to a taru to do 10 then an elvaan you needa put every peice of equipment to hume and i was doing 10-20 more then a taru and basicly the same gear and 10 less then an elvaan would mean hume would do less then you wich i know is not im not saying hume is the best cuz we are weak compared to elvaan...i just like my mp and my str with accuracy...
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Galka = Best DRK
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There's just to much "because" without actually thinking involved...
There is no best "race" or anything close to it, only play style, situation and luxury(eq etc).
Before you even atempt to argue, you have to argue something, that remotely makes sense. Dark night what? Drk/war Drk/thf Drk/blk Drk/drg etc
Each one play a different role, and not all in xp pt issues
to get down to the race talk.
Galkas => vit speciality/ hp speciality => they can take a hit.
Cons => lack of mp, inferior in any kind of magical property. Absorbs, stun's MBs, resisted effects.
My opinions=> too inflexable not even close to "good drk" If I need pure phyical damage, I can goto a ranger. Though they do make a good sub tank.
Elvans => str speciality. Good mp.
Cons => hit rate, on IT++ or perhaps TP gain, they might be lacking. Mnd better then Int, MBs not the well, not as much as galka
My opinions => They can do most of their jobs well, maybe lacking in hate control and bad luck streaks can happen to ITs that will cripple or mean death.
Tarus => mp/int speciality => if you need magic, this is the answer
Cons=> offensive stats lacking => inferior in power and defense
My opinions=> The little guy can't do much himself, but that doesn't mean he can't be there when you need it. Just dont put him in your standard drk role. Again very inflexable.
Mithra => Dex/ agi sepciality
Cons => slightly less of everything else.
My opinion: If what makes a dark effect is being there to do everthing, Mithras does a good job of it. The negitives of Mithra: chr,mnd are not really needed in a dark. Hitting and thus Tp gain, is their forte.
Hume => adverage by nature, enough said
To match a position, you have to revlove it around everything else. Where a monster with high def/low att (crab) will annoy galkas, and high eva will annoy elvvans etc.
Also are your companions, a red and a bard will do taru's justice. espeically combined with low mag def creatures. They will just keep on abosorb, stun, MBs. Also a good member is a Sam, where str of indiviual hits are not as important as many WSs and thus MBs. Galks would do well with say a thf who would need sub tanks and strong one SC kill. Elvvans would like a more power pt. Mithra and humes are flexable to all.
P.S: Don't say a taru drk is a gimp blk -.-. Remember you have 6 members in a standard pt. Choose one job, lose another. Anyone can say they want this and that, but in the end you have to make a choice of 6!
Thanks 0
actually.. you're wrong. in this game, there _ARE_, unarguably, best races. WITH THAT SAID, the difference in the races not very noticable, but there ARE best races. (hume, elvaan, tarutaru BRD have more Charisma, the defining stat of a bard. theres no way around it, a BRD with 7 more base charisma will ALWAYS have 7 more charisma, meaning it WILL function better *AT ITS MAIN ROLE*, given the best playstyle/equipment/skills as an identical bard had it been Mithra or Galka)
also, you say Elv have good MP. laughable MP. all your reasons and opinions, well frankly ..
My opinions=> Your opinions are fucking retarded.
you say a GALKA is Inflexable, and is a good TANK? you say a RANGER is better then a DRK if he is GALKA? you spoony kuu.
you say a Elvaan lakes in HATE CONTROL? what the FUCK?
"bad luck streaks can hapen to ITs that will cripple or mean death. "oh yeah, i forgot, a DRK missing means you DIE!!!
Tarutaru opinion=> again, stupid. it says NOTHING. tarutaru have more MP to work with , ie more ABS. a good tarutaru DRK is always a more favorable choice to XXX race.
i can barely reead your Mithra opinion. are you the age of 8 or 9? a NEGATIVE of a DRK is having CHR and MND?
i agree, Mithra hit -SLIGHTLY- more often then the other races, but dont expect to get 200% tp to the elvaans 100%
humes, in the role of a DRK, are not average. they lack in what, 3? but they make up for it with as i see it, ABOVE average stats. workable HP, MP, DEX, and STR. not the best, but they dont suffer from penalties from getting a beefed out stat like the other races do.
each of the other races pay a price for their "specialty" i see a DRK needing DEX, MP, HP, and STR.
galka pay for their HP with their MP.
elvaan for the STR pay with their DEX
mithra for the DEX pay with STR
tarutaru with their MP pay with their HP, and STR
hume, pay for nothing, as they lose nothing.
*edit, im not evening going to TOUCH those last 3 paragraphs you said. those are just........ horrible.... i award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
**these are my opinions, and i dont give a shit about your opinions. that is all.
Thanks 0
Very nice post Kumaeru. I know I will get flamed for this but being
a DM for 17 years allows me more room in my groups for those who arent your classic min/max players. I dont agree to broken
job combos but I do like seeing players choose races other than the ones that give the maximum all the time. But anyways back to the facts. Can you or anyone list the preferred mobs for the mages to rest on during the chains? I read somewhere on a Japanese site that the BLM's on my team shouldnt go all out on every mob and should conserve some energy on certain ones.
Thanks. ~NecroNecrosavant
Goldsmithing 50
Thanks 0
I'm comparing race to race and what that give.
Elvaans do have decently more mp then galka. Though no where near a taru of course. On a stat calc the base mp of a lvl75 drk galka is 121 and elvvan is 236. That's almost twice as much.
Comparatively a lvl 75 galka has 75 vit at least 11 points over it's closes elvvans. A tank is a tank, even a quarter of a time, losing hate, at pull, etc. And vit helps, there is a post on this forum linking to a interview with S-E that tells how vit works.
On a side note, I did have a drk galka during raptor season as main tank. Producted decent xp (around 3.5k xp an hour I guess). Power over defense.
There are some servere differences between VT mobs and IT++ mobs. Missing streaks do happen on ITs if you end up behing 2 levels down in a pt, jee doesn't that put a wrench in your chain4s.
Just like I usually don't trust a taru/dark pulling raptors, I won't run from a pt composed of (dark galka)-attackers-mages.
On mithra you misunderstood my post, I mean that the weaknesses of Mithra are charisma and Mind, which are not really needed in Darks.
I think you haven't seen the different different roles darks can play, especially when you hinted at the taru>all ideal. I have, that why I have my opinions.
My opinions are mine, that's why I wrote it there. If you say" fucking retarded" to my opinions, then I will have to say "fucking retarded" to your opinions.
kuu is a n00b, a n00b who cant read. A n00b that should crack lvl50 b4 trying to post.
Currently I'm lvl 73, was lvl 74 but deleved after so long. But it wasn't very important, so I didn't care much. Why should my level matter? I have blisted lvl60 drgs that don't know how to SC. Maybe you should go ask them to pt, with all your nOOb and level talk.
P.S -> Brothershadow since you so "argue" your best race theory, using a bard chr as an example. go over to bard forum and there is a post by a lvl75 bard that discusses does Charisma really matter for a bard. Some believe they don't. Don't that just put a wrinkle in your arguement.
Thanks 0
kuu, i'm not even going to argue with you. a dark knight tank? go jump off a bridge, do us all a favor. if i knew what server you are and your name, i would send you 20,000 Magic Mart flyers. you are so -IDIOTIC- about everything you say, there should be a DISCLAIMER on your posts, explaining that everything you say is utter BULLSHIT, and should not be taken seriously.
actually, i am going to point out things, so the new players dont read your posts and RUIN THEIR CHARACTERS.
wow, you can use a Stat Calculator! super!
11 vit? omigosh , thats like totally ~15% more! kewl!
a DARK is NOT a TANK "a tank is a tank" A DARK IS NOT A TANK!!!!!!
you won't Party with a TARu Dark? OH no!!!!!!! the taru will die pulling!!!!! wait. no. it won't. if a mob could kill someone pulling it - they wouldnt pull it.
i didn't say Taru>all. EVER. what the fuck are you talking about? implied was a GOOD taru is better then a BAD -XXX- Race. everyone knows that. a good job is always better then a bad one, you don't have to be a scholar to realize that. thought i'd point it out to you.
next time, keep your opinions to yourself. they are so far from the truth, it makes me giggle
Thanks 0
Originally posted by Brothershadow
Very nice post Kumaeru. I know I will get flamed for this but being
a DM for 17 years allows me more room in my groups for those who arent your classic min/max players. I dont agree to broken
job combos but I do like seeing players choose races other than the ones that give the maximum all the time. But anyways back to the facts. Can you or anyone list the preferred mobs for the mages to rest on during the chains? I read somewhere on a Japanese site that the BLM's on my team shouldnt go all out on every mob and should conserve some energy on certain ones.
Thanks. ~Necro
Anyways Mages rest after every fight, they should conserve yes so that they will last and help out with getting higher chains. This is why Getting Refresh Spell or Songs from the Rdm/Brd is much needed. Also to mention that having equipment with "Adds Refresh Effect" is also good to have.
The key thing though is the +MP while resting, This adds a huge amount of MP gained each tick while resting. Also why no mage should be without a Dark Staff :p. Basically Mages want to try and get as much MP as possible before they start the next fight. No mage should actually "sit out" a fight. Reason because if any one person sits out, the fight lasts a lot longer. Long fights mean shorter chains and less exp overall.Full Cursed= O
Full Str Gear= O
Apocalypse= ; ;
DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O
Thanks 0
Okay, race comparisons, done with:
of a DRK/WAR at level 59, since that's as far as it goes up to.
Hume: 1041 248 66 57 56 53 54 40 41
Galka: 1249 97 70 57 67 50 51 40 34
Mithra: 1041 248 63 68 53 60 54 37 34
Taru: 863 428 59 57 53 57 65 37 41
Elvaan: 1130 188 73 54 60 46 47 47 41
Taking Hume as a baseline, we see the advantages/disadvantages of each race, that apply to DRK, (IE: HP, MP, STR, DEX, VIT, INT):
Galka: +208 HP, -151 MP, +4 STR, +0 DEX, +11 VIT, -3 INT
Mithra: +0 HP, -0 MP, -3 STR, +11 DEX, -3 VIT, +0 INT
Taru: -178 HP, +180 MP, -7 STR, +0 DEX, -3 VIT +11 INT
Elvaan: +89 HP, -60 MP, +7 STR, -3 DEX, +4 VIT, -7 INT
So, Overall:
Galka: Do about 20 more damage per hit of souleater (best case scenario assuming full health, gets lower as HP goes down), have enough MP to cast 2 Absorbs plus 1 Drain before being fully out, and have the major Vit advantage over all other races for DRK. Decent STR, poor INT.
Mithra: Do same souleater damage as hume, decent MP pool(about 3 times more casting then a galka) for several absorbs/drain/aspir/stun, lower STR, great Dex rating, lower Vit, decent INT.
Taru: Do about 17 less damage then hume per hit of souleater (best case scenario again, approaching 10 or less as HPs go down), HUGE MP(about 4.5 times more then galka) pool for tons of absorbs/drain/aspir/stun/absorb recasting during fight/magic bursting. Poorest STR, average Dex, lower Vit, Great INT (which matters since it helps absorbs/drains/aspirs/stuns to stick)
Elvaan: Do about 8-9 more damage per hit of souleater (best case scenario assuming full health, gets lower as HP goes down), decent MP pool (twice of a galka) for two absorbs per fight with enough left over to stun/drain/aspir multiple times within that fight. Greatest STR, lower Dex, good Vit, Lowest INT
Looking at these, we can conclude several things. (Still keeping in mind Hume as a baseline race for DRK)
1. The differences in STR/DEX between races pretty much balance out, and can be easily made up with rings. Example: Mithra need two less Dex items or one less Accuracy item, which can be used for 2 STR items or an Attack item, which more or less equalizes things.
2. The differences in HP/MP aren't that easy to make up.
3. The differences in Souleater damage are negligible. At best case a Galka might do 100 more damage with Souleater (IF he's kept at full health for every hit), or a Taru might do 100 less damage (again comparing to a best case scenario).
Note: I'm assuming 5-6 hits with souleater ON. If your only using it for Weapon skills, the difference is completely negligible, since the randomness in the weapon skill itself completely erases the advantage. If your doing 1000 damage, who cares if you do 1020 or 980?
4. Differences in MP are worthy of note. You won't always have a RDM or BRD to regen MP, and as DRK's we HAVE to cast. We were given the Absorb spell line and stun for a reason. If I didn't have Absorb/Drain/Aspir/Stun/Sleep/Bind/Etc. I wouldn't bother playing a DRK, I'd go for a Monk or Ranger.
What sets us apart from them is that we have utility outside pure damage.
Therefore, in summary, and in personal opinion, I'd actually rate best races for DRK this way:
XP Party setting WITH a Bard with/without a RDM:
1st place: Elvaan
2nd place: Tie between Galka/Mithra/Hume
3rd place: Taru
XP Party setting WITHOUT a Bard OR RDM:
1st place: Tie between Mithra/Hume/Elvaan
2nd place: Galka
3rd place: Taru
XP Party setting WITHOUT a Bard, WITH a RDM willing to refresh the DRK:
1st place: Tie between Mithra/Hume/Elvaan/Galka
2nd place: Taru
Farming/Questing/Missions without a RDM refreshing you all the time or a BRD:
1st place: Mithra/Hume
2nd place: Taru/Elvaan
3rd place: Galka
HNMs (Assuming from what I read, that DRKs job is pretty much to be stun whore and spirits within whore)
1st place: Taru
2nd place: Mithra/Hume/Elvaan
3rd place: Galka
Overall, I think any race is good at DRK, depending on how you use it. A friend of mine is doing Taru DRK/WHM, which is doing pretty good, and works good in a melee-heavy party where some extra healing is needed.
Personally, I think Galka's extremely low MP pool cuts off a lot of DRK's utility outside of XP parties, and even in XP parties where you don't have a mana battery (BRD or RDM).
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