you should sigh because ur a n00b matkun.
Noice! another lowbe offers NOTHING to the thread lol. Serious the whole MP thing is LAUGH OUT LOUD funny. Even w/o a bard galka drk can do everything there suppose to do. ABS/STUN/DRAIN/ASPIR/ETC. Keep in mind i bring it up only because of the LoTR elvaan fan boys did lol. Elvaan fan boys the brd acc song doesnt fix ur ACC it only enhances it. Also for the record at 75 i think the elvaans dont have as many ACC issues as people claim lol.
that 100 dmg (which is wrong btw and is even more retarded simply because you look at the end result at 75 not lol 59). Adds up BIGTIME. The int factor is also retarded ah heck your whole reply is toilet paper.
Come on all n00bies lvl1-50 and post how galka mp is an issue when the only reason ur saying b.s is because it took u so long to figure out what most people knew all along..... Galka > All
So keep up the work giving DRKs a bad name because of ur gimped damage. Stack all the food and buy all the best gear because it means little when the galka has the same shit lol. add in the Merit Point system and galka drk becomes god like, then your whole "Welll d000dz! you cant cast fire two!!!" becomes null. Keep casting elemental spells only to try and make up or hide the fact that you do DICK damage. lol. gratz.
im 100% sure another lvl 40 will come here and write a bunch of trash lol. have fun.
Noice! another lowbe offers NOTHING to the thread lol. Serious the whole MP thing is LAUGH OUT LOUD funny. Even w/o a bard galka drk can do everything there suppose to do. ABS/STUN/DRAIN/ASPIR/ETC. Keep in mind i bring it up only because of the LoTR elvaan fan boys did lol. Elvaan fan boys the brd acc song doesnt fix ur ACC it only enhances it. Also for the record at 75 i think the elvaans dont have as many ACC issues as people claim lol.
that 100 dmg (which is wrong btw and is even more retarded simply because you look at the end result at 75 not lol 59). Adds up BIGTIME. The int factor is also retarded ah heck your whole reply is toilet paper.
Come on all n00bies lvl1-50 and post how galka mp is an issue when the only reason ur saying b.s is because it took u so long to figure out what most people knew all along..... Galka > All
So keep up the work giving DRKs a bad name because of ur gimped damage. Stack all the food and buy all the best gear because it means little when the galka has the same shit lol. add in the Merit Point system and galka drk becomes god like, then your whole "Welll d000dz! you cant cast fire two!!!" becomes null. Keep casting elemental spells only to try and make up or hide the fact that you do DICK damage. lol. gratz.
im 100% sure another lvl 40 will come here and write a bunch of trash lol. have fun.