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Maat... am I too worried about HP and DEF?

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  • Maat... am I too worried about HP and DEF?

    OK I'm going in and here is my setup:

    Full AF armor -- taking off Hauberk and Thick set
    2 Coral Earrings (+5 ATK, -5 Eva, -1% magic def) -- taking off Assault Earring
    Amemit Mantle+1 (DEF 8, STR+2, ATK+15)
    Forest Sash (DEF 7, HP+30, DEX+3, INT-4) -- taking off Life Belt -- accuracy issues? less potent drains? i like the HP and DEF
    Opo-Opo Necklace, 4 Sleep Potions --> Ryl.Grd Collar after 100 TP
    2 Phalanx Rings -->> taking off Sniper's Rings -DEF (No thanks.) ^^
    Bomb Core
    Darksteel Scythe

    20 Hi-Potions
    1 Icarus Wing
    1 Steamed Crab

    Basically my concerns are accuracy, HP, and DEF. Am I giving up too much for HP and DEF? Will accuracy be a problem? I'd be fighting with only +4 without the Life Belt. Should I stop him from casting level 2 magic as much as possible or should I conserve Stun for when he uses Blood Weapon? And also, where do you run after he uses Blood Weapon? All the way back in the hallway or in circles around the arena?

    And am I thinking too much about this? lol

  • #2
    I went in wearing sniper's, forgot to change from opo-opo to my RK collar, and ate a mithkabob and still wupped his ass before he could even use a WS :D
    Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

    "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

    "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

    "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


    • #3
      I found that -Evasion was a bigger problem than -Defense. I went in the first time with Hauberk and full Thick set and got destroyed since he hits you for like 150 average. So, I switched to full AF and beat him since he missed me a lot more. A lot of it is luck though since his Bash has no recast timer and does the same 150-ish damage.
      DRK75 BLM75 WAR37 THF37 NIN37 SAM38 WHM38 RDM37

      Which FF Character Are You?


      • #4
        most of the acessories don't make much of a difference, but what make or breaks you is the food you eat. Shark soup i think it's called in NA, ranges for about 5-10k, 1hr food, beefs up defence and hp considerably, this is what I would go for, or HQ crab. Equip-wise I'd use all AF and borrow a heavy cuirass off of someone or buy it temp for the fight, should give you alot of defence. Also remember to cast Bio II on him, helps alot.


        • #5
          im doin maat soon thats what im doin

          equip rse ear damage -20%
          equip full thick set
          use meat kabob

          charge tp to 100 with sleep potions

          abasorb-vit bioII at the start
          use souleater+guillotine (after it i use viler elixer+ spam hi potions)

          icras wing + (souleater) then i will use vile elixer+1

          after my 2 guillotine i will just fight norml and use blood weapon + souleater (if its still on)
          hi potions everytime my hp become low he should be dead before i use my 3th guillotine

          *you need to kill maat fast before he kill you =P you cant survive long vs him

          Main : Sephiro
          Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
          COP missions = Complated


          • #6
            It's weird, I've fought him 3 times (panic'ed on the first run.. DONT PANIC ><;, messed up macro on 2nd) and He's never once used WS on me.

            My Bro attempted and after 2nd guillo got a 400dmg 1inch punch. and died.

            IMO Bio2 is a real help, Cast it first off and either Absorb Vit or Drain immediatly after. Drain does good damage on Maat but I find its only useful in the beginning, dont want to waste time not gaining TP.

            I went: Guillotine > Souleater + Bloodweapon (canceled SE after BW wore) and got as much to 100% TP and Guillo again > Icarus Wing > Guillotine.

            Then it was over.

            I went in Full AF, wearing Physical Earrings (I'm taru; I had about 920 HP after those earrings). AF Helm will help when doing Souleater + Bloodweapon. Higher damage Souleater will not only damage maat more but gain more HP back with BW.
            Full Cursed= O
            Full Str Gear= O
            Apocalypse= ; ;

            DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
            1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


            • #7
              to be most precise I was fighting him with this gear:

              Darksteel Scythe
              Lightning Bow and arrows
              full thick set+Hauberk
              sniper's rings
              life belt
              assault earring
              coral earring
              amemit's mantle
              opo-opo necklace

              food: meat mithkabob
              17 hi pots and a vile elixir, oh and icarus wing

              wasn't that bad at all
              Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

              "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

              "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

              "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


              • #8
                I fought him yesterday (and lost), and I figure I can share my mistakes so others don't make them. Most of them were just because I was nervous and not adequately prepared.

                1.) Have attack engaged before you start casting Absorb-VIT
                2.) Remember to cast Bio II
                3.) Don’t bother trying to outrun his spells; his casting range is at least 50% greater than yours. (I started by casting Absorb-VIT from the very outside edge of my range, he answered with drain. The second he started casting I ran the opposite direction and he still got me for 200dmg).
                4.) Don’t use Blood Weapon until AFTER he has used it. I used my and he used his immediately afterward, so the entirety of mine was wasted because I had to kite him at that point.
                5.) Stop and remember to change equipment like Opo-Opo necklace and eat your food :p I forgot both of these things.


                • #9
                  I recommend using:

                  -AF Helm
                  -Opo neck to gain 150ish TP, Royal Guard's collar for fighting
                  -Assault Earring
                  -JSE Earring
                  -Phalanx Rings or VIT4's
                  -Life Belt


                  -Charge 100-150TP
                  -ABS-VIT % BIO2 before fight starts
                  -Cross Reaper/Guillotine
                  -Blood Weapon + Souleater, cancel Souleater when Blood Weapon runs out
                  -Chug potions like crazy

                  Use stun when Maat goes 2hr, then run like a pansy until its out
                  Use weapon bash if you're low on HP to interrupt one of his Lvl II attack spells, it can save your life

                  Remember to make a macro to chug potions with. With a macro, you can chug potions so fast that it will be nearly impossible to lose as long as you carry enough with you.

                  Pretty straighforward =P


                  • #10
                    Whats the macro for it?

                    [Edit] Macro for chugging potions that is?
                    It is easy to go down into hell. the gates stand wide. It is returning; coming back to the light, that is the rub; the task.


                    • #11
                      I haven't tested it lately, but I'm told Bloodweapon was altered so you no longer gain HP when Souleater is on.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Aldo
                        I haven't tested it lately, but I'm told Bloodweapon was altered so you no longer gain HP when Souleater is on.
                        you get hp with it...i used it last night and i was hitting for 240 or so and getting like 177 hp back...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TheColes
                          Whats the macro for it?

                          [Edit] Macro for chugging potions that is?
                          /item "Hi-Potion" <me>


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Buuyon
                            you get hp with it...i used it last night and i was hitting for 240 or so and getting like 177 hp back...
                            This is supposed to be a 1 to 1 ratio. Unless 177HP filled your HP to full that is.

                            Was there some update I missed that changed Blood Weapon at all. The HP absorbtion ratio, or it not working with Souleater. (I've been outta the game for two months now.)

                            Now a Weapon Skill will not drain HP with Blood Weapon, which I think sucks by the way!
                            PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                            RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                            Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                            SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                            • #15
                              I went in first time all out offense and got destroyed. had total of -36 evasion and -23 defense(i use haubergeon+1 instead of hauberk). Second time I borrowed a hauberk from a friend and took off thickset for AF, equiped those +3 Vit rings i borrowed from another friend and left my mermans earing and assault earing on. Ate a steamed crab, slept up to 100tp, cast abs-vit, guillotine, icarus wing, guillotine cast stun and ran when he used Bloodweapon which is like 10 seconds into the fight. I used my own 2h right after and then just quaffed potions and used guillotine whenever i had the tp. He used Dragon kick twice. I used all 20 potions, but i won. oh i also altered my macros:

                              /ws "Guillotine" <t>
                              /equip neck "Peacock Charm" <me>


                              /ja "Souleater" <me>
                              /wait 1
                              /ja "Blood Weapon" <me>

                              That saves you from having to remember to unequip opo opo necklace, and it automatically activates souleater with bloodweapon. Just remember to cancel souleater when bloodweapon wears.

                              Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
                              Tiamat O
                              Jormungand O
                              Vrtra O
                              DLord O
                              JoL O
                              AV X

