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DRK macro set

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  • DRK macro set

    Hey all, my taru dark is currently at 35, and I could use some advice. Dark is the first "hybrid" job I've played, meaning a job where I'm using WS, JA, and spells routinely during battle. My macro set is a mess. On melee jobs I usually put WS on the ALT line, and JA on the CTRL line, making life a bit easier when I change from one job to another. With dark, though, I haven't come up with a good system for setting up macros, and I'm not even sure what WS, JA, and spells I need to have on a macro. What do you guys have macro'd and how do you have them set up? Any input would be welcome. ^^ Btw, I sub war, so I have those JA to consider as well. Thanks.
    74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM

  • #2
    This is how my macros are set up:

    CTRL Line: 1-7 Are all the WS I have, excluding where the Spinning Scythe Macro would be.

    ALT Line: 1. None 2. TP 3. Last Resort 4. Berserk 5. Souleater
    6. None 7. Provoke 8. Stun

    No macro for Defender because I dont want to hit it by mistake and have to take it off, too much of a hassle for me^^
    Also, I have the same line for my Greatsword, except the CTRL Line is Greatsword WS instead of Scythe WS. Hope this helps^^


    • #3
      cltr 1 - TP cltr2-5 equipment macro(2 for str, 2 for acc), 6-0 WS
      alt - 1 provoke, alt 2 - last resort, alt 3 - AF1 boots equip before arcane circle macro, alt 4 - flee/berserk, alt 5 - weapon bash, alt 6 - souleater, alt 7 - ranged attack, alt 8 - fuidama, alt 9 - nothing, alt 0 - stun


      • #4
        My macro sets have grown pretty complex since I frequently use multiple subjobs (I've got 4 pages of macros just for drk:p ) but at your level, there isn't a ton of stuff you need macro'ed. Making macros for all your ws at once seems pointless to me, just reserve 1 space for a 'ws' macro and put in whatever you need there for your current party. Doing that you can easily have ja+ws on 1 line and spells on another line and fit everything neatly on 1 page.


        • #5
          1 last resort
          2 souleater
          3 guillotine
          4 sickle moon
          5 vorpal blade
          6 n/a
          7 n/a
          8 n/a
          9 stun
          0 Ranged (before bomb core)

          1 sa/ta
          2 tp
          3 sa/ta groundstrike/cross reaper (changed out depending on what I'm doing)
          4 sa/ta spinning slash
          5 n/a
          6 n/a
          7 n/a
          8 Pull macro
          9 Equip - AF head for absorbs, WS, and drain/aspir
          0 Equip - Optical hat

          "You are no longer beer wench, you are now Fetcher of fine wine and Spirits, the only one to be bestowed this title." - Lilf


          • #6
            Personally I had:

            CTRL3-Abs-AGI or Abs-DEX
            CTRL5-Can't remember. >_> Probably N/A.
            CTRL6-SA/TA. If /WAR Berserk.
            CTRL7-Last Resort.
            CTRL9-Weapon Bash, with a line to equip the AF2 hands in before doing it.
            CTRL0-Poison to pull, or /ra for pull.

            On the ALT line I pretty much put whatever I was using for skillchain for that party. Since I only took DRK to 62, after I got Guillotine I put it on ALT1 with Sneak Attack and Trick Attack.

            ALT9- I had an equip macro here.
            ALT0-TP macro.

            This isn't necissarily the best way to have your abililties set up, but it was the most comfortable for me. One thing I would recommend out of anything, is having Stun in an easy to reach place depending on where you normally rest your hands on the keyboard. The faster you can get a Stun off the better, as it's one of the defining points of a DRK imo =)

            MNK all the way~


            • #7
              my set up isnt important or organized, someting i see no one has mentioned is a targeting macro. alt 10 for me is

              /party locked on and attacking <bt>
              /attack <bt>

              this is so im ready to start hitting as soon as the mob is in range and <bt> is so im attacking the correct mob

              now if theres a thf in party i can add a

              /wait 2
              /ja "Provoke" <t>

              stun is the only magic i have macroed

              i have ws macros with timers for magic burst but hey im taru and have elemental magic capped

              /party tp @ <tp> USING "VOPRPAL SCYTHE" NOW <call>
              /ws "Vorpal Scythe" <t>
              /wait 4 if i finish chain /wait 7 if i start it
              /ma "Blizzard" <t>


              • #8
                I usually don't worry about setting a target macro because pressin F8 auto targets anyway, so as soon I see red, I got it covered ^^

                Other than that I have job abilities on ctrl as well as a stun macro on ctrl 1 and SC ws's on alt, anythin else like spells I don't macro.

                I have yet to find a place to use acrane circle so until dolls come looking for a fight, I won't need it macro'd.
                DRK 55 War 30 MNK 14 THF 7

                Raven Sythe (Y)
                Chaos solleretes (Y)
                Chaos Gauntlets (Y)
                Chais Flanchard (-)
                Chaos Cuirass(-)
                Chaos Bergeonet (-)

                Things to do: Become l337


                • #9
                  Hmmm, I've only seen one equipment macro on here and no others. Do people not know how to do them or are they just not very effective? Here's an example of one of mine:

                  /equip Eremite's Ring +1
                  /equip Eremite's Ring +1
                  /wait 1
                  /ma Blizzard <t>

                  Then I'll have a switch back macro:

                  /equip Balance Ring
                  /equip Balance Ring

                  I usually have an equipment macro for each of my moves. Is this pointless?
                  `\~*~/`Life is a Dream, Death is the Alarm Clock`\~*~/`

