I'm trying to complete my quest for AF gear. I have finished the quest for the Headgear and the Chaos Sollerts. I am currently trying to get the coffer key for Eldiemme Necropolis and Monastic Caverns.
I have the coffer key for Castle Oztroza (sp*). Just wondering if I can get the AF Breast Plate before completing the quest for the AF gloves. Or will I only get money or some other item because I haven't finished the AF glove quest?
I've read the AF walkthroughs, but I've been told by a few people that you can still get the item as long as you have started the quest. I'm not sure if they're telling the truth or trying to get me to blow my coffer key.
Thanks in advance.
I have the coffer key for Castle Oztroza (sp*). Just wondering if I can get the AF Breast Plate before completing the quest for the AF gloves. Or will I only get money or some other item because I haven't finished the AF glove quest?
I've read the AF walkthroughs, but I've been told by a few people that you can still get the item as long as you have started the quest. I'm not sure if they're telling the truth or trying to get me to blow my coffer key.
Thanks in advance.