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how much can you farm an hour? *drk*

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  • how much can you farm an hour? *drk*

    was just wondering how much some people can get up to... prob, 60+drk/thf i am talking about tho since they can go without resting. but eh, everyone share

    i am talking about farming... not NMs

  • #2
    As a 55drk/27thf I only need to rest once after 3 hours of straight farming and occasionally aspir a mp creature for mp here and there. After farming tigers for an hour I say I can make about 12,000 gil. Not much really.
    "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
    <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
    nuts" -warbucket


    • #3
      Depending on where you go and farm, you'll never have to rest. While working on Norg Fame in Giddeus, I never had to stop. Plenty of mage types to use Aspir on.

      In Battalia I can do the same thing. If you had north towards the cliff, you'll find crab mobs. And honestly, it works well doing that. By the time I need some MP, I've pretty much killed all the Tigers I could find. So I go and get my MP and HP back, and hunt for Land Crab meat.

      I'm a Cook, so I farm/garden a number of the needed ingredients. During a recent Full Moon, I farmed 8 Cockatrice Meat in about 2 hours. I farm the Fire Crystals, grow the garlic and onions, and only have to buy Kazham Peppers. So in the end each stack of mithkabobs I make, it costs me 54g, and I sell them in Jeuno for 3.1-3.5k. So an average, that's 26k+.

      Though, in 3 hours time, a trip to the Glacier I farmed 5 stacks of fangs. 42k and a heavy push to Hero Fame in Sandy. Though I hear that fishing is the way to go with gil. I've made 20k in Moat Carp on a Full Moon. Hoping to be ready for Neb fishing on the Mhaura/Selbina Fairy soon. 13k a stack on those last time I checked/heard.
      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
      RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

      Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
      SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


      • #4
        i stopped farming after i bought a hauberk. got lazy, and now i'm just doing NM's and whatnot with LS. miraculously, i was able to get a barin sword in time to xp with it a bit^^


        • #5
          If farming is your primary source of income you will go crazy trying to equip yourself. I only farm when my collective 35 AH slots are full of food items, no one in my LS needs help with anything, and i am too lazy to log out and lookup some quests online. Then i make about 10k an hour in delkfuts. But if light weather hits its almost like getting NM drops since light clusters are 14-15k and light elementals can drop up to 3. Not to mention there are 8 light elemental spawn points relatively close to eachother in that place.

          Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
          Tiamat O
          Jormungand O
          Vrtra O
          DLord O
          JoL O
          AV X


          • #6
            To bad light weather rarely happens in qufim, I have to say I have only seen it 3 times there in the amount of time I have been playing
            "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
            <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
            nuts" -warbucket


            • #7
              my dark buddy is 60drk/30thf. in 3 hrs farming half ass he will make anywhere from 50k up to 500k. with no nm camping. an he never rests. just finds a mob an drains/ aspir it. an keeps on going.. his gear for when he farms is simple.. af an vasagoo scythe.. so thats 6 slots out of 50 being used..

              Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


              • #8
                On average 12k an hour.
                Goldsmithing 50


                • #9
                  my 75drg friend makes 12k-20k ... it just doesnt seem like it is cutting it to buy items ingame. 500k+ for a snipper ring. 1.4mil for haubergeon.. etc etc.. D:

                  i guess we can blame it on the botters, and people who play 24/7 (no job, no life, no school, no friends), and the people who buy gil. It's like you might as well work irl for the money (take a break from ffxi, it might be hard ;p), and just buy 1mill+ for 300$ or whatever it goes for.


                  • #10
                    i really need to do something about this. I would love to get some sniper rings now, but i never held that much money ever

                    farming doesn't go well for me, and everything ealse seems not worth it, so i donno what to do


                    • #11
                      I can farm between 100k-140k in 8 hours. I went insane farming 1.5 for my haub but heck im lvl60 drk with haub not to many of those around lol.


                      • #12
                        how would a level 45 DRK go about making money

                        i can't seem to get it very well

                        crafting is to much money and don't have it to start with

                        BCNM i can never get anyone to do:/

                        what to do


                        • #13
                          bcnm is hard to get trusting people for. but then again you can make 33k - 100k per fight depending on drop rate.. x 6. depending on if all bring an orb.. that is some serious money..

                          other then that farming different things to not flood the market or compete with others is helpful. as of right now you should be fighting beetles.. ever see what a stack of beetle jaws go for? bee hives is always in demand from low lvl crafters, de synth items can make you one hell of a profit as well.. an some require so little skill to do. an on common dropped items.. go to giddeus farm yagados for gil with a 45drk/22thf. go near hoo juu an fight those yagados, they drop silver bst coins.. make a mule in bastok get it to lvl 10 sell those crystals, then go mine, an bazarr off. easy 10k

                          i think the prob is most will not explore, or go try different areas to make money. it is a slow thing to do. if you pay attention to the a.h. you can find whats hot to sell an head there for a quick stack or 2.but dont forget it takes alot of time just like lvling. you want quick richs try your luck at nm camping..

                          so many ways to make money, it wont be fast but it will be steady... put forth the effort liek you do when you lvl. thats all i have to say..

                          Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.

