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Spinning Slash damage

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  • Spinning Slash damage

    I was wondering what your spinning slash damage was?

    I am dark knight lv 70 now. and mine does from 260(no sneak attack, and resisted) to 1400(with thf sub and soul eater)

    An average i would say would be 700-800 dmg.
    I use str gear in macro. like 12 str worth, i don't have gigas gloves now, was hoping to get the lv 70 ones in drop.

    what gear do you have equiped for ws? and what damage does it do? on exp mobs.

    I also would like to know if anyone has figured out any way of making in 1:1 ratio.
    example: spinning slash does 988 dmg and light does 988

    i also try doing absorb-int if mob has much hp to increase dmg, since it supposedly is giving 30% bonus from both str and int.

    damage increases. but not too much.

    Please post ideas, suggestions. your own experiences with this.
    I can make spinning do more damage averagly, but this would only look good for me. i would waste time pr fight just to get a few 100 more dmg. there by makeing kills slower.

    thanks for your time

  • #2
    i macro in: warwolf's belt, rk legs, pallas bracelets, af helmet,
    2 flame rings, heroic boots, spike necklace before spin. there's a noticeble increase in dmg, maybe 200-300 more sometimes. average spin for me is ~900-1100 on aura statues but i've done anywhere from 300-1500 overall.


    • #3
      For WS I macro in:

      Chaos Burgeonet (STR+4)
      Enkelados' Bracelets (STR+7)
      Sun Ring x2 (STR+6)
      R.K. Belt (STR+2)
      Spike Necklace (STR+3)

      for a total of or STR+39 with the other gear I have equipped.

      I need to upgrade a few of those pieces, obviously, so I'll have a total of STR+44. On EXP mobs, it seems to average ~850 dmg, with the upper bound being 1300 or so on IT demons in uleguerand. I never have time to get to 300% TP, so I can't say what it should do at that level. I eat sushi, not attack food. Being able to skillchaing every battle just makes more sense than hitting harder when you have BLMs bursting Thundaga III for 1800 dmg. I should also say that STR+17 vs. STR+39 has a difference of 10-15 dmg per spinning slash at most. Nothing ground breaking for those times that I don't change gear for one reason or another.

      If you have the time to do an absorb, abs-int will probably increase the total DMG output since they BLM will be able to MB for more DMG. However, to improve Spinning Slash dmg, abs-str will offer a greater benefit. The INT modifier is more of a bonus than anything. INT has no place in the actual mob comparison, so any INT added is just multiplied by .3 before added to the equation. However, STR is both checked in the initial and bonus dmg parts of the equation, so increased STR will have a bigger effect than increased INT until you cap that part of the equation.

      As far as skillchain resistance... Really, the only thing you can do to help with that is have a BRD threnody the mob to lower it's resistance to light, and maybe a NIN to lower it's resistance to some other Light based element. By lv.72-73, nearly all of the EXP mobs resist light and/or darkness down to about 100-200dmg. Spartoi in KRT are probably the least resistant.


      • #4
        My Lowest becuase of missed SATA would be around 400ish on exp mobs at the lowest,

        the highest individual dmg Ive done was 1500, and ive done it twice, usually before SC ill cast absorb int > absorb str, then souleater or last resort.

        the most Ive done with a chain was on a procs in boyda tree the lv before they turn VT, which was 1100 dmg with a 2000 dmg chain, even the Jps were commenting it lol

        I have a str macro that include {ready to start skillchain <tp>} which seems to help

        oh and all of the dmg listed above was on IT mobs
        Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away

        Dark Af 5/5
        Bomb Core
        Absorb Dex
        Balin's Sword
        2 Snipers
        Gsword 269, scythe 271
        Thf 37 War 37 Nin 37 Smn 25 Whm 21


        • #5
          Good to see that others do about the same dmg as me.

          I have to admit, i have seen an increase in 1:1 ratio skillchains when i do absorb int.
          but that could just be luck.

          working on getting me Balmung now. after that some gigas gloves hopefully, the lv 70 ones are a bit out of my reach thou..

          Unicorns price is like 3-4 mill
          balmung is like 3 mill now.

          always fun to get these amounts of gil....


          • #6
            you can always buy it


            • #7
              you can always buy it
              that is true. and it would be smart of me. since i have a real job.. and can easily afford it.

              but it just would feel wrong to buy gil..
              so instead i torment myself, killing same ugglies over and over


              • #8
                Str does add a noticable difference.

                I am currently in process of making my Hecatomb Pieces for the +Str. I cant get Alk. Bracelets however.. costs 5mil on midgard ; ;, so maybe settle with Pallas.

                Yea when you get Spinslash around lvl 66-70 you will have quite a few people that will absolutly love the 100% Light it gives, or if 3 man chain the 150% Light. It's really awsome.

                I will be getting myself warwolf belt soon as well, I have enough +accuracy that I dont really need to use Lifebelt anymore. I still find +dex to be better on god/hnm anyways.

                Highest I got my +Str too (with Brd and no absorb) is +74, that was with +41Str on and food. If I can Stick my ABS Str on Byakko (cause hes weak to dark) I'd be near +90 for sure. I sold some of my +str gear though, needed some gil.
                Full Cursed= O
                Full Str Gear= O
                Apocalypse= ; ;

                DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                • #9
                  broke +50 str with purely gear and food yesterday, pretty neat and it definitely helps in spin dmg.


                  • #10
                    Hey Soyama, i remember PTing with you back when we were both 60somthing ^^. i used to have +40 STR before food and my spinslash did about 880-1050 (100-140TP) on aura statues, then i hit 75 and added another +6 and my DMG went to 900-1080. so i don't think it's really worth pimping out too much more.

                    @300 TP with +40 STR my best spinslash (@300TP) did 1565 on statues and now my best is 1595. so even @300TP STR does not seem to make a huge difference. however loads of extra STR might make a bigger difference on gods and such. i'll have to test it out more next god run.

                    anyways don't feel like you need to spend tons of gil on +STR gear, once you start XPing in Sky it's all about speed not WS DMG, so just stock up and sushi and you'll do fine. oh and as for the Balmung, i tested the Balmung vrs. the Mythril Heart vrs Balin's sword, the Mythril Heart does the Same DMG (give or take 10) as the Balmung, while Balin's sword did about 25 more DMG. so skip the Balmung and use a Mythril heart till 73 and just use sushi cause i have yet to miss the +5 Acc from the Balumg. anyways hope to see you around Unicorn ^_^


                    • #11
                      Nice seeing a familiar face:D

                      Glad to hear you hit 75
                      good to see someone stock up on gear before they level too

                      I didnt, stupid me

                      Got me balmung now thou:p so advice came too late
                      but then again, i can sell it:D

                      looking foreward to testing it.
                      just have to slap down maat first.

                      Optical hat fight soon ill spam you.

                      Enjoy gods and glory, see me you shall.

