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Gloom Breastplate

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  • #16
    All the subligars are Rare/Ex and you need CoP. You also have had to beaten at least the proms. One area to get them are the aquaducts and there is one other after CoP Mission 4. I forget the name without auto-translate at hand. lol


    • #17
      I think its the Sacrium(sp?) thats where my friend did his THF jse top quest.


      • #18
        I took a team down to the ducts *lvl 40 cap* . We only had 6 so we looked for single Fomors. (Fomors dont link...unless they are in a party). We got 2 bst/brd drop, 1 ninja, 1 blm/smn. The drops are based on what fomor you kill btw so lvl 40 cap does drop.


        • #19
          Does anyone have a pic of the gloom breastplate? or is a completely new addition?
          DRK 55 War 30 MNK 14 THF 7

          Raven Sythe (Y)
          Chaos solleretes (Y)
          Chaos Gauntlets (Y)
          Chais Flanchard (-)
          Chaos Cuirass(-)
          Chaos Bergeonet (-)

          Things to do: Become l337


          • #20
            When you get the quest I saw the image in the item description. Basically its the lvl 49 mythril body. I should get it tommorow I'll update ya. The bard one is just the red and white harness of ther rarely worn scorpian breastplate? or something. The thf is from the DRK Jse body cuz i guess square decided to use the model elsewhere since nobody wears that :spin: i mean i know how you all prefer 6 evasion and 6 attack to your hauberk at the low low price of 2 behemoth hides lol


            • #21
              I used to wear a Demon's Harness for the sole purpose of not being like every other DRK; having an identity is nice. It's kind of sad that the purple, Cloud-esque harness that I loved is going to thieves now.
              75DRK (deleted after a year and three months)/37THF/37WAR/37NIN/37WHM/
              Rank 10 Bastokan



              • #22
                Does anyone have a pic of the gloom breastplate? or is a completely new addition?

                Your sig scares me. Ohhh, you just made me wet my manties. :sweat:


                • #23
                  Personally I was thinking a bit about this new lv.50 JSE, I only see real use for it on Guillotine due to the fact that Souleater Guillo adds a ton more damage for the 4 hits.

                  I'd still prefer Adm. Hauberk or Hauberk over it for other WS.

                  Of course there is still the fact of Swinging with Souleater on, which I am unsure which to use. But still probably Adm. Hauberk, since the stats are just amazing on it.

                  10 Str 10 Dex 15 accuracy 15 attack


                  increase Souleater effect probably by % (maybe another 5 like AF helm)
                  Full Cursed= O
                  Full Str Gear= O
                  Apocalypse= ; ;

                  DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                  1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                  • #24
                    It would only be good for macroing in for WS. I can see it would be really good for multihit weapon skills, but still would add a little to Cross Reaper (being 2 hits) and the rest a little bit.

                    I would assume that because Souleater Damage cannot be resisted and is only dependant on your HP, it would be better to have than STR or INT for weapon skills. As it is not always going to add huge amounts to your WS, while Souleater would.
                    Maat Masher
                    Accuracy Bonus + 57
                    DRK 74
                    Byakko, Suzaku, Genbu : Defeated.


                    • #25

                      i believe it would be best suited for the LV 50 cap promathia missions or to add in a renkei macro
                      Blueshawk - Valefor Server
                      75 DRK | 75 SMN | 75 PLD | 64 BST


                      • #26
                        doesn't stack


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Aldo
                          doesn't stack
                          Doesn't stack....with af3 helm?
                          Kujata server:

                          Reneki: Elvann/Male

                          DRK lv 60/ Mnk lv32/ War lv28
                          Thf lv30/ Whm lv28/ SAM lv21

                          Elias: Taru/Male
                          Rdm lv11

