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Reason Why U Chose DRK?

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  • #16
    3 different subs, 7 different playing methods.

    only 2::5 for me, but that's good enough

    nothing else comes anywhere close.
    DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11



    • #17
      I picked it for the high damage at a MUCH lower cost than ranger. IN YOUR FACE ROBIN HOOD!!!


      • #18
        well i became a dark knight cuz a friend in beta...was one and i saw how much ass he owned...and ever since then i was like O_o...but now everyone is a dark i might have to put dark on hold till most people level their 3rd job or sumthing...ill probably level theif till a LS whm catches up so i can make my own groups for once because i dont get chosen for any as it is
        Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


        • #19
          Not a drk yet but ...

          - Second highest damage dealer in the game
          - Melee / caster hybrid + ranged attack
          - 2handed swords
          - Scythes = teh secksy
          - Crosbows (elvaan stance is the best in the game)
          - Dark side of good or good side of evil ?
          - Blood weapon
          - ... rape yourself -_^ = DARKNESS = PRICELESS
          - A hole set of absorb spells
          - AF = secksier
          - Who gives a flying fsck if you have to wait a week to get in a party -_-;

          What else can I say ... hands down without a doubt ...
          DARK KNIGHT all the way !!!

          Due to unfortunate circumstance ,
          I will not be able to play anymore
          Good luck on your adventures ...


          • #20
            DRK is the clostest it gets to a vampire in ffxi and we all know how much vamps pwn ^_^;


            • #21
              Cause I like playing evil oriented classes. It's always been a draw for me.

              Nevermind the fact we tear it up on the battlefields, it's all good when you are a Dark Knight.

              Rank 5 San D'oria
              AF 1 - Completed
              AF 2 - Completed

              Your nightmares are real.


              • #22
                well i dont have over population of dark knights in your server..because you'll care about waitin a week to get into a party bcuz w/o party u wont progress XD
                Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


                • #23
                  Ragnarok is SWAMPED with NA players using DRK right now. Whenever i do a /sea all 30-40 inv almost 65% of them are DRK/WAR or DRK/THF. I was one of them too, so until the population of DRK dies down I am going to stick with MNK, which is a nice sort of DRK-lite.
                  Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
                  Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)


                  • #24
                    Not a DRK yet but...

                    ...I'm choosing to be a DRK because I've always liked the "Dark" characters in games I've played, same with anime. DRK is just the perfect job for me. Besides, I'm a little power hungry and who has more power than a DRK.


                    • #25
                      1 reason.

                      Taru drk with AF armor.


                      • #26
                        I play drk because my frist job was monk, kinda like the way how i do damage (double hit really adds up ^^ and no hate) and i subbed blm with my monk...... and i really liked how my monk can move around and do dmg or cast from time to time, and that is y I choose to play DRK.


                        • #27
                          wow just for my peice of mind who else chose monk as their first job class to level up to 30..and then made it into a drk knight...:confused:
                          Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


                          • #28
                            Drk AF > ALL
                            Attached Files

                            Originally posted by SevIfrit
                            we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...

