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  • Drk/Drg

    Be a interesting sub around 70+ no? Use high jump to get rid of some of that hate after a guillotene. Let you enable a little more "going all out" power that we oh so much want to do all the time. Attack up and Accuracy up little nice additions too. More accuracy with my equip = even better
    "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
    <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
    nuts" -warbucket

  • #2
    35 - High Jump - Increases jump attack damage.
    50 - Super Jump - Another increase to jump attack damage, land away from the enemy as well.

    10 - Attack Up - Increases Melee Attack.

    attack up dont stack, have you tried? i have.
    Bastok Rank 10
    37WAR 37THF 37NIN 37RDM 37SAM 30MNK 30DRG 20BLM 20BST 20BRD
    Spiral Hell, Ground Strike, Savage Blade, Decimation, Club200, Dagger200, Great Axe180


    • #3
      err double post, i'll just edite to something else.
      the attack up is actually called "Attack Bonus" in Abilities -> Job Traits -> Attack Bonus (Improves Power of physical attack.)
      Drks get this at 10 30 and 50 and another atk up at 70 i believe (not sure). i think drg is the same.

      why am i so sure it doesn't stack?
      1. they are same name in job traits.
      2. switching SJ that has atk bonus vs ones dont have no atk up.

      i dont know where you get the acc. up and lv35 drg jump can erase hate do some research or experiment before you post because you sounded like you haven't got the game or no adv. job.
      Bastok Rank 10
      37WAR 37THF 37NIN 37RDM 37SAM 30MNK 30DRG 20BLM 20BST 20BRD
      Spiral Hell, Ground Strike, Savage Blade, Decimation, Club200, Dagger200, Great Axe180


      • #4
        Pretty sure Drg gets an accuracy up trait at 30.

        Yes, the lvl10 atk up won't stack with the Drk attack up traits.

        Jump is.. eh.

        I've never used it, nor seen anyone else ever use it, but at 70 when you get the high jump to shed some hate.. honestly speaking, with /drg I'm not sure you'll get enough hate for it to matter.

        Jump! Good for Kriss Kross, bad for Drk. o(^_-)b


        • #5
          I have seen it all... A Kriss Kross reference...

          Wiggida Wiggida Wack!


          • #6
            Well thats something Ive learned, attack up doesnt stack? Well damn that sucks ><
            "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
            <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
            nuts" -warbucket


            • #7
              passive bonuses like that tend to go in series. same-numbered bonuses don't stack. the higher number takes precedence. i believe drk attack bonus goes up to IV (lv70), from what i've heard from JP sites, though it'd probably be best to ask an actual lv70 drk. drg gets acc bonus at lv30, and it helps, but it's nowhere near "omg gamebreakingly good" status.

              as for jumps...uh...i seriously can't see the benefits vs. /war or /thf or even /sam subs. everything they do (TP gain, additional damage, shed hate) can be done much more efficiently by another sub's abilities. and i agree with anya -- how are you going to even get hate w/ drg sub unless you use souleater at the very beginning of a battle? i guess you could probably go for the full 1-minute duration more often, but so could drk/thf i think, after tricking onto the tank.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Anya
                  Jump! Good for Kriss Kross, bad for Drk. o(^_-)b

                  dont forget Van Halen.

                  Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
                  Tiamat O
                  Jormungand O
                  Vrtra O
                  DLord O
                  JoL O
                  AV X


                  • #10
                    DRG, in my opinion is a broken class, they need alot of work to be on par with the other damage dealers.

                    So, keeping it as main, or, at sub, is gonna make you gimp'd.

                    You're not getting that hate jump anyway, even at Lv75.

                    If you're concerned about hate, do what the rest of them do, sub THF, it gives you alot of DEX.


                    • #11
                      Like I said in my "DRK/DRG - What fun" post. Do not sub DRG, its not worth it. It is fun to go around a use Jump with a scythe, and do more damage than a DRG does with it on the same mob.

