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Dark Knight Changes

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  • Dark Knight Changes

    (This is a copy/paste from a thread I made on another forum. Note: not all of these ideas are mine, and I don't actually like all of the, I just tossed them since others might want to see them)

    I was going to just post in an already existing DRK thread, as I've done many times... in many threads, but being that only one is on the first page and it isn't quite what I want to talk about, I'll make my own topic.

    You asked for it, so here it is.

    My problem with the Dark Knight is that it is very reliant on its subjob to be effective. A DRK main is nothing by itself. All of our natural abilities, besides our 2-hour, are useless when solo-ing. No matter that though, I can accept that my job is balanced for party-use in a party-oriented game.

    There are a few (more than a few) changes I'd like to propose for the class... many have been brought up before by other people, but I don't feel like going back and searching for their names. So just remember that I didn't think up all these changes.

    Merit Points:

    Ok... so Last Resort, Souleater, and Weapon Bash are marginally useful, and I can sort of see how reducing the recast on such abilities could help, our Merits really aren't in the same league when it comes to usefulness as other classes.

    Over the past few updates, SE has appeared to be making an effort to make the Dark Knight more magical... so why not give us some Merit point upgrades that help this along?

    My suggestions:

    Dark Magic Potency


    Dark Magic Accuracy

    We have more Dark Magic spells than any other class in the game. We share the same level of Dark Magic skill as the Black Mage. So why not allow us to upgrade our proficiency with these Magical spells? Part of the reason we aren't as good end-game, on HNM's, as other classes, is that critical part of our job is cut out. It'd be nice if Merits could provide a good enough boost to allow us to land Absorbs, Drain, and Aspir on Gods/HNMs/whatever with reasonable success.

    Two-Handed Weapon Proficiency

    Perhaps this would give us a +Haste%. As another DRK brought up... Sillies I think it was, we are supposed to be a master of two-handed weapons, so why not let us learn ways to cut the delay down some? I'm not talking about making a Greatsword as fast as a Sword, but it'd be nice if we could improve the speed a wee-bit.

    Two-Handed Weapon Accuracy

    This might be combined into the trait I just brought up... anyway, why not, at end-game, allow us to get a slight (say +10 or +15) Accuracy bonus when using two-handed weapons? Enough that we could swap out a little more of that ACC gear and get some more +STR or +Attack.

    Attack Bonus

    And/or perhaps we could upgrade our natural Attack Up traits some more? Perhaps enough that we could use Sushi and still have better attack. We're supposed to have the highest Attack out of any other class, so why not let it be unrivaled?

    Resist Paralyze

    Hey, why not? Maybe allow us to upgrade this more so that it's actually noticable. =P

    Arcana Killer

    Same as above. Upgrades would cause the "paralyze" effect to go off more. Perhaps this would apply to Arcane Circle as well?

    Changes to Existing Abilities & Spells

    Last Resort:

    I have several ideas for this...

    A.) Dramatically increase the Attack/Defense modifier to say... 50%. Increase the hate generated too, if you want. Being that DRK works pretty well as an SC closer... this ability seems like it'd go great before a SATA-Weapon Skill. Unfortunetly the +Attack and -Defense modifiers are too small to be noticable. Keep the recast, keep the durration.

    B.) Someone on Killing Ifrit suggested this... so here it is to the best of my memory: Increase the durration of Last Resort to somewhere around one minute, to one minute and thirty seconds. Maybe reduce the recast a tad, or leave it. As the Dark Knight levels up, this ability gradually grows stronger, in the end it winds up boosting Attack by some 40% and lowering Defence accordingly.

    C.) I came up with this one just now. Increase the durration to one-minute. However instead of having Last Resort modify our Attack and Defense, have it make our attacks within the durration ignore a certain % of the target's defence. Maybe this % could increase with level and or Merits/special armor enhancements. Not a huge amount, mind you, but enough to give our hits a decent boost in damage. (or weapon skills) (alternatively, maybe this would just increase damage dealt by a certain%, sort of a reverse Phalanx)

    Arcana Killer & Arcane Circle:

    Keep in the paralyze effect if you want... but how about this trait gives us increased damage against Arcana and increased Physical/Magical Attack and Accuracy? Arcane Circle would be the same, only it'd effect the entire party in this way. Perhaps all the jobs with "Killer" traits and "Circle" abilities could have the same upgrade, only geared towards their target Monster type.

    Allow these traits and abilities to be good enough that when you go to fight some Demons, you really want a Samurai along. Or a Dark Knight for Arcana. Or a Dragoon for Wyverns... you get the idea.

    Weapon Bash:

    I do not believe this ability should give TP. However I do think the "Stun" effect for both Weapon Bash and Shield Bash should be improved. As it stands, 90% of the time it won't even Stun a {Too Weak}, much less an IT. I will say that these abilities are good for stopping spells. (even though the animation keeps going, the spell has already been interrupted, the message is just late)

    Blood Weapon:

    Ugh... this is arguably one of the worst two-hours in the game. It does have its uses though, and it wouldn't take much to fix it.

    1.) Increase the durration to 1 minute.

    2.) Allow it to stack with Weapon Skills.

    ...and that's it. That's all it needs really. Perhaps you might also let it work on undead. I can live without that though. One last possibility: make the Hp drained from the target mob into additional damage. That way Blood Weapon wouldn't just heal us, but it'd double our damage as well.

    Another note: I do not believe Blood Weapon should be made a regular Job Ability. Souleater is supposed to be dangerous. Allowing us to stack it with Blood Weapon every time, every other time, even every third time, would be overpowering.

    Absorb-STAT spells:

    SE may be one step ahead of me here with the new JSE... but in general, I think the 'damage' modifier in relation to Dark Magic skill for these spells should be sharply increased. When I first got these spells I could drain about 10 or so points. At lvl 70, I can drain about 14-18. By now I think that 25-30 would be more approriate. We'll wait and see what our new JSE does though.

    Drain, Aspir, and Stun:

    These are our... 'defining' spells to some degree. They work fine as is... while I used to think Stun should be moved up to lvl 40 so that Red Mages couldn't sub it and utalize it better than we can... I fought Fenrir the other day and after losing several times in a row, and losing 6k exp, I started to wonder if next time I might want to bring a 75 RDM and have him/her sub DRK. Then when the little bastard 2-hours, the RDM can do the same and keep him from moving with Stun while the rest of us tear into him.

    Though, Aspir might be deserving of a slight boost. It doesn't seem to matter whether I cast Aspir on an IT, or a Too Weak, I can never seem to drain more than 90 or so MP. This is quite a bit at lower levels, but by my level it'd be nice to get back say... 150 or so. Dunno, like I said, Aspir and Drain are pretty good as is.
    Langron, Dark Knight of Bastok. Level 75 Rank 10
    A Pheonix Role-playing linkshell.

  • #2

    New Spells and Abilities/Traits:


    I dunno... nice idea... I don't see any way to really make this spell useful without perhaps overpowering it. I'd rather increase DRK tp-gain by increasing our attack speed or our accuracy.

    Drain II & Aspir II:

    Hey, why not? BLM and DRK would both benefit from these. Additionaly, Drain-ga (or even Aspir-ga) would be nice.

    Enlight & Dark Aura(Dark Spikes):

    Similarly, you could give this to BLM, and you could give the opposite to WHM and PLD. "...but an 'En' spell is enhancing magic." Bullshit I say. Just make it Dark Magic and leave it at that. Personally, I could easily live without these spells, but they sure would be nifty.


    It'd be very convenient, but as with the two spells I just mentioned... I could live without it. As with Dark Aura, it could easily be changed to Dark Magic rather than enhancing.

    Warp II:

    Everyone would benefit from this. I think we'd all appreciate being able to take along someone besides a BLM and still be guaranteed a cheap ride home.


    Hey, why not? It wouldn't exactly be over-powering.

    Stun II:

    I guess this would have an even faster casting time and longer-more powerful effect on the target. I could live without it though. Stun is pretty swell by itself.

    Bio III:

    I think it's safe to assume this spell will be released some day... I just hope DRK's get it.

    <Insert Creative Name>:

    Ok, we know one of the reasons DRK's have trouble keeping up with TP is that they have spells to cast. Absorbs take a while... so... how about this: a job trait, post 37, that allows us to keep swinging even while casting a spell? Perhaps, with this JT, when casting, our weapon delay would continue counting down at half of the normal speed or something like that? I like the idea...

    <Insert Creative Name>:

    A job ability that changes our physical attacks... into Magical attacks. Hitting a jelly for 30 damage? Hit this ability and now you're hitting for full again. Durration... 1:30, recast... 3:00. Level 45 Job Ability. Immagine that with this ability active, damage dealt by 'attacks' would be determined by Magic Attack, and INT as opposed to STR.

    <Insert Creative Name>:

    An ability, with the same recast and durration as Berserk... however it is the opposite, in a sense. It boost Magic Attack at the expense of Magic Defense. Say... lvl 55-60. This would go very well with the above mentioned ability.

    Killer Swing:

    I'm not good with coming up with names. Anyway. This would be similar Double Attack and Zanshin. It goes like this: Extra attack on critical hits. When ever you get a critical hit, you will automatically attack again. The attack can miss of-course, as it's really just an extra swing. Also, I don't think this trait should stack with SATA, as that would boost our Weapon Skill damage a bit too much, in my opinion.

    <Insert name>:

    So how about a trait similar to Magic Attack Up. However instead of increasing our Magic Attack, it increases our spell damage on MB's by a certain %?


    Remove the damage caps for ALL melee!

    This won't change damage done in exp parties very much, however all melee would benefit if their two-handed weapons did full damage on lower level mobs. As it currently stands, our damage gets capped. I hit a lvl 1 Bee in Gustaberg no harder than a I do a Sabertooth Tiger in Batallia Downs, or a Demon in Castle Zvhal. It just isn't right. Rangers will say: well, we pay for our damage so we should break the damage cap. I say: and you still will.

    Phew... so I think that's all for now.
    Langron, Dark Knight of Bastok. Level 75 Rank 10
    A Pheonix Role-playing linkshell.


    • #3
      "Resist Anything" is noticable if you fight Decent Challenge and weaker monsters... with a slightly lower chance with Even Matches.

      it hardly ever works with IT, because theyre 8+ levels above you... and those monsters were only meant to be fought as PT, because no one wants to go camp DC/EM mobs for 20-50 EXP a kill...


      • #4
        i have a list just like this for SAM....


        • #5
          Nice list there.

          I like the idea of making Bloodweapon a regular JA. I don't think this ability would make us more powerful than RNG, so I don't see how that could be a problem.

          I think they should change LR to this: 35% ATT up, 2 min duration, and 5 min recast time. As far as the enmity modfier goes, I think they shouldn't remover, just reduce it to something equal to the enmity modifier in Sharpshot.

          I love the idea of attacking after every critical. I'm not sure what you meant by not wanting it to stack with SA, but I think it should. It should not deliver a SSx2, but it should swing immidietly after SS. This ability would work so well with THF. Of course it should be lvl 60+, or other jobs would become too powerful.

          As far as weapon bash goes, I think this ability should always stick, plain and simple. The AF gloves could simply make you stun the mob for a longer period of time.


          • #6
            Oh, something I forgot to add...

            Perhaps Drain II and Aspir II would be DoT (damage over time) spells?

            Drain II would take away say 10-15 HP's from the mob and give them to the DRK with each tick.

            Aspir would be the same, only with MP...
            Langron, Dark Knight of Bastok. Level 75 Rank 10

            A Pheonix Role-playing linkshell.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tartaros
              "Resist Anything" is noticable if you fight Decent Challenge and weaker monsters... with a slightly lower chance with Even Matches.

              it hardly ever works with IT, because theyre 8+ levels above you... and those monsters were only meant to be fought as PT, because no one wants to go camp DC/EM mobs for 20-50 EXP a kill...
              I just wanted to say that as a bard my resist silence has gone off pretty often. When fighting IT goobbue in B. Tree I would 30% of the time evade their aoe silence, while no one else would. And the archduke's silencega, I have resisted that quite often. 50% of the time even.
              I think most people underestimate these resist traits.

              Ok sorry for goin off track


              • #8
                Lol, with my sniper's rings on, my resist blind trait doesn't really save me. -40 to darkness resistance is awful; I've had mage gobs in Batallia Downs land blind on me at level 66 even.
                SAM 74


                • #9
                  Last Resort

                  I'd actually like to turn last resort into a real last resort. Instead of boosting attack and lowering def, it would take 50% of our MP and turn it directly into damage for one hit only; similar to what souleater does with HP.

                  Well, we can keep dreaming.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by fuz
                    Last Resort

                    I'd actually like to turn last resort into a real last resort. Instead of boosting attack and lowering def, it would take 50% of our MP and turn it directly into damage for one hit only; similar to what souleater does with HP.

                    Well, we can keep dreaming.
                    I don't think that would be very useful either.

                    At my lvl... as a Hume... that'd be about 150 damage?
                    Langron, Dark Knight of Bastok. Level 75 Rank 10

                    A Pheonix Role-playing linkshell.


                    • #11
                      What I wish they would let us merit is the cast time on spells like Drain, Aspir, and Stun. I can't even count the times that I finish stunning a mob, and like 10 seconds later I have to stun it again
                      Landon Lv. 75 DRK/THF
                      Server: Phoenix

                      Currently working on Relic Scythe....They say I'll never get it done, but I say it's only a matter of time ~_^


                      • #12
                        I don't agree that stun should be 40. Just because RDM can sub it doesn't diminish its use anyway.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jmedno5891
                          What I wish they would let us merit is the cast time on spells like Drain, Aspir, and Stun. I can't even count the times that I finish stunning a mob, and like 10 seconds later I have to stun it again
                          ohhhh that would be so very useful. Especially against dolls that want to blow up more than once in a fight ; ;
                          Full Cursed= O
                          Full Str Gear= O
                          Apocalypse= ; ;

                          DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                          1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                          • #14
                            We need either asb-tp, a move like barrage, or that extra attack move you where talking about...also a better 2hour wouldnt hurt...

                            We just need to keep up with tp and he are fine...


                            • #15
                              I dont really care about the 2hr.

                              I mean, compare it with say Perfect Dodge and how many uses it has in any normal PT. For pulling some things say in Dynamis or special case NM's like Mother Globe maybe fine. Its probably almost equally as used as a Drk's Bloodweapon which almost always is used with Souleater for best bonus'.

                              ABS-TP.. now that would be really nice to see. Giving Drk a barrage type move that would fill up TP gauge almost instantly is too much imo. But ABS TP which could maybe give us 30-40TP that would be nice.
                              Full Cursed= O
                              Full Str Gear= O
                              Apocalypse= ; ;

                              DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                              1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O

