lol its funny to argue over something so stupid. back 2 years ago. you would have to rely on what the book said, or what the stats said to be a good char. but 2 years later an a shit load of items. it doesnt matter if your a taru, a hume, or an galka. if you got the money you can make a kickass drk. 2 years ago tha might have been hard. but certainly not nowadays. so while your galka is lvling in af body armor, im running around lvling with haubergoen. thus taking my poor stats, an making them way better then yours..
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Galka = Best DRK
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ROFL... dark in AF Armor. Cheap Bastards. We have a drk on Siren server that thinks he is good without Dual Snipers and Haubergeon. Current gear of his is Bastokian Ring and Balance Ring.| FFXI | SIREN | San D’Oria | Jifan | Monk 56 | WAR 65 | RNG 75 | NIN 38 | LS Ascendence™ |
| Jifen | Main Job BLM 38 | Sub WHM 22 | RDM 06 |
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"lol its funny to argue over something so stupid. back 2 years ago. you would have to rely on what the book said, or what the stats said to be a good char. but 2 years later an a shit load of items. it doesnt matter if your a taru, a hume, or an galka. if you got the money you can make a kickass drk. 2 years ago tha might have been hard. but certainly not nowadays. so while your galka is lvling in af body armor, im running around lvling with haubergoen. thus taking my poor stats, an making them way better then yours.."
lol good work. you take a stronger race with the same gear and ur still gimped. ur trying to "fix" ur stats.
Also yeah its sad, all these kids that saw LoTR to many times playing elvaans. my orginal post was 100% fact and even Awntawn himself says in his own faq that galka is the most "ideal" race for drk.
Galka > all when it comes to drk so deal with it. Was my thread flame bait? lol sure but only because its rather sad that i see more taru drks then galka and then i hear ppl bitchin about how bad drks are lol and its because of the gimped race selection that people come away with this. Im not saying galka is the uber god race but when it comes to drk,drg,war and monk WE ARE THE BEST.
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Originally posted by Mikeb
Hume > all... We don't look dumb like Galkas, and no giraffe necks like Elvaan. Mithra look pretty cool too.Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan
THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10
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I chose Elvaan because I liked their stats, and secondy, how they look.
Equipment makes all the difference in the world. Race selection is far less important than having good equipment. With all thing equal from an equipment perspective, it seems that the difference between races like Galka and Elvaan are minimal in terms of performance.
To me, it seems like a matter of preference more than a matter of clear superiority for the race and job selection.
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funny thing is...
the souleater argument really doesn't buy much for galka. At lvl 65+, all you do is souleater + ws then turn it off.
Going from my tarutaru race, I have about 1060 HP. using spin slash, i'll add about 160 dmg to the ws. galka might have about 1400 hp at my lvl, that's 210 dmg added. (i don't know how much hp they have.. just a guess)
Grats, you just did 50 more dmg than a tarutaru.
Bigger issue is with the base strength, but towards level 75, item added str becomes more important than the base race stat difference. So race difference becomes less important as the level goes up.
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All the DRK quests have all GALKA'S in it lol. please stop fooling urself people. The quest is in BASTOK MINES lol, who do u think lives there? who gives you the quest? lol i mean really , how can u be an elvaan/hume/taru play a class that has nothing but galkas in it (as in the quests AF etc) and think some how this class was made for YOUR race.
class was made for YOUR race.
"This is bad comedy." I dont ever recall the two Knightly orders of
Vana' Diel being created by Galka. Here's a was "Elvaan"
who created the two orders. I'm not saying we are the best, but
your fact doesnt hold water.Necrosavant
Goldsmithing 50
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I am currently 2nd highest NA Taru Drk on Midgard. I used to be first at 61-61 but I took a lvling break. Muchgoes out to Enishi for being first NA Taru Drk to 60 but he quit. *At least im still the highest NA Taru Drk in Haubergeon XD*
Anyways I do see many taru drks now, and I assure you there is a small but sure difference between races. Elvaan and Galka do hit slightly harder (not by much.. Tarus hit about 10dmg less than an elvaan hit for hit.). I find that many Tarus doing Drk is because of the style of Drk the look of it, and how rare it USED to be to see a taru drk. I've been in a lot of PT's where people respect me just for being a taru drk, just the same way as how I respect Galkan Mages. It takes skill to be a galkan mage.. and most galkan mages can really play their job well and make up for their loss of mp.
Everyone says Tarus should be mages etc. The Tarus who go melee are the ones that go against it, we don't care if we are the best at what we do.... although we do try to decrease the racial gap by equiping ourselves as best we can.
Hit 225 WS and Souleater does help but a lot of it is still wasted. Mob's get taken down quite fast that once the fight is over you're Souleater is still up. My Record dmg (in exp pt) is with Cross Reaper @ 1466 dmg, when you add another 1000-2000 darkness dmg that's a huge chunk of monster HP gone. Galkas do very high dmg Guillotine + Souleater because of their HP and the 4 hits of Cross Reaper. However when it comes to 225+ when its all 2 hit or 1 hit WS They still do higher dmg yes.. but the difference isnt as great.
Why Awn, said Galka's are the most ideal is because of that HP boost and good Str. From a damage prespective it is very close between Galka and Elvaan. Having more HP and using Souleater on the Chain 4 is one of the best ways to get the chain. Most cases in exp pt it goes like this:
Mob1: Gain TP (no need to use WS no chain made)
Mob2: Renkei (Chain1)
Mob3: Gain TP (Chain2)
Mob4: Renkei (Chain3)
Mob5: Gain TP (here is the hard part... you need to get TP while killing this Mob fast... Souleater plays a lot here. Chain4)
Mob6: Renkei (Chain5)
There are some PT's however that if you have another high dmg melee they go off and "solo WS" If they do this it makes it A LOT easier.
example: if you have a PT setup Pld, Drk, Rng, Brd, Rdm, Blm or Smn. (Ive had the exact PT setup, raked in about 4700 exp an hour, however I had to leave for work so they got another Rng... they ended up getting around 50k exp in that PT. *I'm still trying to catch up*)
Pld and Drk can do Darkness Renkei together.. having both Brd and Rdm can make the Pld a melee class so he doesnt have to rest for MP to save TP. However the Rng because of the high dmg WS' they have can just destroy the monster in between darkness renkei. VS. Fly types Rng can near solo the monster on his own.Full Cursed= O
Full Str Gear= O
Apocalypse= ; ;
DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O
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wow.. lets blow shit out of proportion a little more.. its all personal preference, if you want a taru be one.. want to be a galka be one, who really gives a care if you do 2-3 damage more in an xp party per swing, or are able to do 2-4 extra big hits on souleater. It is a group effort not just one person pushing for that last mob in a chain. Enjoy whatever race you are.. games supposed to be fun not a soup nazi convention.
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