learned minds excersise knowledge gained from study, and do not require experience to reach realization. Which is your claim?


                  • #39
                    Re: Racism

                    sometimes when im lfp as mnk i can go up to a week without a pt so i usually start a pt in order to get xp.


                    • #40
                      Re: Racism

                      It's cause you're a smelly stinky elf! Get outa here nobody wants you!

                      I'm only kidding, or am I?

                      Welcome to the life of the DRK, I literally quit because of it, 9+ hours waiting for a PT on weekends = teh super suckage.

                      Try being a Galka Summoner, If I don't slap the, "I'm not really Japanese" tag (written in Japanese) in my search comment, I don't get a party while maging, period. Its actually strange because even with that I get a decent amount of JP invites. I remember when I had Astrals and wasn't gimp, having more MP than a Taru in Valkurm -- those were good times.

                      "Oh nice we have a Taru WHM!"
                      "Actually I'm a Galka..."
                      "Wtf? you Haxorjing?"
                      "Yes, I'm haxorjing, it has nothing to do with what I'm wearing..."
                      "WOW Can you teach me to haxjors?"
                      "Wtf... *boot*"

                      Yeah... on second thought those days sucked.

                      I don't have any advice other than to just stick it out, invites get better at 60.

                      >> DRK like to sub THF post 60 because we can SAnTA a Souleater + Guillotine and not have a rape video on our hands. No doubt in my mind that /WAR does far more damage, but a 4 hit Guillo can do you some serious pain with Souleater on before the mob smacks you, and thats hate we could have avoided.
                      Galka Pride. Tubbers: Retired Nov. 3 2004, unretired Nov. 17 2005
                      28 PLD - Super gimp
                      30 WAR - Gimp
                      33 SMN - Slighly gimp
                      34 THF - MEGA Gimp
                      37 WHM - Slightly Gimp
                      60 DRK - Gimpy mcGimenstein
                      Why? Rikura did it >.>
                      Max Chain 23 (Summoner)
                      Most levels in one party 13 (White Mage)
                      Most gimp Dark Knight (I don't even have rings at all = MND + 2)

