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Thick Set, is it worth it? Advice needed

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  • Thick Set, is it worth it? Advice needed

    Hey all, I'm 10k shy of getting to 68 and I've been looking at the thickset.

    I have the haub, lifebelt, +2 snipers, assault ring, collar giving me +36 Accuracy. I have +15 STR and +15 DEX by various other equipment.

    I use Sole Sushi for food still, gives me godly TP return (sometimes I have even 100% Accuracy on IT+ mobs (parsed, I average around 80-85% accuracy on mobs in general)).

    Thick Sollerets 68 Def: 12 Accuracy: 2 Attack: 4 Evasion: -2
    Thick Mufflers 68 Def: 15 Accuracy: 3 Attack: 3 Evasion: -2
    Thick Breeches 69 Def: 31 Accuracy: 2 Attack: 5 Evasion: -2
    Celata 68 Def: 22 Evasion: -2 Attack: 4 Accuracy: 3

    Gives me a total of 11 accuracy and 15 attack.

    Compared to my current gear that could be replaced:

    Chaos Burgeonet 60 Def 23 STR: +4 Dark Magic Skill +5
    Custom M Gloves(yeah I still use these) +3 STR +3 DEX
    Royal Knight's Breeches: STR +2 DEX +2 Attack +3
    Darksteel Sabatons: Dex +3

    Gives me currently a total of +9 STR +8 DEX +3 Attack and +5 Dark Magic

    So what I have a hard time to think is how the thick set can be worth equiping, considering how much STR my previous equipment offers aswell a ton of extra DEX (yes I love my criticals, usually do atleast once per battle)

    Or should I get thickset and sell my snipers and buy two +4 STR rings instead? I don't see any of my stats improving, and since Spininng Slash is STR&INT based, I want to keep as much STR as possible. (I like a high DEX base too.. >.< )

    Or, should I change food to bison steak and get a boatload on accuracy to be able to keep up with tp return? (It's very important to me to keep pace with my ranger duo so we can SC as much as possible)

    I have around 1 Mil gil to spend if it is neccesary to add some gear.

    Any advice on this would be most appreciated.

  • #2
    To be perfectly honest, yes, you should get it. I can swing at 90% accuracy on leveling mobs at lv.73 now. The THF in my party can swing at 60% accuracy and keep up with TP gain... The long delay of our weapon, lack of innate haste (mnk/nin) and the lack of random-proc multi-attacks means that we have to have significantly greater accuracy than other job classes just to keep up.

    Oh, and by the time you're up to about 71 or so, the additional STR doesn't really add anything to normal swings. Keep it all to swap in for when you use your weapon skills. Occasionally I forget to change back to my accuracy gear after a WS. I never notice because of the additional damage i'm doing; I notice because I whiff like mad.

    Whatever you do, don't sell your Sniper's Rings. The farther i go, the more gear i end up having to keep. Gear becomes very situational toward the end, and i have macros that swap in STR, Accuracy, DEF, and Dark Magic Skill equipment, i may change gear 2-3 times in a single EXP battle.

    Also, you can get some better STR gear too. Spike Necklace, Enkelados' Bracelets (pallas or alky's work too, but are overpriced for their utility), RK Belt, a couple of STR+ rings, and other assorted gear can be swapped in just for your SA+WS. The goal is to make it so that your Attack stat doesn't change (or goes up) when you swap between Accuracy and STR gears.


    • #3
      don't buy the celata, use AF helm until optical hat, then still have it around if you WS/use souleater.


      • #4
        Also the new Warwolf Belt is better than RK now for macroing in.


        • #5
          he's level 68 and can't wear the warwolf belt...


          • #6
            Yeah I forgot....either way, look for it when you can wear it.


            • #7
              Thanks for the help, I'll go with arms&feet with thickset.
              Going to keep my RK legs still thou.


              • #8
                go thickset for hitting and other set for WS...that way you hit more then do a ws for more...

