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whats the best race for a DRK?

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  • whats the best race for a DRK?

    i was just wandering what the best race for a DRK is, is it elvaan because they hit for much more and have a decent amount of HP? or the others like tarutaru?:p

    plz post ur opinion on the best race for DRK:angel:

  • #2

    That's about 80 finds just by searching in the drk forums on the 2 words: "best" and "race".

    Searching > you.

    If those 80 posts still don't answer your question, THEN post a new topic. ^^


    • #3
      elvaan duh! D;/
      Originally posted by Kailea-D
      yeah you only Fame because you could not make a nice costume like that, I am a guy.....and I know this would sound really wrong.....but I would love to dress up at a convention as my ingame self, nothing wrong with a MIthra Dragoon, well except that I would be a guy...but that is not the point.....the point is I would do it because it would be really fun to live my ingameselfs life for one day :p


      • #4
        Is Hume INT+STR > Galka STR+INT or Elvaan STR+INT ?
        There is no knowledge without experience.
        San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
        Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


        • #5
          Technically...I enjoy all races, you do not need to know which one is best suited for the job. They are all good anf fun.

          Pick the race you want and that looks the coolest....*coughmithracough*

          But Elvaan do have the highest STR = more dmg (Because that's their job)


          • #6
            Yeah, as far as race goes all it does really is alter the method of using that job. If you use an Elvaan for DRK since they are the highest in STR you'll be focused a lot more in getting the hit out. Also though Elvaan have the second worst MP pool so spells you'll be a lot more conservative on.

            If you are doing something like Taru though their STR isn't that great so they'll be definatly be relying on their spells to cover that gap. Most likely a Taru will be pushing to improve his spells landing so he can drain the monsters STR and other needed abilities, so the Taru will be a lot more spell dependenant. A Galka having the largest HP can take a little more advantage of the Soul Eater ability to improve his damage. Mithra and Hume will be pretty much balanced in what they'll probably be focused on in DRK with the exeption that Hume may focus a little more on DEX or accuracy and Mithra a little more on STR or attack.

            That's all that race really accounts for is the small idiosyncrasies in the job. A Taru WAR you definatly won't use the same as a Galka WAR, just the same as they won't be used the same as an Elvaan WAR or Mithra WAR. There will be small differences between them on hate control or some other nature to them.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #7
              lies all lies!

              Yeah, as far as race goes all it does really is alter the method of using that job. If you use an Elvaan for DRK since they are the highest in STR you'll be focused a lot more in getting the hit out. Also though Elvaan have the second worst MP pool so spells you'll be a lot more conservative on.

              If you are doing something like Taru though their STR isn't that great so they'll be definatly be relying on their spells to cover that gap. Most likely a Taru will be pushing to improve his spells landing so he can drain the monsters STR and other needed abilities, so the Taru will be a lot more spell dependenant. A Galka having the largest HP can take a little more advantage of the Soul Eater ability to improve his damage. Mithra and Hume will be pretty much balanced in what they'll probably be focused on in DRK with the exeption that Hume may focus a little more on DEX or accuracy and Mithra a little more on STR or attack.

              That's all that race really accounts for is the small idiosyncrasies in the job. A Taru WAR you definatly won't use the same as a Galka WAR, just the same as they won't be used the same as an Elvaan WAR or Mithra WAR. There will be small differences between them on hate control or some other nature to them.
              Actually Taru Work on STR mostly, FYI some DRK ws are STR/INT based and taru having highest INT we only work on STR while other races need to macro in some INT gear. Theres almost things called the Gigas-Line of racelets from 30,40,50,60, and 70. HUGE +STR and a -dex and agi drop. well since elvaan higher base str and low base dex they wouldnt touch those, our RSE 2(level 62 RSE TWO NOT ONE) gives tons of str.

              Theres no best race for any job, theres a thing called Gear and Skill
              Zeig Tarutaru Rank 8 Windurst Seraph
              WAR 62 PLD 61 NIN 32 DRK 28


              • #8
                Look in Antawn's posts at the top of the list.

                Overall, Hume is best for all around use. good MP pool, good stats, good skill. So for HNM and multi-roll positions the Hume DRK excells.
                Maat Masher
                Accuracy Bonus + 57
                DRK 74
                Byakko, Suzaku, Genbu : Defeated.


                • #9
                  I like to play a hume, so I play a hume, so in that sense I play it because I favour my race for drk, just as any player uses their race, they favour it bacause they enjoy playing it.

                  There may be a statistical benefit of a particular race for playing dark but because all the races have their benefits and flaws, there is no one perfect race to play any job, no matter what any player might think. If there was a perfect race, we wouldn't be posting this thread.
                  DRK 55 War 30 MNK 14 THF 7

                  Raven Sythe (Y)
                  Chaos solleretes (Y)
                  Chaos Gauntlets (Y)
                  Chais Flanchard (-)
                  Chaos Cuirass(-)
                  Chaos Bergeonet (-)

                  Things to do: Become l337


                  • #10
                    STR/INT add bouns damage to drk ws

                    But what you forgot STR effect every ws ingame cuz your damage = your STR VS mob VIT and your attack vs mob def

                    Elv win here

                    Plus who said best race is the race thats do highest damage with Ws only
                    ELV outdamage every other race with norml hits if both have Same equip

                    And drk dont miss +70 very rare sothats extra mithra dex wont Do anything here

                    Main : Sephiro
                    Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                    COP missions = Complated


                    • #11
                      STR/INT add bouns damage to drk ws

                      But what you forgot STR effect every ws ingame cuz your damage = your STR VS mob VIT and your attack vs mob def

                      Elv win here

                      Plus who said best race is the race thats do highest damage with Ws only
                      ELV outdamage every other race with norml hits if both have Same equip

                      And drk dont miss +70 very rare sothats extra mithra dex wont Do anything here
                      Any idiot knows you dont raise dex to raise ACC, if you want more acc raise the stat itself, DEX is more for SA and more Criticals, ever wear a byakkos Haidate? peoeple dont know notice the acc boost they notice th critical boost, a mithra will critical more then you evening it out. Sure dex affects acc but its not as a big influence to where you'll notice a big difference.

                      Also Base stat-wise probably elvaan is best, but then again add on armor and each race is the same. Ok don't make an excus IF they had the same gear, because not everyone has the same gear its a variable you cant control it, not everyone has Sniper rings+1 Full Armada gear and some other 10 Mil items. Even in lower levels now everyone has a valk mask or sniper rings or HQ rings, earrings, etc.

                      A Taru With bad gear will suck ALOT, but MAJORITY of tarus dont gimp their gear because they know "Hey I need top gear to match other races"

                      Sorry im on PS2 and cannot prove it with parse results, but I out damaged an Elvaan WAR at 60 (btw my profile is WAAYY not updated) by about 5-10 damage a swing, did that make him gimp? NO

                      I pted with a decked elvaan he hit 5-20 points more then me, did that make me gimp? NO

                      The dmg difference between races is so small its not even worth considering, so you hit 5 damage more then me. Want a cookie? Some 2 foot midget hit almost as hard as you. because stats arent a positive variable. If you have +50 str does that guarrenty you will hit 5000+ more damage each hit? Nope it doesnt, its all RANDOM number within a RANGE. Have you ever wondered why you mainly hit lets say 90 a swing on average for example and out of the blue you hit a 70? its random numbers, the more str increases the max you can do, but you never hit that 'max' number each time do you?

                      One more thing taru has an advantage as DRK, like my earlier post Spinning Slash I've heard is STR/INT based, my INT base is so high on any job it matches some of my other stats(Not str and dex those are my highest on war or drk, its true)so All we have to do is pump STR like crack(easy Taru RSE2 TWO, gives like +15 str, also the Pallas/Aylekendos<sp?> give +9 and +11 respectively, dont need snippers for sata spinning slash, HQ rings thats another +8, thats already +32 STR with only a few spaces) and with +35 str for the ws our str is actually highest out of all the races, because the difference is about 4-10 str and rse2 gives more then that.

                      Believe what you want, but i highly suggest you dont consider peoples races as a factor in choosing pt members, you never knew that taru could have over 100+ Million in gear and be the best DD you've ever seen, then again he could be really gimp but a gimp taru melee wont get past 40.

                      I have taken PLD to 61 and WAR to 62, I have outdamaged a lot as WAR and Took less dmg and had less downtime then other pts as PLD.

                      Toramas I tanked them with Earth Staff, I disengage and turn AWAY from the torama so its silence doesnt affect me, as taru having 250+ more MP I can spam more cures to hold hate, and guess what Toramas hit me for 50 damage, ive seen humes tank with gluttony up straight, they got silenced AND took 90+ damage a hit, only to do a 4 damage Vorpal Blade....

                      As WAR I outdmged Sidewinder numerous times also, SATA Raging Rush is so f*cking strong ^^

                      Recently I got into DRK because I want another job at 60 :O I so far have outdamaged every drk I have pted with in the jungle, +11 STR +10 DEX Chief bobs and sometimes Sushi, my crits hit for 100 in jungle and ws sometimes 120ish. plus 200 MP I dont have to use as many juices/rest as other races, and my nukes arent resisted as much XD fire hits for 40 :O
                      Zeig Tarutaru Rank 8 Windurst Seraph
                      WAR 62 PLD 61 NIN 32 DRK 28


                      • #12
                        Frozen flame your post is long lol i didnt even read half of it
                        You keep sayin if and becouse not everyone have same gear~
                        Who care realy? im just sayin with norml 2 drk elv and taru there Is diffrent no matter how good your taru equip is elv can get Same equip too so simply elv can kick taru ass here easy you go Play Mage jobs if you think what im saying wrong no one said Taru Drk sux i personly respect drk taru alot and love to pt with Them Its just some races better than others in some jobs and Thats a fact plus thats how the game works elv king of melee [And kinda weak at mage side] and taru king of mages [ and Weak with the melee side~]

                        Anyway if you want to know the diffrent between taru and elv i Will tell you at exp pt lv 68 vs gobbes

                        Me and taru drk same equip 100% same food!
                        Norml hits elv (me) 110~140
                        Norml hits taru 80~120
                        Spinning slash elv 900~1200 taru 700~900
                        Yes there is diffrent~!

                        The guy asked which which race is better and i answred him What i say is not offical i dont work with SE but thats what i saw From my exprince with 75 lv playing drk if you dont aggre with Me you simply dont have to any usless dumb flame = {thanks for The offer but i will have to pass}

                        And about this part
                        One more thing taru has an advantage as DRK, like my earlier post Spinning Slash I've heard is STR/INT based,

                        Thats the bouns damage from ws based on INT/STR
                        Higher attack/STR effect every ws also you know spinning slash Damage not only about the bouns damage part from str/int you Need high ATK/STR before the +damage part from STR/INT

                        Main : Sephiro
                        Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                        COP missions = Complated


                        • #13
                          [quote]Me and taru drk same equip 100% same food!
                          Norml hits elv (me) 110~140
                          Norml hits taru 80~120
                          Spinning slash elv 900~1200 taru 700~900
                          Yes there is diffrent~!]/quote]

                          Right so theres a big difference, your lowest damage is the tarus max damage, little exxagerating there buddy? only way for my max to be your lowest is if you had a SIGNIFICANTLY higher str mod, and if they had the same equip then its off base, and im sure its not like elvaan and taru base str is off by 30 or so str do you? at most its 10, but it would be a better comparison with all the races to see how small the difference is

                          Sure taru <--> elvaan have a big difference, but if you add in galka hume and mithra it doesnt look so small after all, Tarus at 60+ are like 2 str off mithra base, no one calls them gimp. About 4 off hume they dont call humes gimp. Always on forums some people are bias about ther race, yes I am bias on taru because everyone always says oherwise.

                          Ok you have more str then me, common knowledge. Now the game generates random numbers within a range. im sure with your experience you've noticed you dont hit for your max damage every time, very rarely actually. You mainly hit your average, so with your GREAT comparison I would hit 90 and you hit 125, im sorry thats too big of an exageration to me, I you were on searph ask ANYONE i've revently pted with, on 60 WAR my great axe hits 90-120, dont tell me drk gets WEAKER at 68. You just randomly put out those numbers.

                          And yes I DO stress that not everyone doesnt have the same gear BECAUSE ITS TRUE. Yes 2 difference races same gear the ideal race will deal more, but really is 3-0 points of damage REALLY that BIG of a difference that would cause all of vanadiel to die? Oh wow someone with the same euip as me hits 3 points harder, Well I should go out and never invite another elvaan mage because only taru can be mages and only elvaan can be melee.

                          As a taru I farm extra, I buy more then whats good, saving for Victory rings, Amemet+1, and maybe Hauby+1 does EVERYONE have those? No and who would you pick a really decked taru, or a real gimp elvaan? I'm sure all you bias players will go elvaan becaue taru 100% cannot dd, but because elvaan have mnd they can be better then taru whms, well mnd does shit for whm so stop trying to be the best race. There is no best race for anything.

                          There are race only gear at 62+ that give well over +15 str for tarus its called Creek Gear, or RSE 2. Hmm 15 thats near the racial difference of an elvvan! WOW I thought it was impossible.

                          With all the gear in this game, its clearly shown that race makes not a big difference as it does lower level, because of the wide selection of significant gear. My LS has quite a few 72-75s mind you and they all agree the higher you are the less race matters, and its true. If a Taru can get 1700+ HP why they hell cant they tank fafnir? If a galka smn has 1400 MP why cant he get a pt? If a taru has the level 70 gigas bracelets, armada gear, and flame rings, and all the other big pieces, why cant he DD?
                          Zeig Tarutaru Rank 8 Windurst Seraph
                          WAR 62 PLD 61 NIN 32 DRK 28


                          • #14
                            Me and taru drk same equip 100% same food!
                            Norml hits elv (me) 110~140
                            Norml hits taru 80~120
                            can you tell me why a Taru drk will have the same equips as you? At lv 68, Taru has access to both out rse 2, the mitts give 6 str, 65hp, 2vit, and the boots give 4 str, 35 hp, etc. that two alone is +10 str and 100 Hp which is good for drk. So i have no idea if that Taru is poorly equiped or you are exagerating a bit too much.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kulapica
                              can you tell me why a Taru drk will have the same equips as you? At lv 68, Taru has access to both out rse 2, the mitts give 6 str, 65hp, 2vit, and the boots give 4 str, 35 hp, etc. that two alone is +10 str and 100 Hp which is good for drk. So i have no idea if that Taru is poorly equiped or you are exagerating a bit too much.
                              You guys dont accepts the facts so i wont bother with you the Guy just asked and i told him the diffrent i didnt said this race Rock and the other sux i just said there is diffrent in damage! and Its easy to notice it and why the taru didnt use rse i have no Idea maybe he love acc more rse statue plus even if that taru Used this +str + hp + vit rse Elv will still have more STR/VIT/HP And free 2 slot hand/feet to use whatever he want and only dumb tarus use that rse hand for drk go with gaint set +9str +35 hp

                              Only job in the game thats equip realy make huge diffrent is Warrior so yeah taru warrior can beat norml equiped elv easy Cuz the equipment make the war not race but for drk believe me Its not!
                              And for drk sadly endgame most races will end up using the same Equip O-HAT / thick set / life belt / snipers and +str rings / amemt mantle / and so ...

                              Main : Sephiro
                              Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                              COP missions = Complated

