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Martial Scythe [Test+Info]

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  • Martial Scythe [Test+Info]

    If you dont know about this scythe its new weapon~ not rare/ex

    This test show the diffrent in ws damage between death scythe and Martial scythe

    Martial Scythe
    LV72 DMG92 Delay528 TP bonus DRK only
    Drop at enm Bionic Bug Mine Shaft #2716

    Death scythe DMG97 Delay 528

    [All Tests vs death wasp + Same equipment + no food/LS/SE and so~] only ws+sneak attack

    Death scythe [Spiral Hell]
    100 TP Damage = 710
    200 TP Damage = 1007
    300 TP Damage = 1924

    Martial Scythe [Spiral Hell]
    100 TP Damage = 969
    200 TP Damage = 1869
    300 TP Damage = 1869 [it was 1869 too]

    If you wanna spam Spiral Hell vs hnms Martial Scythe rocks here Cuz it give you the effect of 300 tp spiral hell with 200tp only!

    Thats like Meditate

    Notice : all numbers you see here is 100% true i tested the scythe over 3hours to be sure

    Main : Sephiro
    Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
    COP missions = Complated

  • #2
    yeah it gives like 100% tp bonus it seems, good info!


    • #3
      I'd be curious to know how much each normal hit varied with the same gear and the different scythes.
      SAM 74


      • #4
        Originally posted by CarbonFibre
        I'd be curious to know how much each normal hit varied with the same gear and the different scythes.


        Martial has lower base damage, with the same gear you will get a lower hit dmg output with martial scythe vs Death Scythe.

        Death+1 = 98 base XD :x should try that :p
        Full Cursed= O
        Full Str Gear= O
        Apocalypse= ; ;

        DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
        1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


        • #5
          Originally posted by kumaeru

          Martial has lower base damage, with the same gear you will get a lower hit dmg output with martial scythe vs Death Scythe.
          Lol, Kumaeru... Obviously hit for hit a higher dmg weapon will hit for more with the same gear. What I was thinking is how much of a different it would really make. Would it be enough to make up for the different in weaponskill damage? That kind of thing. I guess it doesn't matter since I don't use scythes though.
          SAM 74


          • #6
            hmmm for CoP wyrms that TP scythe might be better.
            would take you less time to build enough TP for full damage spiral hell.


            • #7
              This scythe is lots of fun when XPing with THF on sky weapons @75, i just go /WAR and can pump out a 600 spiral hell @100ish and 900 and 200ish. very fast way to chain darkness and get 3.5-4k an hr when statues camp is taken


              • #8
                Originally posted by CarbonFibre
                I'd be curious to know how much each normal hit varied with the same gear and the different scythes.
                Actully damage diffrent not that much
                Cuz as drk we cant reach our cap easy not like rng who hit same Damage always [ this losers reach there cap easy >.>]
                Thats why Martial>death anytime to me
                Well the DMG diffrent not that huge 92 vs 98 like if we can reach The cap >.>

                If im sam i go for the TP bonus weapon for sure our damage Come from ws :sweat:

                Death+1 = 98 base XD :x should try that

                I sold this scythe same day i got it it give 99 tp {too weak}

                Main : Sephiro
                Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                COP missions = Complated


                • #9
                  But I do admit that Drk/War or Drk/Sam pumping out quick spiral hells like that even without thf sub is certainly an amazing thing.

                  With martial scythe it does give a large benefit.

                  I've yet to test the scythe on my own, it's 2mil on midgard and I am hesitant to spend more gil on Drk as is (working on War). But getting cap damage isn't a hard thing to do for Drk.

                  More +attack and less +str = more times you hit cap damage.

                  Due to the fact that as drks we are loving the +str for our WS it also removes from the average that we get cap damage.

                  Adaman gear and Dusk trousers with Str rings and alky's and Bomb Core. I try to even out my attack and str. I have still yet to get 500-520 base attack without anything added. I am a taru so that does hurt a little. 64+51 Str is what I usually have without going all out on stat individually. That's still better than many drks and even some common drks in full adaman also.
                  Full Cursed= O
                  Full Str Gear= O
                  Apocalypse= ; ;

                  DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                  1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                  • #10
                    Wait for the price of the scythe to go down, the price has droped from 1.7mil to 700k in the last week on Unicorn, and last time i checked there were 4 up on AH. when it hits 500k i'll pick one up ^_^


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by scrockstar
                      Wait for the price of the scythe to go down, the price has droped from 1.7mil to 700k in the last week on Unicorn, and last time i checked there were 4 up on AH. when it hits 500k i'll pick one up ^_^
                      This is midgard we're talking about though lol.. on midgard price only goes up. Unless it takes like a year or something of going down ever so slowly.
                      Full Cursed= O
                      Full Str Gear= O
                      Apocalypse= ; ;

                      DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                      1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O

