Coming from a game like EQ, their Shadowknight community was really active. Even though it was a small community on my server, it was really close community. Being a DRK from Valefor, it seems like DRKs don't associate with each other. Thats why I decided to delete my guy and start a new char on a bigger server, probably Ragnarok. I was just wondering how popular is the DRK community on your server?
[edit] Ahhhh great just my luck. The patch just made randomly getting the server that you want alot harder. There is now a 30second waiting period for your character to delete before you can make a new one. Either i'm gonna have to get lucky or could someone PM me a world pass to Ragnarok? I'd really appreciate it. Also if you need an email its
[edit] Ahhhh great just my luck. The patch just made randomly getting the server that you want alot harder. There is now a 30second waiting period for your character to delete before you can make a new one. Either i'm gonna have to get lucky or could someone PM me a world pass to Ragnarok? I'd really appreciate it. Also if you need an email its