If you dont know about this scythe its new weapon~ not rare/ex
This test show the diffrent in ws damage between death scythe and Martial scythe
Martial Scythe
LV72 DMG92 Delay528 TP bonus DRK only
Drop at enm Bionic Bug Mine Shaft #2716
Death scythe DMG97 Delay 528
[All Tests vs death wasp + Same equipment + no food/LS/SE and so~] only ws+sneak attack
Death scythe [Spiral Hell]
100 TP Damage = 710
200 TP Damage = 1007
300 TP Damage = 1924
Martial Scythe [Spiral Hell]
100 TP Damage = 969
200 TP Damage = 1869
300 TP Damage = 1869 [it was 1869 too]
If you wanna spam Spiral Hell vs hnms Martial Scythe rocks here Cuz it give you the effect of 300 tp spiral hell with 200tp only!
Thats like Meditate
Notice : all numbers you see here is 100% true i tested the scythe over 3hours to be sure
This test show the diffrent in ws damage between death scythe and Martial scythe
Martial Scythe
LV72 DMG92 Delay528 TP bonus DRK only
Drop at enm Bionic Bug Mine Shaft #2716
Death scythe DMG97 Delay 528
[All Tests vs death wasp + Same equipment + no food/LS/SE and so~] only ws+sneak attack
Death scythe [Spiral Hell]
100 TP Damage = 710
200 TP Damage = 1007
300 TP Damage = 1924
Martial Scythe [Spiral Hell]
100 TP Damage = 969
200 TP Damage = 1869
300 TP Damage = 1869 [it was 1869 too]
If you wanna spam Spiral Hell vs hnms Martial Scythe rocks here Cuz it give you the effect of 300 tp spiral hell with 200tp only!
Thats like Meditate

Notice : all numbers you see here is 100% true i tested the scythe over 3hours to be sure