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  • #16
    I did qufim crabs to about 100..
    Limit break (paper) groups 110...
    Solo'd DeathWasp in CNest to 120.* (subbed ninja)
    Solo'd Lost Souls in entrance of necroplolis to 135* Extremely
    dangerous, so make sure you melee at/near the zone.
    Goldsmithing 50


    • #17
      I didn't have much trouble keeping Greatsword leveled with Scythe - I just swapped off Power Slash for Vorpal Scythe to open Distortion. Anyway, here's a little helpful guide for those of you who still have problems.

      120-150 First room goblins and leeches in Onzozo.
      150-175 Cockatrices and second tier goblins in Onzozo.
      175-200 Any AF coffer key mobs or Crabs in Kuftal Tunnel.
      200-225 Goblins in Cape Terrigan or Perytons in Valley of Sorrows.

      225-250 At this level you should be using both Spinning Slash and Cross Reaper in xp parties. If you need to skill up this level, the BEST place to do it is off birds in Ru'Aun Garden's in Tu'Lia. If not, hobgoblins in Bibiki Bay work well.
      "In my travels, I have seen the city in the sky and trembled in awe.
      I have dived into the arms of infamous darkness, only to walk the shores of a forgotten land.
      I am the student who has bested the teacher, yet knows my learning continues.
      My journey is the stuff of legend, yet my voyage is just beginning..."

      Arliman: Fearless, yet brow-beaten leader of the Solaris Linkshell


      • #18
        Originally posted by Arli
        I didn't have much trouble keeping Greatsword leveled with Scythe - I just swapped off Power Slash for Vorpal Scythe to open Distortion. Anyway, here's a little helpful guide for those of you who still have problems.

        120-150 First room goblins and leeches in Onzozo.
        150-175 Cockatrices and second tier goblins in Onzozo.
        175-200 Any AF coffer key mobs or Crabs in Kuftal Tunnel.
        200-225 Goblins in Cape Terrigan or Perytons in Valley of Sorrows.

        225-250 At this level you should be using both Spinning Slash and Cross Reaper in xp parties. If you need to skill up this level, the BEST place to do it is off birds in Ru'Aun Garden's in Tu'Lia. If not, hobgoblins in Bibiki Bay work well.
        I went from 190-200 off of Steelshells in Boy. Tree. It was quick too, lots of .3-.5s. I'm having trouble getting it any higher. Coffer parties aren't enough, and no one wants to skill up off anything higher. Best advice, is just keep them both as close to cap as you can.


        • #19
          ^^ Oh my, that's a huge signature lol
          All HQ elemental staves
          Republic circlet obtained w00t.
          Tiamat trouncer : O
          World Serpent Slayer : O
          Vrtra Vanquisher : O


          • #20
            Yes indeedy^^
            75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
            Woodworking 91.9+2
            ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


            • #21
              yeah cut that down about...50000 sizes


              • #22
       did it get so damn big? Geezes.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Tidane
                  Get WAR to 40 (37)
                  Get THF to 60 (42)
                  Get NIN to 40 (26)
                  Get RNG to 40 (38)
                  Obtain Hauberk: 2.8mil
                  Obtain Balmug: 1mil
                  Destroy Maat (G5)
                  ....Hauberk is 1.4 mil on Leviathan.... same with Haubergeon... Balmung........THREE million :dead: Kinda shocking that the price difference is that much between servers really IMO. Anywho, got my Haubergeon 2 days ago! I know Im.... 53.... but in 6 levels I can use it! Ok back on topic now...

                  My GS is only level 101 and Im 53.... soloing crawlers is a pain with GS (can barely do it with a scythe without major downtime), Ive never tried a skillup party untill the other day and only got about 4-6 levels. Skilling in Qufim seems to have stopped now, even on floor 10 of delkfutts tower, so I'm really at a loss of what to do or how to get into good skillup parties :sweat: Any advice would be appreciated!

                  P.S. Stick with Faussar or get Glorious Sword? Does it really matter since my GS sucks anyway
                  Eurytos' Bow - X
                  Peacock's Charm - X
                  Strider's boots - X
                  Kraken Club - X
                  Hawker's Knives - O
                  Hellfire +1 Signed - X
                  Amemit +1 - X

                  80 Smith, 60 Cloth, 50 Gold, 40 Alch, 30 Wood, 20 Leather, 10 Bone (weird I know)


                  • #24
                    If you want to lvl G.sword quickly equip a low level one and keep attacking creatures while they rate as high defence, you will level it much quicker than a with a weapon of your current lvl (this is what I have experienced after recieving advice from other high lvl characters who suffered the same problem, and it works) I lvl'd sword (for spirits within) from 0-100 so far by using this technique

                    (ty to Sheng)
                    DRK 55 War 30 MNK 14 THF 7

                    Raven Sythe (Y)
                    Chaos solleretes (Y)
                    Chaos Gauntlets (Y)
                    Chais Flanchard (-)
                    Chaos Cuirass(-)
                    Chaos Bergeonet (-)

                    Things to do: Become l337


                    • #25
                      Starting in your 50's just sit in Jeuno looking for skill up/coffer parties. I join them too much, got 3 weapons over 200.
                      Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
                      BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

                      Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

                      Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


                      • #26
                        55drk/27whm in altepa desert will get you to about 135 easily. just fight the dhamels that roam around near the zone. or the ants near rabao. 135+ i was hanging around eld skilling up on the bones near the zone, then doing pappy runs or coffer mobs til i quit drk.. i found this to be the best route for solo skilling, whm paralyze, slows, protects, shells an cures, an the drks ability to drain, an aspir. then simply go to your drk staff. then repeat.

                        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.

