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help me out plz

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  • help me out plz

    my friend is getting ffxi today and i wanna lvl up a job with him. What should I lvl that would actually b helpful to me? i heard i should lvl up whm bcz its a good sub to have for hnms and other stuff like that sicne you have stoneskin.

    Can anyone tell me if i should lvl whm or not? and what lvl i should get it to? or if their is another job i should lvl please

  • #2
    Being a DRK you have a pretty wide variety of jobs that you could level up from 1 to just screw around with later....

    WHM is being one of them, so when you farm sometimes as well, or do quests that require some minor fighting you can DRK/WHM it and be a useful healer for yourself.

    SAM i another, some people 60+ like to sub SAM for meditate, although it normally doesn't work out well because you get so much TP that you just end up stealing hate and dying in 3 hits.

    THF is good, but I see you already have that lvled so...

    WAR is always a great job to have leveled up...but I assume you probably have that leveled up as wel to sub to DRK

    Another one you could screw around with is ninja....but Im a big fan of the ninja job in this game so...that's a biased opinion. You see a few lvl 70+ drk/nin to do HNM's and the likes, plus its just badass to walk around town in AF and carry 2 swords. lol

    Or just any job that you have at level 1 is good...doesn't have to directly help your DRK.
    ★ RDM 51 / BLM 37 ★
    DRK 52 … THF 45 … WAR 37 … NIN 31

