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Which is better of the following equips

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  • Which is better of the following equips

    Which do you think is better?

    Royal Knight's Mufflers Def: 13 Accuracy: 3
    Chaos Gauntlets Def: 12 HP: 11 DEX: 3 Vs. Dark: 10 Enhances Weapon Bash Effect

    Mufflers seem better to me, Acc > dex and Stun > weapon bash

    Valkyrie's Mask Def: 16 MP: 10 Attack: 7
    Chaos Burgeonet Def: 23 HP: 12 STR: 4 Enhances Souleater Effect Dark Magic Skill: 5

    AF Hat seems better this time, but I'm not positive.

    Royal Knight's Breeches Def: 30 STR: 2 DEX: 2 Attack: 3
    Chaos Flanchard Def: 31 HP: 15 INT: 3 Evasion: 5 Parrying Skill: 10

    Breeches seem better to me. Dex and STR and Attack > int and parrying and evasion for DRK.

    Just trying to decide what to wear. Please back up your opinions with reasons if possible. Please ignore cost and looks.
    BCNM40: 26(?) Wins, 1 Loss (On Asura and want guaranteed win? /tell Syk)
    Syk (Mithra): 62 DRK, 37 THF, 30 WAR, 18 BLM
    Khyze (Taru): 26 BRD, 30 WHM, 18 BLM

  • #2
    if u want pure att power...

    RK mufflers
    AF helm
    RK breeches

    RKmufflers give more accuracy...

    AF helm makes SE dmg 15% based on HP and +4 str

    RK breeches is geared towards attack power whereas AF flanchard seems to be more towards parry/evasion.

    if u can afford it, the whole RK suit seems more effective than the AF suit. but then again, the AF is free and looks damn good.

    your choice....


    • #3
      i woudl go with the AF suit.

      im a slave to fashion.


      • #4
        A side note on the hat question: please ignore the Soul Eater Effect. Regardless of what I usually wear, my Soul Eater macro will equip the AF hat for 30 seconds. And hell so will my Dark Magic spells.

        So I guess it boils down to what is better 4 STR or 7 ATK, and that's where I get really confused. Anyone have experience with STR vs ATK?

        I'm also a Mithra if that affects your answers.
        BCNM40: 26(?) Wins, 1 Loss (On Asura and want guaranteed win? /tell Syk)
        Syk (Mithra): 62 DRK, 37 THF, 30 WAR, 18 BLM
        Khyze (Taru): 26 BRD, 30 WHM, 18 BLM


        • #5
          AF helm is the best part of AF equipment for Drk.

          the +5% SE is well worth it.
          Full Cursed= O
          Full Str Gear= O
          Apocalypse= ; ;

          DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
          1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


          • #6
            +4 STR is better than +7 ATK, especially later on. Get the +4 STR.


            • #7
              well in a PT going to use the lv55 leggings,gloves,top until i can afford haubergeon. Those really are all better then the AF..sadly..and the lv63 tiger boots that have +3attack are better then AF2

