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Equip for Taru DRK~

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  • Equip for Taru DRK~

    Whats best equip for a Taru Drk, like +Dex, +STR, etc.

    In terms of what rings to buy and crap.


  • #2
    Well, you have to make up for your STR and HP deficiencies.. Your INT and MP strengths though don't really make up for it..

    You still need the +Acc equipment though, so really standard DRK gear. You might want to try with more of a support subjob, perhaps /RDM or /WHM, where you can be a mix of damage dealing/support. Once you get your Absorbs also, make sure to use them, your good INT will help them land and get the most out of your spells.


    • #3
      As Taru Drk having Whm sub until lvl 60 is quite possible.

      Use Physical Earring, I still use 1 physical earring (Cassie earring if you can get) and I switched the other for Assualt.

      RSE Boots are also good, they are actually much better than the AF boots so you can wear them for quite a long time. Other than that focus on the same Drk gear as other Drks. Life Belt, Sniper Rings (if you can't afford snipers you still can use Dex Rings just hope snipers aren't 680-700k each as on midgard @_@).

      At lvl 65+ you may want to have a +accuracy gear set and macro switch to a +str gear set before doing a WS. Having +Str rings switching +accuracy gloves for either the Gigas line of bracelets or RSE(2) gloves can increase you're WS damage a good amount.
      Full Cursed= O
      Full Str Gear= O
      Apocalypse= ; ;

      DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
      1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O

