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Gloom Breastplate

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  • Gloom Breastplate

    I was just wondering what you higher level drks thought about the new armor from this last update. It's level 50 and "enhances Souleater effect". Hmm thats about all the stats on it I believe. Doesn't really sound great for exp pts, except maybe to SC. Has anyone seen it yet or know how to get it?


  • #2
    Not enough is kown yet. It may or may not work with AF helm. If it does, it will be SO worth it to carry just for souleater on darkness renkei. Currently with 1300 hit points, souleater and af helm adds 360 dmg to cross reaper. If the helm and body work together and both are +5%, it'll be 468.


    • #3
      It's obtained through a quest in Bastok Markets. Brhyd or whatever her name is gives it. You need to wear one of those new subligars that was released in order to complete the quest though.


      • #4
        This sounds pretty interesting, anyone have more detail regarding the quest?

        I found Bryid (spelling) on a briddge in bastok market, the first quest she offered was for me to wear a robe and bronze subligar. I recieved gloves for completing it, no other quest was offered afterwards. My fame is pretty high, i was able to complete the Utsemi:ichi quest.
        Kujata server:

        Reneki: Elvann/Male

        DRK lv 60/ Mnk lv32/ War lv28
        Thf lv30/ Whm lv28/ SAM lv21

        Elias: Taru/Male
        Rdm lv11


        • #5
          Utsusemi: Ichi isn't bastok fame.

          Anyway, rumour has it you'll need to havea certain amount of AF armor equipped when you talk to her.


          • #6
            After approaching her in full AF, she made a comment about being spikey and poking eyes out. And then asked me to return in a caparace harness and iron cuisses. Blahblah, I come back and she gives me the quest, and asks for a saggitarius subligar in return for the gloom breastplate. I'm not sure where these drop yet, and I've been getting mixed info on the possible drop locations. :/


            • #7
              so far ives heard they drop in the Sacriuim(sp?)


              • #8
                Well, after some exploring and such, the do in fact drop in the Aqueducts. Got a bunch of subligars (mnk, smn, whm) off their respective fomor jobs. Funny thing is, they're white and really really feminine looking. Haha.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Reinheld
                  Well, after some exploring and such, the do in fact drop in the Aqueducts. Got a bunch of subligars (mnk, smn, whm) off their respective fomor jobs. Funny thing is, they're white and really really feminine looking. Haha.
                  Then they would match the Hauberk like a charm
                  SAM 74


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Reinheld
                    Well, after some exploring and such, the do in fact drop in the Aqueducts. Got a bunch of subligars (mnk, smn, whm) off their respective fomor jobs. Funny thing is, they're white and really really feminine looking. Haha.
                    In Aqueducts?

                    What mobs did they drop from? Levels? Also, how do you get to these damn Aqueducts, i guessing that they are from CoP, as of yet i have not done that much of them.

                    More detailed info please
                    Maat Masher
                    Accuracy Bonus + 57
                    DRK 74
                    Byakko, Suzaku, Genbu : Defeated.


                    • #11
                      Aqueducts are Lv40 cap no? I'll take a PT down there today and farm Fomors. Will let you know how the drop rate is and such.


                      • #12
                        The drops are common, dark knight fomors however, are not. lol The only one we found was near a NM bat (set of three) that had a pet fomor. Ya, the bats had a pet. Anyway, the bats didn't drop crap and the fomors there were in a 4 person party. We had about 8 people with us, and could take 2-3 fomors at a time. They upped the level of the fomors since last patch, from DC to VT - IT.

                        But, it's a very doable quest with 1 party. I'd just reccomend a ninja tank and a thief (to pick the doors). We didn't try the library area yet, but I believe that's where we'll be going next to farm the rarer fomors.


                        • #13
                          Well, if you get hold of one, screenshots please =D
                          Maat Masher
                          Accuracy Bonus + 57
                          DRK 74
                          Byakko, Suzaku, Genbu : Defeated.


                          • #14
                            Is the Subligar she asks of you exe? meaning you can only do this quest if you have the expansio pack and access to the areas where the mobs drop them?
                            Kujata server:

                            Reneki: Elvann/Male

                            DRK lv 60/ Mnk lv32/ War lv28
                            Thf lv30/ Whm lv28/ SAM lv21

                            Elias: Taru/Male
                            Rdm lv11


                            • #15
                              I'd assume the quest would require CoP seeing as how the mobs spawn in CoP areas and the item is Rare/EX?

                              If anyone knows if Fomors in other areas drop subligars or if it's only Phomiuna Aqueducts, insight would be appreciated. Also, are the Promyvion quests required to access the Phomiuna Aqueducts? I haven't figured out many CoP areas much less explored them, thanks.

