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poll: 4000+ xp/hr PT setup!

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  • #31
    However I think it's shortsighted, to pick a DRK/WAR past 60....DRK does good damge, but most of the damage 65+ comes from MNK, RNG and Magic Bursts. For those classes to let loose, you need someone to keep emnity on the tank. Especially with Ninja who has a hard time.
    I wouldn't say that... Granted Monks do more damage than us, but we are not that far behind at all. As for rangers... I rarely group with them, they do jack to some of the best experience spots out there. Magic Burst? I haven't been pting with BLMs either. Usually a RDM and a bard.

    There is no "perfect" pt. A pt configuration would do well on something, but would do very bad on another set of mobs.

    But, the "best" pt I had so far was...


    We were at Gustav killing Skeleton Mages/warriors. Not only chain 5s, but the RDM and WHM had 500+ mana to SPARE.


    • #32
      so is it true that mnks do more dmg than drks after lv70?


      • #33
        Valor--> Of course monks will do well against skeletons.

        but i still think DrK/rng combo is better.
        ---> :[ Tinori ]: <---


        • #34
          Who said anything about skeletons? Monks do more damage than us, period.


          • #35
            Valor - hehe, I know that. My static:

            WHM/BLM (Gonna switch to WHM/BRD now that we've hit 50), RDM/BLM, DRK/WAR, DRG/WAR, MNK/WAR (No static tanker yet >.> Still looking =P )

            MNK does mad mad damage with Raging Fists. With Counterstance on (Not 100% either, but still good stuff) he can tank for a bit (Galkan MNK, so he can't get oneshotted by an Exoray either ^.^_v ). So I notice on average IT battles, our MNK does more DMG than me or DRG, but that has since changed since DRG got Pentathrust

            Still, I have nothing but positive things to say about MNK, especially Galkan ones
            My Stats


            • #36
              mhm, i had a semi-set pt

              went from 66 - 70 in 2 days

              RNG,RNG,NIN(or WAR, Shield Break just pwns before sidewindering the mob too death) ,RDM,BRD,SMN

              the ni would hold aggro til both ranger had tp gauge full, and we would do sidewinder>sidewinder, usualy the mob died, if the mob didnt die 1 of the rangers would barrage it too death.

              got chain 9# around 220-300 constantly, no downtime.

              this of course wouldnt work on all mob types, we fight Skimmer then Darter after in boyahda (flies are weak too piercing)

              i agree with Junun, a good nin that spams shurikens,mb can hold aggro better then any pld. nin is all about timing, if the nin cant time hes actions, then id rather have a pld tank.

              i doubt il experince this again :> but it whas cool



              • #37
                Speed EXP

                If you want 5000+ an hour the setup you want is probably something like this:


                Who the hell needs a WHM when the tank never gets hit. Alfternate Trick/Guillo onto the Nin every available time. SMN Blink + Utsusemi: Ichi and Ni should take care of all the dmg. Garuda gives Hastega, Fenrir for acc, Titan more DMG shield... I love SMN. BRD for MP. BLM can blast the crap out of it.

                If you think about it the NIN/WAR gets 3 hits from Garuda's blink, as does the BLM and both DRK, 1-2 hits from the stoneskin of Titan and he can spam Utsusemi. He could go through many a battle without ever getting hit, the BRD would make sure the SMN has enough MP to keep summoning and the BLM can nuke the crap out of it because of all the hate the DRK will give the NIN

                I've been in a party similar to that. It was ridiculously fast exp ~4500 an hour in Boyadha

                If theres anything wrong feel free to point it out, I haven't actually tested it so this is all theoretical. You probably shift around DRK fron RNG or ditch the BRD for another DMG
                Galka Pride. Tubbers: Retired Nov. 3 2004, unretired Nov. 17 2005
                28 PLD - Super gimp
                30 WAR - Gimp
                33 SMN - Slighly gimp
                34 THF - MEGA Gimp
                37 WHM - Slightly Gimp
                60 DRK - Gimpy mcGimenstein
                Why? Rikura did it >.>
                Max Chain 23 (Summoner)
                Most levels in one party 13 (White Mage)
                Most gimp Dark Knight (I don't even have rings at all = MND + 2)

