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DRK thought of the day thread

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  • DRK thought of the day thread

    So, I'm bored on a tuesday, so I figured I'd start a dark knight thought of the day thread. Anything from serious to silly, post your thought of the day, minute, or week here.

    I'll start.

    Thought of the day: Is a dark knight who's wearing 2 sniper rings considered "bling bling"ing? Additionally, are Sniper rings worn on the pinky? It seems to me at that 180-250k they should be.

    Red this..

    Censorship sucks..

  • #2
    Since i'm so fubar elite, I wear my sniper rings on my toes.

    Thought of the day: I want all my jobs to be lvl 75 and have 99999999999999999999999 gil and have ppl begging me for gil since i'm so leet. Oh ya, I also want to buy every item in the AH then change every item price (make everything worth 1 million gil more then it is). If someone tries to put anything on the AH for cheap, i'll buy it right away with my amazing skills. If someone wants an item and decides to camp an NM, TOO BAD, I'll have a character camping each NM already and since I'm so leet, I'll obviously pull it before anyone else. Then, magicly PVP will come out (actual fighting). I offer to give everyone 1 mil gil if they can beat me. Ofcourse no one won so I couldn't give 1 mil gil away, sorry. I get so good at the game so GM's decided to put me in FF jail but I broke out in 2 seconds. (I'm currently hiding somewhere in Vanadiel with my 999999999999999999999 gil that everyone wants but can't get)

    Just a thought ...


    • #3

      Thought of the Minute: Tonkz is crazy

      Thought of the Day: Elvaan DRG must be stupid. They hold their spear points AWAY from the enemy. While fighting in Kuftal I saw an Elvaan DRG Smacking a crab with his spear, swinging it completely overhead and not using the spear properly at all....WTF?
      Galka Pride. Tubbers: Retired Nov. 3 2004, unretired Nov. 17 2005
      28 PLD - Super gimp
      30 WAR - Gimp
      33 SMN - Slighly gimp
      34 THF - MEGA Gimp
      37 WHM - Slightly Gimp
      60 DRK - Gimpy mcGimenstein
      Why? Rikura did it >.>
      Max Chain 23 (Summoner)
      Most levels in one party 13 (White Mage)
      Most gimp Dark Knight (I don't even have rings at all = MND + 2)


      • #4
        every ring I buy I wear on my middle finger's, i mean...if I'm going to shoot the bird do it with style right?

        Though of the day: Who knew how much fun sitting on the roof shooting at crap could be (nonffxi related)
        Signature removed. You have been asked to, you failed to. Banned by warning points.


        • #5
          Thought of a minute before: Tonkz drugs are bad

          Thought of the day: I hate all fucking DRKs which are LVL52 now and wear already the Chaos Sollerets and me is only 51 of course and doesnt get a PT in hours and nobody for a good PT is seeking <_<
          My Character:

          Genkai 1: (X)
          Genkai 2: (X)
          Genkai 3: ( )
          Genkai 4: ( )
          Genkai 5: ( )

          AF 1 (X)
          AF 2 (X)
          AF 3 (X)
          AF 4 (X)
          AF 5 (X)
          AF 6 (X)


          -Get Hauby
          -Get THF to 37
          -Get WAR to 37
          -Complete G3


          • #6
            Thought of the day: I gotta improve my Dark Knight.

            75DRK . 37THF . 38WAR . 37SAM . 37NIN . 22WHM . 18MNK . 17BLM . 16SMN - [Rank 10]
            Leader of Doom - Odin
            Member #46 of ZORINSOUL - Odin
            Member of TeamKANICAN - Odin
            [ 63 Alchemy - 60 Cooking - 50 Goldsmithing - 20 Smithing]
            Relic Armor: 2/5 Obtained
            Scythe 276 - Great Sword 269 - Sword 240 - Axe 220
            Fenrir: O -- Tu'Lia: O -- Moon: O
            Current Status:Working on Dark Knight website
            DAoC - Soulstaff 50Friar - Merlin
            DA0C - Primadonna 50Eld - MLF
            DAoC - Soulscar 4x SB - Guin


            • #7
              Thought of the week: 1.Why do Sniper rings keep getting more expensive each day?!?
              2. Drk Af looks cool, but if could have better stats, besides the helm.
              Kujata server:

              Reneki: Elvann/Male

              DRK lv 60/ Mnk lv32/ War lv28
              Thf lv30/ Whm lv28/ SAM lv21

              Elias: Taru/Male
              Rdm lv11


              • #8
                I like to play DRK,
                but i should have been taru,
                then i would be l337.

                Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
                Tiamat O
                Jormungand O
                Vrtra O
                DLord O
                JoL O
                AV X


                • #9
                  i swing and i miss
                  i should buy a peacock charm
                  then i would miss less

                  Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
                  Tiamat O
                  Jormungand O
                  Vrtra O
                  DLord O
                  JoL O
                  AV X


                  • #10
                    time fto

                    (1) punting the taru BLM that lotted on the assult jenkin and won. >_<


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Zafron
                      i swing and i miss
                      i should buy a peacock charm
                      then i would miss less
                      Dark knight Haikus, I love it :D

                      Red this..

                      Censorship sucks..


                      • #12
                        Thought of the day: GM's spent years looking for me and finally did. The GM's tried to stop me from running away and failed. Every single NM and HNM came on my side because I'm so leet. The shadow lord did too. The GM's tried to use their rigged attacks on me but I easily deflected them all with my scythe. The GM's were so newbie, they told every one that I was worth 100000000 million gil if they helped out which they did. So there I was standing with all the mobs by my side, the lvl 1's who tried to stop me failed, and died. After about 1 week straight of fighting, my army was destroyed. They all charged at me but couldn't even get near me. I was so rich, I threw a hauberk +1337 at them just because I can. They stopped trying to stop me because they all wanted a Hauberk +1337 so instead they faught each other. The GM's couldn't believe what was happening and decided to ban every single player. There are only the GM's left and me. They were pheering so much cause I was so leet but since they are GM's they have to pretend they're leet too by scaring me. Ofcourse, I'm obviously better then them so I was not scuuuuuuuuuured at all. When they got close to me, I decided to use my elite skills and server bounce ... the GM's now have an even harder time finding me.


                        • #13
                          Holy bejesus , behemonth!
                          Signature removed. You have been asked to, you failed to. Banned by warning points.


                          • #14
                            Thought: It'll take me a year to get to 60
                            Sabre - 75 DRK - 37 WAR - 45 THF - 62 RNG
                            Rank - 10

                            Leaping Lizzy - 12/90+
                            Valkurm Emperor - 1/2
                            Stroper Chymes - 2/? (not NM, but still)


                            • #15
                              DRK Relic Armor: Yea or Ghey?
                              DRK75 BLM75 WAR37 THF37 NIN37 SAM38 WHM38 RDM37

                              Which FF Character Are You?

