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Is Drk af2 the hardest?

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  • Is Drk af2 the hardest?

    Hi guyz just wondering if Dark AF2 is really hard? ive asked ppl i know and they refuse to do it because they say its extremely hard? ive tried getting help in jueno going on a mnth and a half now of trying to get AF2 and no joy. :/

    Just asking the people have done it to gimme and idea of what it was like and how hard it is...ive seen a pt of lvl 55 do it..but lvl 60's i know refuse to do it :/

  • #2
    Well, a full pt of 55+ will have a dificult time, but it is manageable. I think the first of the 3 fights is the hardest--maybe lasting 5+ minutes. After that it isn't so bad. You'll still need at least a normal exp setup, minus the rdm or bard. It shoudn't be hard with a PT of 60s. I did it at lvl 59 with a whm, pld and a... er.. lvl 75 drk... :p

    But AF3... now that's hard... :dead:


    • #3
      hmm :/ guess ill go back to jueno and ask for help again


      • #4
        Randomly shouting for help in Jeuno really isn't the best way to go about it unless you're just short a few people. If you really don't have a LS or any friends you can call upon, what you might start doing is when in lvl up PTs, ask your PT if any of their friends or LS mates might need drk AF2 soon as well. You can also try contacting other NA drks in your range who are not in PTs and see if they are in need AF2 as well.

        Once you find enough Drks, you can usually draw upon a large network of players that each know in order to complete the quest.

        for AF2, usually getting together with 2-3 more should be more than sufficent. AF3 will require more ^^

        PS- Do NOT blind tell high levels asking for help, especially JP players. Most of them find it very rude. Also if doing a Jeuno shout, don't string out a long auto-translation shout. Usually what you think makes sense comes out as gibberish .
        'DRK AF2' is pretty universal.


        • #5
          I went with 2 friends down to ordelle's and recruited another 2 lv70+ players who were in the caves (i assume hunting for archer rings). Was easy from there. No one wants to go out of their way from jeuno to ordelles.


          • #6
            For AF2, the third NM is the hardest simply because it has a instant death move :sweat:
            Both the plds in my PT died to the move


            • #7
              Hmm ... at least I have a Pally in our LS and another Pally in my static and that would be ok for my AF2. I guess I'll go recruit some level 70+ Pallys in my other LS just in case =)
              My Stats


              • #8
                Did af2 tonight with this ghetto pickup PT np.
                lv70 pld/war lv58 war/whm lv50 war/thf lv54 drk/war lv60 rdm/blm lv41(yes 41) whm/brd
                skillchain Vorpal Scythe -> Iron Tempest -> Swiftblade for Darkness and MB Drain for 250 HP. Not terribly hard, but watch out for the first one's aoe. I didn't notice an instant death attack from the third one, but i couldn't drain from it.


                • #9
                  lol i am the highest in my LS and ive tried ur thing on asking lvl pt to help do it..i only know 1 highish lvl guy and he jus flat out wont do it after i helped him do 2 af's :/

                  There are 4 other drks who also need it at my lvl and have tried for yonks as i have and no begining to wonder if its worth doing...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gix
                    ... lv58 war/whm ...
                    That is truly ... ghetto ... o.O

                    My Stats


                    • #11
                      I still can't get any help with it. My LS is being gay, no one can ever help. They're to busy hunting NMs or HNMs. Can't take the 30 minutes it would take to do it. *sigh*


                      • #12
                        Hi tidane,

                        if you are expecting LS to help you, and not, don't feel bad.

                        It's their time, and it's their choice how they want to spend it.

                        By the way, did you finish limit1 quest? If not, that might be the reason - chaos sollerets are lvl 52s.. those can wait.
                        Character and Equipment Info


                        • #13
                          oh to answer madison,

                          i did it with 75 bard, 74 pld and 65 blm. It was overkill.

                          I'm sure you can do it with a normal pt of lvl 52-54s.
                          Character and Equipment Info


                          • #14
                            No, I didn't finish Limit 1. Why? Lack of help and lack of drops. I know its their time and they can do what they please, but I make every effort to help, and they do...squat.

                            Atleast the low level people in the Alliance try to help.


                            • #15
                              like i said, it's probably because you are not level 52, that they are helping yet.

                              Now, for getting papyrus, if you've tried and tried and still bad luck, your ls should at least jump in and back you up. If you feel that they are ignoring you, join another LS.

                              One more tip: goto glacier side of the eldieme, and go camp *NOT at the entrance but* a ways in between two opennings where lich/ka spawns. These liches hold papyrus alot more often, and drops at least 1-2 an hour.

                              Good luck tidane!! I'd hate to see fellow drk get discouraged and quit.
                              Character and Equipment Info

