Hello all, first timer here, but avid reader of the site. Im kind of curious after seeing the "this guys my hero" clicky. And Im of course asking about the, what it looked to be a DRK on the right in the video. Is that a club hes using? i think thats what i seen in his hand? ive only seen one drk in bahamut so far with a club, didnt think anything of it when i first seen him. but then when i looked at the video, i was like.. wow!
Right now im using the general weapons for DRK -scythe/Gsword. Ive lvled a good amount of weapons so far. mainly cause Im the kind of person that has a hard time makin up my mind. Ive taken war to 31, pld 15, nin 18, rng 15, thf 13, whm 10, mnk 8, and now finally drk to 27 so far. So you get what Im saying
So basically what im asking, is a club what i think i saw in the video, and are they worth usin with drk's? cya around guys.
Right now im using the general weapons for DRK -scythe/Gsword. Ive lvled a good amount of weapons so far. mainly cause Im the kind of person that has a hard time makin up my mind. Ive taken war to 31, pld 15, nin 18, rng 15, thf 13, whm 10, mnk 8, and now finally drk to 27 so far. So you get what Im saying
So basically what im asking, is a club what i think i saw in the video, and are they worth usin with drk's? cya around guys.