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Subbing BST

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  • Subbing BST

    My first will be short and sweet. Question only!!!

    I have heard of NIN's subbing BST to solo exp! Is this a real option and could a DRK do it as well?

  • #2
    So I'm guesing that no one has tried this...

    Well I need to level BST them I'll let you know how it goes!


    • #3
      Well from what I know you can only tame monsters that are around your BST's lvl and since your BST would be half of your main you would only be able to tame really weak monsters. Also you have to consider that NIN has utsusemi and we don't so even if we were able to kill monsters that gave decent exp we would have to keep constantly resting...which would be horribly slow.
      Landon Lv. 75 DRK/THF
      Server: Phoenix

      Currently working on Relic Scythe....They say I'll never get it done, but I say it's only a matter of time ~_^


      • #4
        Untrue. The success of your Charm is mostly dependent on your BST lvl, but the formula takes into account your lvl, bst lvl, and your chrm and the enemies level. I do not know the exact formula, but lets just say that being a lvl 67/25 bst, I can easily charm the Tulwar Scorpions in Western Altepa, and they are lvl 53-56.

        The only reason you sub bst and solo is for farming or ws leveling. Unless you have a very high lvl bst and sub it, you're not going to be hitting your charms, even with a light staff, and you'll be gancked by both monsters at the same time.
        WAR - 26
        MNK - 11
        WHM - 37
        BLM - 20
        THF - 52
        BRD - 75
        BST - 26
        NIN - 48


        • #5
          Yes this is more viable for jobs that can take care of themselfes like WHM,RDM,NIN, PLD... since they can cure themselfes/tank their own pets if something goes wrong. If you have a 75 BST and you go as WHM60/BST30 you should be able to charm lvl 60 mobs easily. Would not try higher mobs bacuase your own job lvl is also taken in consideration.

          Have heard of RNG/BST that shoot arrows far enough to avoid AOE from the mobs. Not sure though i myself have never messed with BST sub, only BST main.

