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equipment taru drk

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  • equipment taru drk

    hello guys. im lvl 58 taru drk. i have almost all of the right equipment; royal knight mufflers, life belt, mormans gorget, vassago's scythe, lightning bow?, the lvl 55 royal armor? well i have 1 snipers ring and can buy another. my question is this, since im taru should i have a 2nd snipers or should i go for +strength at this lvl or any level. sole sushi is my food of choice.

  • #2
    I am one of thoes people who think there is "No such thing as too much accuracy". But my two cents are as follows:

    Snag Haubergon, I know its been said several million times across the war/dark/sam forums. But this thing is just so awesome. Best gil I have ever spent. Then after that, consider(get) another sniper.

    Your about to get Guillotene, and all the strength in the world is not going to get thoes other 3(considering you sub thf, the first will be free) hits no matter what way you slice it.

    Haubergon is expensive, and you dont have to get it right at 59, but you should really consider saving for it over the next few levels. Just gotta grit your teeth and bear it.

    One more thing(Opinion) the fact that your a taru is not really going to have any bearing on what kinda equip you buy in the long run. The "good" stuff for you is the "good" stuff for every Drk. Check around, there are several thousand topic's on what equipment to choose at what level, ect. :p

    Also, keep with the sushi, its the food of the gods
    |o('o')=o *powpow*


    • #3
      Taru Drk equip = Elvaan Drk equip.. mainly for dmg purposes.

      Mini you dont have to get another snipers if you dont want to. And yes haubergeon is awsome armor and all that (thats been said), but really lol.. I remember when people wore tiger jerkin and like Assault Jerkin to 75 XD.

      IF you can get Haubergeon.. it will be the best thing you spent on for your drk and you will love it and all things like it (haubergeon > hauberk > adaman hauber), all because it has all the stats and bonuses you could want in 1 piece of armor.
      Full Cursed= O
      Full Str Gear= O
      Apocalypse= ; ;

      DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
      1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


      • #4
        Just some suggestions in addition, at upper
        levels I have adapted to three sets of equipment
        to provide better support to the pt and my performance
        1) drk magic skill mod - dark torque, drk af helm,
        and if no tp demon's axe
        2) accuracy - haub, snipers, thick set, celata, merman's gorget
        3) strength/attack- rse2(if spinning slash no boots), drk af helm,
        ryl grd collar or spiked necklace, ryl kgt breeches

        -Arte :p


        • #5
          I agree with 2 and 3, and even when there is a lvl 75 Wyvern Helm with +5 Str I still prefer the AF Helm due to the Souleater effect up. I did use a Wyvern helm, but sold it because I wasnt using it enough to warrant the 200k I spent on it.

          The Dark Magic skill is a bit sketchy though. I've wanted to know what it would be like to have high dark magic skill, but the more I think about it the more I think why?. It is possible to get over 300Dark Magic Skill as Drk. This means your Drains will be better, Aspir will be better, and Absorbs will stick easier. On any mob when exping having Capped drk magic without equip is good enough IMO. There are times where you will get resisted though on harder mobs, but when you are higher up I usually Absorb when trying to do most dmg possible or show off how much +stat I could get. From 60-70's I do know that the absorbs did help in some situations though.

          Reasons I see having high Dark Magic Skill (over 300) is mainly trying to stick Absorbs on gods/HNM. On Byakko it's easy to stick Absorbs due to his weakness to darkness. I have around 270 Skill and I can still stick some absorbs (mainly Agi and Str sticks.. others didnt) on Seiryu. On the other 2 gods I have always been resisted. Kirin is .. well I remember someone saying its a lvl 95 Mob. I've never seen anyone actually land absorb on Kirin, and only 1 person ever actually stun kirin. Nvidia and Giordano own XD. Not sure with 300+ skill though. 300+ skill would include AF2 pants, Crimson gloves, AF helm, either the Drk Axe with +6 or the Shield with +5. And not sure if needed but possibly Abbysal Earring or Merit Points.

          I already got Soupanomimi anyways so no Abbysal Earring for me XD.

          For str gear I still need Hecatomb Cap (+11str), and Alkyoneous Braclets (+11 str; the going price is now 5mil ; ; ). Cassie earring(2mil)/Vamp Earring(probably around 3mil, none sold)/Minuet Earring(400k) would be nice too, but I chose to get items with most +str first XD.
          Full Cursed= O
          Full Str Gear= O
          Apocalypse= ; ;

          DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
          1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


          • #6
            drk magic

            Hey Kuma

            Yes, the necessity of drk magic can be questioned.
            Like you have mentioned better drains, aspirs,
            and absorbs sticking would be the reason.

            For me in particular I've used drk magic skill mod
            equipment for assurance that my absorbs land
            well. In Boyahda Tree in mid 60's and Dhamels
            in Bibiki Bay it gets really depressing when absorbs
            are resisted Casting absorbs at start of battle
            then switching to accuracy equipment has given
            me an advantage and confidence

            I can remember a big difference when trying to
            absorb Simi with and without drk magic eq. Was sweet
            especially when kept buffered with refresh

            -Arte :p


            • #7
              forgot to mention
              I do use Minuet Earring since my wife is
              my static bard

              I'll let you know my experiences with drk magic
              above 300 later pal. I really hope to achieve
              the abyssal earring, the scythe skill up is also a plus.
              The giga's bracelets are sooo good str-wise,
              but the -dex makes me step back
              Hetacomb Cap...can only dream now
              hopefully one day true



              • #8
                See the thing is about swaping gear when needed. The Gigas Bracelets with their -dex are bad to use as your only piece of hands. Get TP with +accuracy and +attack gear and WS with +Str gear.

                AF2 gloves are also nice for that matter, sadly I've not gotten even the chance to lot any ; ;. Got AF2 legs and feet (Enhance LR.. rofl.. -.-; ). AF gloves have +5 dex and +8 Int. Int helps the same way as Str does on WS (Spinslash, Spiral Hell, Groundstrike), only thing though is that the Str also adds an attack and cap dmg bonus normally. Still better to have +Str but there also might be bonus' to balancing out +str and +int. I'm not sure of that though; we're taru anyways.. around 70-75ish Int base. And the 64 Str base of a lvl 75 Taru can always be increased with the nice Drk equips most/many drks are almost expected to have.

                Absorbs at the start of the fight is great. The problem people see with Absorbs and casting magics during fight is that they could be getting TP to do their WS in the same time they cast a spell. And as many people know.. getting TP faster is near the top of the list, shown by how people go crazy on +accuracy gear.

                I was unlucky to come online after KB had just died and Adaman Breeches abj dropped ; ;. So I stick to the +14 attack of Dusk pants now.

                You also wouldnt wear things like Hecatomb all the time, Delay on Scythe is 528 already and 480 on Greatsword. Having the +slow% on each Hecatomb piece will give you a heart attack each time you miss. At least Heca Hands and Heca feet are very easy drops from Sky gods. Heca hat is also common drop, however the problem can occur with claiming fafnir.

                I got Soupanomimi earring instead of Abbysal due to the fact that I will be playing other jobs and I didnt want to be restricted to the +2int +scythe skill and dark magic skill. I probably wont be playing Blm later anyways XD. Lots of jobs are good with Sword skill, +agi and even nin or /nin for ehance dual weild.

                Btw your wife used to be in my "semi-static" PT as her Whm when I was lvling Drk around lvl 62ish.
                Full Cursed= O
                Full Str Gear= O
                Apocalypse= ; ;

                DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                • #9
                  I plan on making a TaruTaru DRK/THF. I'll level warrior also but the idea of a tarutaru warrior tanking now is bad. When i hit lvl 30 and unlock ninja then i will level warrior with a ninja sub. I'm glad to see some high level tarutaru drks in the forums. I was also wondering about how i should equip myself but those questions have been answered here. Thanks for the info.
                  Returning to Vana'diel Nov. 7th SAM/WAR


                  • #10
                    um DRK/THF is only viable as alevel 66+ because of the ahte you will be getting via level 3 skillchain with spinning slash. yes it can work before that but its not as good damage wise as a /war

                    And whats wrong with a taru tanking? ihave a taru pld

