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Just End this about DRK's...they're no bigtime dmg dealers

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MeleeFighterFF
    monk outdamages dark knight...

    overall, dark knight is the 4th highest damage dealer in the game

    monk, ranger, and of course black mage all out damage a drk...

    ive actually (on these boards nontheless) heard tons of you say you've been outdamaged by war/sam's and war/thf's post 60...

    this is not an argument or's FAAAACCCCCTTTTTT

    i just wanted to see how ignorant you noobs would be, and you were...just putting line after line of LOL and speaking ebonics trying to sound like ben wallace...gtf outta here...

    look at your own discussion threads...

    alot of drk's get to lvl 60 and say "this is what i worked 60 lvls for? to be outdamaged by 3 or 4 other classes?"

    not saying drk sucks...hey to each his own, with the right equipment and skill a drk COULD outdamage anything yeah.

    but you take a 75 mnk and a 75 drk, put em in the absolute best equip you can put em in...and then have them fight a thousand randomly chosen battles, in random environments...the monk will have significantly..(yes SIGNIFICANTLY) outdamaged the drk

    again, what else does your job class exist for other than dmg?
    your so-called facts arn't true, that's the prob...out dmging a BLM is quiet easy, and NO one, NO one can compare to a RNG, so don't even bring that up. Against a MNK, we can outdmg them...player before job, learn that and grow up, because you comming in here and making a post this derogitory was asking for a flame fest. Not saying DRK sucks? Um...I dunno about you but your post say otherwise.
    Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

    "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

    "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

    "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


    • #32 much experience in this have you had? You're level what...30? And you're calling us all noobs...

      Well, all I know is that I was in a party with a monk yesterday and I out-damaged him easy.

      Let the little 14-year-old justify his existence though, he seems to take pleasure in saying that those lines of code are better than these lines of code.

      i just wanted to see how ignorant you noobs would be, and you were...just putting line after line of LOL and speaking ebonics trying to sound like ben wallace...gtf outta here...
      Those people aren't degrading themselves by talking to you. I myself already feel unclean for even trying to refute your inane arguments.


      • #33
        You made yourself look like an ass posting something like that on here. First of all you are a level 30 war. Second you have no basis for your post. Third you are flaming DRKs in a DRK forums. We are all laughing at your stupidity. Kisada put it best:




        • #34




          • #35
            Ok let's get things straightened our here Melee, time to put you into your place.

            First off, how on f*cking earth would you POSSIBLY know WTF is going on at higher levels, when your a level 19!!, YES! NINTEEN monk....

            Second of all, If you are going to base your entire knowledge on this game from a few noobs (holy shit look! I didn't capitalize it like you...that must mean its not as hardcore) that post on forums telling you which dmg dealer is the best, then you might as well go and re-install your little Mech Warrior II game, and stick to it. Nothing thats said on a forum is "Complete fact!!one11!".

            Third off, You use the SAME argument, OVER and OVER and OVER....You have ABSOLUTELY no fact or proof whatsoever that MNK > DRK in damage dealing, except a few little screenshots, that were probably not meant to prove whether or not mnk is greater than drk at dealing damage, and just meant to be a nice little happy screenshot of a drk and mnk buddy hanging out together in a fight.

            Fourth (yes...there's more!), Why on EARTH would it bother you at ALL, whether or not a DRK is more dmg than a MNK....who the f*ck cares?!!? If you honestly play games so that you can come onto boards like these, and flame at random people who you claim to have claimed that "Do more dmg than mnks", then you obviously have a very large sum of money that you are throwing into a giant pit of lava with MMORPG's.

            And last but not least. GET LOST!!

            If you wanted to prove MNK's superiority (or lack there of) over DRK, then you just blew your entire chance at doing so by making this thread. There is no 'best dmg dealer' in the game, each class is designed for certain situations. Example: mnk for bones. SE honestly isn't stupid enough to make 6-7 melee classes, and have all of them suck but ONE!

            Jesus Christ kid....Who cares who's the better damage dealer, have fun playing the game, and get a f*cking life... Now go spam your kiddy arguments somewhere else,.... like on the MNK forum! Your opinion is obviously biased, coming from a MNK... and as is ours, coming from a DRK....

            That's how it is, that's always going to be how it is...biased opinions.

            /end of quote....Flame that bitch
            ★ RDM 51 / BLM 37 ★
            DRK 52 … THF 45 … WAR 37 … NIN 31


            • #36
              You might be right about a well-equipped MNK being better than DRK in damage over time, I wouldn't doubt it. Monks get a lot of hits between Double Attack and Kick. But your tone is all wrong. DRKs bring more than just melee damage. They get great hate control possibilities with /THF, the absorb spells, and the ability to drastically up their damage with Soul Eater. Plus having more to offer for skillchains through most of the game.

              DRK is definitely one of the top damage dealers not just for their respectable damage but for sheer utility.
              Nusayb, Galka, Fairy Server- 63WAR,
              70NIN, 37THF, 66MNK, 25DRG, 18RNG, 16SAM, etc. WAR AF Complete. NIN AF Complete. MNK AF Complete.


              ????, Hume Female, Fairy Server- 29BLM, 21WHM, 37THF, 32WAR, 31DRK, etc.


              • #37
                Hmmm, let's try to argue, not flame.

                Will a MNK out damage a DRK? It really depends, on bones yes on anything else they are about the same

                Put MNK and DRK in same party.

                Bone MNK normal hit > DRK. Too bad, DRK will close renkei anway.

                Other mob MNK normal hit = DRK. Too bad, DRK will close renkei anyway once again, and when DRK turn on SOuleater, MNK bye bye.

                If they are not in same party, on Bone MNK>DRK, the rest DRK>MNK cuz we close renkei for more dmg and Souleater hit for more.
                Closing renkei? Sneak+Trick+Dragonkick on bones for light renkei? (Can I have it)

                We're closing in on the level 3 renkeis, and in 2 levels, we're trying out lvl1 transfixion vs bones, via sneak+trick+howling fist. (howling fist is fun though, a piercing ws with a blunt weapon XD)

                I don't know why you think that drk is the ONLY choice for renkei closer? I concur, they are indeed GOOD renkei closers, but not the only one available. Rng's arching arrow, thf sa+ta+sharkbite, mnk with serk+dragonkick OR sa+ta+dragon kick...

                I think most of the static vs drk comes from players who are in the lower levels, and see all the wannabe drk. The ones who are constantly talking about how much dama they are going to do with souleater+lr+berserk+guillotine. Then after getting souleater and dying 10 times at level 30 they quit the job.

                After all, I think what you see with your own 2 eyes have more impact than reading parser logs in forums, how accurate they may be.

                Getting back to the originally half-flamingly stated subject though. Against bones, any job gets beaten vs a mnk. It's as simple as that. Not even superior renkei closing damage keeps up, since they do 150% dmg vs bones. that's their normal, really high dmg output, plus 50%. So with 2 mnk vs bones, you get the equivalent as 3 drk.

                Even though I'm a bit low in levels, I realize that level 3 renkei has a huge impact on levelling efficiency once you hit 65-66+

                I can't really debate over it, since I haven't seen it firthand, but I'll come back to you about it. And on regular mobs, drk and mnk are rather close. They aren't totally superior to eachother.

                I'd say that mnk does a bit more dmg, not esp. much, but drk enables more dmg, esp via absorb-agi and absorb-vit. The mnk's job is focused on ONLY doing damage. Nothing else. Why are people surprised that they edge ahead of dark knights? Dark knights keep up good, and have very useful, classpecific magic to make up for their loss in damage.


                • #38
                  Meleefighter, you must be really expirenced i mean look at your jobs > war 30 , mnk 19, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

                  Monks might be able to beat dark in JUST melee, but darkknights have drain spells. In a party, say you drain vit - agi - str; you would have too add the hits that would normally miss + the extra dmg from absorb vit + extra dmg from you with absorb str to the dmg of a drk, not just plain melee. Throw berserk(if war sub)/souleater/last resort for dmg.. and it would seem drk could survive better than mnk..they have all the armour warriors and paladins have really, and they can slap on defender (if war sub) they can also drain every minute for hp, while monk can chakra every 15mins...

                  Back me up people


                  • #39
                    Also you shouldn't compare classes; they are all used differently.


                    • #40
                      This argument is pointless...

                      1) You haven't even experienced high levels.

                      2) Monks don't cast dark magic.

                      3) Have you ever considered that some of us picked our job because we LIKED it?

                      There's only one person you should compare damage with, and that's yourself.


                      • #41
                        yes mnks and rangers are better damage dealers in most situations. Happy? Some ppl like to do stuff other than just damage. Some ppl don't care about doing the most damage. I like drain, aspir, and stun. Stopping sleepga, ancient magic, bombs, sandtrap, etc, are all a job for drks. Mnks have chakra, rngs have widescan, different strokes, and we be different folks.

                        Now, stop trolling.


                        • #42

                          What happened to the argument? Did my post come up invisible, or is the entire drk community to infuriated over one persons rather biased, somwhat flawed perception?

                          Is it the blunt manner? I can write offensive posts, but I tend to like debating in an orderly fashion. Maybe I shouldn't bother XD

                          My post: discuss discuss discuss.
                          drk1: Omg thread starter, you suck!
                          drk2: thread starter, your argument is invalid.
                          drk3: thread starter, you have a little point, but missed the big picture.


                          • #43
                            /shrug Scorpio it was a very biased statement and many people probably just read that first few post and responded XD however I agree with you, on normal mobs the dmg is very close, bones MNK win, arcana, DRK win. It's really close and both jobs are both great dmg dealers, bottem line let's drop it
                            Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

                            "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

                            "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

                            "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


                            • #44
                              Well i tried forming a bone pt some time ago 68-69 pt. I brought along 2 mnk (1 hume and a galka mnk) into a bone pt. Our pt set up was drk, mnk, mnk, pld, rdm, and whm. We fought doom guard in gustav and i have to say mnk didn't really impress me in the dmg department against bone. Sure they do more dmg than me (do 50 dmg on one hand with a kick once in a while, while i do 80-90 dmg) but i thought they were ganna do some ungodly dmg against bone. Safe to say we got agro alot...due to the fact that skele can detect you with low health from a mile away, and we had alot of down time. Guess should have brought a brd instead of a rdm. Got decent exp but not the godly 7k an hour deal. Oh and spinning slash is a better closer than dragon kick on anything...bone or not. PeAce Out.


                              • #45
                                That's interesting

                                Hisdon: Thanks for akcnowleding a nice debate, and yeah, I agree. The dead horse has been wihpped enough.

                                Forze: Spinning Slash ey? I have to ask, did the mnk use sa+ta+dragon kick, or just try closing it with regular dragon kick?

